Chapter 8 Dividing the loot

Next Gen Had Decided to make gear for each class and only those who could use the item would be able to roll on it. Since this was my first time being in a group i never knew this. So anything i could use i was taking.

What i didn't know was that others could see your gear pickups and a healer shouldn't have been able to pick up some of the gear i was given by the system. Little did I know that this was gonna start a fight before we even got into the dungeon.

As soon as we got into the dungeon everyone turned to me and aimed their weapons at me(excluding Avenging heavens who knew nothing of what was going on.

"What are you playing at your supposed to be a healer?" Asked the tank. "are you not supposed to be a healer? Then why was it giving you agi type fighter gear?" Answer or we will just have to kill you until you tell us what we want to hear.

I was already projecting my illusion on all of them and was safely five feet left of where all of the weapons were pointed, so i felt no threat from them but i did owe them a plausible explanation if i wanted to continue being a part of their party. So i told them how i found a special quest which allowed me to pick a legendary hybrid class.. One which not only healed but was able to fight as well. just not as well as other healers or fight as well as other fighters.

After about 30 mins I believe that i had fooled the by showing a couple of skills only healers would have and demonstrating skills only a fighter could use . Of course i never moved the entire time it was all an illusion.

As we finally got ready to enter the dungeon a special quest popped up. Since it said it was in the dungeon i didn't really read it just assumed that clearing the dungeon would fulfill the quest i left it alone.

After grabbing all the essentials from the store, we all made our way into the dungeon by stepping into a misty opening in the hollow of the biggest tree in the forest. As we stepped thru we all felt this swirling around u and we were dropped (and i mean dropped) into a swampy area of the forest as we were surrounded by monster groups .