Chapter 104: United Guild Alliance and 15 Kings - Sword Saint

After that battle, Regulus's members lost all of their confidence and hope of winning. They know their leader's plan but they have their own dignity and pride. They already know that they'll lose miserably.

"Let's have you, [Sword Saint]" Xavier said as he looked into Tyler with a wink, telling him, "Do whatever you want"

Xavier, Chase, Theo, and Blake already read the expression of the other party, they are all feeling a hopeless outcome. Their faces are showing that they already know what will happen so they just surrendered deep inside their hearts.

"Roger..." Tyler said as he walked forward.

Every person in this place already knows who is he, just by looking at his aura, they already know that he is the swordsman who destroyed the [Sky High Guild] along with the [Ice Prince].

"I know there is no hope already but please, Yuka, fight him..." Regulus whispered to Yuka, the woman who looks like a mage. She is nervous to fight with him.

Who would dare to use a mage to fight with a swordsman?

[Faragos Guild] might've noticed his weakness during the guild war, Theo already covered it for Tyler so he has no more weakness.

Theo used [Appraisal] to look at Yuka's status.

[Name: Yuka]

[Level: 1,997]

[Class: Mage]

She is just a common normal mage and her stats are very low except for her intelligence that reached 10,000 due to the free undistributed points and equipment. Plus her skills are countless.

It seems like she might just be a mage but she can use a lot of magic on five elements: fire, water, light, sun, and earth.

'A five-elemental affinity mage.' Theo thought as he is looking at Yuka.

'Even Lizzie can defeat her, is she even considered a ranker? Or is she on the ranker list?' He looked into the website of Olympus and looked into the player ranking section.

"Yuka, ranked 52nd in the overall ranking and 10th in the mage ranking, huh? It seems like they planned to bind him but it is really unfortunate to them..." he muttered as he began looking further into rankings.

Theo gave Tyler the [Anti-Magic Body] passive where magic can't do many effects towards him. Even he'll get bound, he can easily get out of it now...

"Initiate Duel..." Both of them said in unison as Yuka went into the field.

[Duel is initiating...]

[Limited-time event is initiating,,,]

[Random Duel...]

[Duel Start!]

[Life of War: Every attack (Magical, Physical, True Damage) will be increased by 100% and the damage output will become twice as powerful as before.]

Tyler noticed her expression that she had no confidence in winning...

"Why are your face like that?" Tyler said as he looked at Yuka.

"W-why?" She replied as she nervously looked away.

"You should raise your head and fight with your everything. You should be confident to yourself..." Tyler said with a straightforward and gentle tone.

Tyler knows that this battle is the battle of distance. Once the enemy is far away from him, he almost can't do anything unless he uses martial arts while once the enemy is near, he will win immediately.

Tyler is still a kind-hearted person. She won't even try to make her defeat in the wrong way, unlike Austin and Kingsley that who immediately finished the battle.

He is comforting and making her regain her confidence, she'll distance herself away from him, with this, she has a chance of winning.

But everyone is shocked by what he just said.

Every person in the live stream and the spectators nearby are all dumbfounded.

They saw how powerful is the guild. Especially the ability that Kingsley and Austin but only showed their dark side or to be more precise, they looked into the enemy as a real enemy.

That is why they are quite brutal and that is the reason why everybody started to think that all of the kings are like that.

But suddenly, Tyler said something that encourages the enemy.

All spectators and watchers of the live stream remembered what Theo and Levy did earlier.

Theo protected everyone in the area while Kingsley is fighting against Josh and healed the summoned beasts of John because Levy requested it.

All this time, all players mistook them by all of them are just brutal players.


"It seems like we're wrong about them..." A player said in the comments.

"Yeah, we feared them because of their monster-like abilities so we always thought that they are brutal players..." Another player said in the comment in response to the previous comment.

All players witnessed how they defeated the top three guilds, destroy the [Sanctuary Guild], Destroy the [Electrofrost Guild], a lot of others more but they only did it for someone's sake or for the name of their guild's sake.

All of them are righteous, to begin with, but the people are talking about something bad about them so the people thought of them as monsters.

In the guild, [Marquiss of Darkness], their guild leader alongside the other leaders of the [United Guild Alliance], they are talking about the [Silent Guild]

"It seems like the comments are saying that they are good..." The guild leader of the [Monarch of Owl] guild said as he is looking at the comments.

"Yeah, if they are really like that, then, we should also ask them to join the [United Guild Alliance]?" The guild leader of the [Quasar] asked as he is looking into the faces of the guild leaders who are watching the duels since earlier.

"We should. But what should we do if they refuse?" The guild leader of [Woltergeist] said in response to the question.

"Ask them if how they are looking at the other guild, if it is something good and not hostile, that is probably their declaration of being the ally of the [United Guild Alliance] but if it is something very bad or intense, if they can't be an ally, then they can only be our enemy..." The guild leader of [Marquiss of Darkness] said.

The [United Guild Alliance] is currently formed by the twelve pillars and more than a hundred guilds. And all of those guilds have a good reputation, it was created by the government after all.

Back to the duel, Yuka regained his confidence in courage because of what did just the [Sword Saint] said.

It is the effect of his original passive, [Word of the World]

Once he is in public and he just said something out loud, the view and the mindset of the people will turn 180 degrees immediately or they will believe what just the [Sword Saint] said. They will also realize everybody's mistake and touch the heart of the people.

It is a very terrifying skill that can control people.

Since the game capsule can interfere with your brain like losing memories, that also means that this skill can also affect the players once they logged out in the game.

But it is also kind of weird because even if you are in the real world, to begin with, the watchers or the targets are also being affected.

We are in the world of technology and the people who hid in the darkness that uses aura and cultivate, but this isn't the world that can just be affected by some kind of game.

Theo suspects that there is also some kind of waves that connects the game world and the real world and releasing it once a skill is being used.

Even so, it is as if, the game is affecting the real world.

"That is the spirit!" Tyler said as he released his sword and then Yuka readied her staff.

[Lightning Flash]

A flashbang-like skill just blinded everyone but Theo is not affected. Theo witnessed her use another skill, "[Light Fang]!"

A line of concentrated light formed from her staff and almost hits Tyler, luckily, he felt it.

That skill can probably slash, pierce, and cut through anything.

Theo smiled and included it on his list of skills. He is enjoying this benefit.

When Tyler felt [Light Fang], he immediately knows where is the source of that magic because of his passive skill, "[Source Detection]"

Everyone is still blinded and can't see what they are doing. The only person who can see is Theo and some people or players who are watching the live stream that is not affecting them at all.

Tyler charges through her but he immediately felt another magic.

"[Lightning Javelin] and [Earth Bind]!" A simultaneous casting, a passive skill that can cast more than two or three magic called [Simultaneous Magic Casting]

Theo thought, 'I can only cast two times at the same time, luckily someone just used it, I managed to comprehend it. It would greatly increase my battle effectivity...'

With this skill, Theo can now cast more than three magic at the same time.

Plus, every time he comprehended skills, he can comprehend all of its fatal flaws and know how to improve them further. That is why every time he is comprehending or getting a skill through contact using [Universal Ability], the skills are all max level when he learned it.