Chapter 103: The Duo and 15 Kings - Fuurinkazan

"Who knows? It is confirmed that they are recruiting but they only accepted 20 new members you know? Even the three princes besides the famous [Ice Prince] are all not originally from the guild. But I think the reason why the [Fire Prince] joined the guild is that he is the brother of the [Ice Prince]..." The man said while he is scratching his chin.

"Well, it is not a bad thing if we tried, isn't it? Plus, [Fuurinkazan] knows us!" The woman laughed loudly as the man suddenly interrupted, "But--based on the recruited members who are quite famous on the outside said that they have certain standards and a unique one... We are not quite sure what are those standards..."

"Standards? Is that why they refused to recruit or let the other ranker joins the guild?" The woman muttered as she watched the live stream.

Austin and Palax aren't moving at all and they are only talking.

"Life and Death battle on both tank users? Interesting..." Palax said with an arrogant face which really pisses Austin off.

Austin may look a little bit dignified and a person who pursues justice but in reality, he is kind of cold-blooded and short-tempered. He is a lazy person who also hates to deal with any problems.

Every time he needs to deal with a problem, he is always saying that it is too troublesome.

One more irritating face Palax makes, he will explode.

"I'll let you attack me first..." Austin coldly said as his golden eyes glowed.

'Keke, even if you are a tank, my passive-- [Ignoring Defense] will definitely pierce your defense! [Absolute Defense] is the only skill that can't ignore its defense but it is almost a god-rank skill that there is only one person who has that! That person is my friend from the other guild!' He thought as he raised his mace.

"[Mace Drop]" He rushed towards him and then strikes Austin very hard vertically.

The ground cracked and the wind became violent. It is proof that the attack is very powerful.

Smoke rose and the live stream can't capture what is happening but the people who are watching the duel on the sideline were shocked.

Palax who just attacked him--just got hit by an invisible skill. His body opened a lot of wounds and his nine orifices are bleeding too.

But on the other side, Austin is standing like earlier is unscathed!

"What on earth happened?" The woman who is watching the live stream is kind of frustrated because of the smoke.

"Wait--the smoke is dispersing!" The man said as he immensely observed the battle.

On the smoke, two silhouettes of the man are slowly fading out, showing the two players. Palax who just attacked is badly injured but the one who got hit did not even get one scratch.

"J-just what is going on?!" The woman said in shock.

"Calm down, Olivia. It seems like there is something that happened in the attack just earlier..." He closed his eyes as he started to look for the possibility of what he just did but it seems like it is impossible for a pure tank like Austin to badly injure his enemy just like that.

It is--impossible.

Every comment in the live stream is a mess. They are all confused and asking what happened. Combat tanks can be matched with fighters or swordsmen and on top of that, their defense is insane.

But a 'confirmed' pure tank just badly injured that player?

Palax is famous for his passive that ignores defenses. He also shamelessly attacks them while lowering their guards.

While Austin was confirmed that he is a pure tank thanks to an [Appraiser] that encountered him once.

Unfortunately for that [Appraiser], his [Appraisal] is very low so he can't see his stats, only basic information such as age, race, and class. His name was cannot be seen due to his identity as the [Fuurinkazan]. So his name on that [Appraisal] is [Fuurinkazan]

He is a confirmed [Pure-blooded Tank] by the public.

But that is wrong, it is the effect of the [Status Concealer] of Theo. He made every stats and information about his friends anonymous and the name will be changed into their nicknames. He also changed their classes.

He placed [Pure-blooded Tank] in Austin but in fact, he is a [Light Guardian], a tank where he uses light to defend.

Every time that Theo is looking at Austin's passive, he still can't remove his astonishment due to the fact that it is over powered.

And since Theo once saw this again, he managed to copy it by using his eyes and his comprehension stat.

"J-just what did you do?!" Palax vomited blood as he retreated a few meters away from Austin.

"I--didn't do anything..." Austin shrugged his shoulder as he sneered.

"You lied! My [Ignoring Defense] can definitely break your defense by 100%! How are you unscathed!" Austin smiled Palax continued roaring.

"I see- so that is [Ignoring Defense]... That is why you got damaged badly, huh?" Austin said as he coldly smirked towards him.

"W-what did you say?!" He continued roaring angrily.

"I have a passive that can give you your own taste of skills..." He smirked coldly.

"W-what?" Not just Palax is surprised, everyone in the area and the live stream is shocked.

"You got it right, it is passive, that any damage and effect that I receive will not be effective to me but to the one who damages me. Haha." He chuckled a little bit as he stared at the injured Palax.

"Y-you!" He can't believe that there is such a thing.

The kings on the sideline are sighing as they stared at Austin. They know that he is an honest guy but they didn't think that he'll expose his own skill.

Well, it is also not a big deal since that passive has no cooldown at all.

That would already make him the most invincible tank known throughout the game.

Austin's passive is called, [Invinsibility], a passive that will be triggered once the user wants to. It reflects any skills, damage, effects, curses, and a lot of others more with their full power or 100%.

That is a real terrifying skill.

"Now, that your turn is done... Let me damage you..." Austin raised his sword and gathered a lot of energy in the air.

[Sword Dragon's Energy Slash]

He slashed downwards and cuts Palax in an instant in half.

It is one of the skills that he got from the [Sword Dragon Skill Tree] that Theo gave him.

[Player [Palax] got killed!]

[Winner: Fuurinkazan]

[Grade: Excellent]

[Rewards will be given shortly.]

"Tch, just excellent?" He complained as he walked back towards his group.

Meanwhile, on the mountain peak of somewhere, the male and female duo are speechless.

"There is such thing, Leon?" Olivia's expression is complicated.

"I-I don't even know... Even with my class, [All-Seeing Prophet], I don't have any information about skills like that!" Leon said in confusion.

"It seems like I am really interested to join there now! Our adventure will be fun if we join that guild!" Olivia excitedly said as she stood up full of determination.

"I agree but do you think they'll let us join because of our reason? Having fun, freedom, adventure, and do whatever we wanted?" Leon's face is a little bit complicated too. His confidence is small and you can say that he is a real coward.

Not because that he doesn't want to die in the game but the people who know about his skill and class only wanted something from him.

[All-Seeing Prophet] is a skill that lets him see all non-player important events in the future like finding a treasure, finding inheritances, and many more.

"Are you still scared of being get used? Just come with me!" She immediately took his arm and jumped down from the pea of the mountain.

"You have a once-in-a-week skill, right? A weird skill that lets you see the future of a certain player?" It is a bizarre skill that is incomprehensible even if he leaked this information to the public.

Once, he used that skill into his own consciousness and then saw that they'll go into the snowy mountains with Olivia and it really happened three days later.

The system is really mysterious.

"Then, how about you look into [Fuurinkazan]'s future after the duel?" He closed his eyes as he remembers the image of an armored man.


"Then, are you going to go back to your journey to the [Smitty Kingdom], Theo?" [Flame Emperor] said as he looked in the future from Austin's perspective.

"Yeah, I am training in real-world for three months with Blake after all. How about you Xavier?" Theo asked as he placed his arm around his shoulder.

"Hmm? We'll go back and level together... Well, I'll go with our party. Austin and the rest are going on a separate spot..." Xavier said as he looked at Austin in the vision of Leon.


"Theo, Xavier, Blake, and Austin... It seems like the real name of [Fuurinkazan] is Austin... Olivia! Theo or the [Ice Prince] will go into the [Smitty Kingdom], it is kind of far away but we can reach there after the duel of the 15 kings is finished, right?" Leon said to Olivia who is confident in her speed.

Olivia has a class called [Incarnation of Speed], an agile fighter class where they use speed, momentum, and forced to fight. They are currently in the [Demon Empire] below the [Dragon Empire] and [Beastman Empire] while it is also beside the [Dryad Empire]

With her speed, they can reach that kingdom within thirty minutes which is already enough to reach there even after the battle.

Every duel is one to two minutes, after all except for the duel of the two assassins earlier.

"Theo... the [Ice Prince]? Why him, he is like a cold-blooded killer while fighting, right?" Olivia said as she recalled the battle against the top three guilds in the very first guild war.

"No--on that vision that I saw, he is a handsome guy who is wearing a gentle expression. I can feel Austin's feeling towards them too. It seems like he is happy while he is with them..." He stated as he remembers the face that Theo made.

"Then Blake is the [Fire Prince], right? His first debut is when they destroyed the [Sanctuary Guild]. Then who is Xavier?" Olivia asked as she is also curious.

"The [Flame Emperor]" He said as they finally reached the base of that mountain.

"Hmm... I see, then let's meet Theo then!" Olivia said in an enthusiastic mood.