Chapter 7 Friend request Yes or no

After about an hour of messing around with my illusions( I don't think it's ever gonna get old)I recieved a notification for a friends request. It was Avenging Heavens I.D. and wanted to know if I wanted to group up again to power level.

I wasn't sure if I could get away with fooling someone i spent all day with yesterday partying with into believing i was a healer. But then again Avenging wasn't like most of the pros I'd met so I decided to say yes. Besides i needed to figure out how to fool people into thinking i was a healer and this was the perfect opportunity. It may also explain why I was doing so horribly yesterday in the damage department.

Next thing to do was to go power level again. we headed out of town towards the black cave. You guessed it. The starter dungeon to help people learn to work in groups. Out in front of the cave you had dozens of groups just looking for the right person to join their group. From what i could tell most were searching for a healer, which was good news for me.

Since it was a training dungeon usually there was not a lot of strain on the healers but it was a good chance for me to learn the art of healing. The only requirement to enter was being lvl 5 and since both of us were there we just needed to find a group looking for a healer and damage dealer because i wasn't sure i would be able to teach her how to tank just yet until she memorized all her skills and didn't need me to remind her to use different ones in different situations.

It took us about an hour to find a group that was not only looking for a healer but would let her join as well. But the group wanted to test us before they would let us join. I get it. They just want to know how capable we are. So we went out and had the tank go around and collect four or five monsters at a time and had me heal thru the damage. Thanks to my new skills for int it wasn't too hard but i realized i would need to buy some water and potions if i was going to be using my mana the whole time. Thankfully there was a shop near the caves entrance so we were able to stock up before starting.

Before we could enter a huge noise could be heard headed for the cave and soon we understood. A huge monster appeared around the corner and started attacking the groups and was headed towards the cave. Its name was in silver so everyone knew this was one of the rare spawns for the world. Next Gen had already warned when a lot of people gathered in certain areas it could spawn a rare spawn in certain situations.

Man was this guy ugly. He looked like a cross between an alligator a raptor and some kind of ostrich and his name was erisk, the untouchable. He took out the first 2 groups with a wind spell that had enough power to knock even those back towards the cave off of their feet, then proceeded to kick and scratch around anyone that was near. I quickly ran forward and started healing everyone randomly since i could only see my party members health.

My group must have been snapped out of the daze they were in because they decided to join in since someone in their party was getting involved.

One of the first things i noticed was that the big guy was not affected by aggro he was just attacking the closest person to him. Now was the time to have some fun. I closed my eyes and centered myself before i started the illusion spell, targeting only Erisk since everyone's attention was facing the boss and i was nowhere near him at the time.

I put an image of me in front of him running and made it to where the he headed right into a cliff, doing massive damage to his head and causing a confused debuff to him at the same time. Everyone saw what happened and immediately took advantage of it and knocked him down to about 50% of his health before he was able to start attacking again.

By this time all of the tanks from the group had already formed a line and were preventing him from going after the ones doing the damage and slowly but surely his life was going down. Between me and the one other healer out of all the groups we had our hands full. Thankfully a couple of groups went and had a few runners going back and forth getting us potions, Making bandages and treating minor wounds to try and take the burden off of the 2 healers.

It was working until the boss hit ten percent, then all hell broke loose. Not only did he enrage, turning a dark red and getting an increase in damage but he summoned a couple of normal level fives to keep us busy. It was gonna be now or never. I concentrated on evisk again and planted the same image of me running and had him chasing after a ghost while the rest of the group dealt with the monsters. Once all the little guys were dead, I once again ran Erisk into the clif this time dislodging some boulders which put him down to about half a percent.

Then, luckily, my group ran in and got the final hit claiming the boss as our kill. The way it works is that everyone gets exp and gold based on contribution during the fight and a very small chance for a random drop from the boss or higher class monsters.. The group who got the kill would then get a chance to loot the boss which was guaranteed drops of skills weapons and armor. Everything a growing boys needs.