Chapter 10: The Interrogation Room

Silence. The two blonde women stared at each other silently, the older woman's lips were pursed, while the younger woman's face was blank. The only noise that could be heard was the everyday movement of the village outside the window on the streets. The entire Hokage office was suddenly very quiet, like the entire building was waiting for an explanation.

"Excuse me?" Tsunade finally asked, her facial expression turning into a snarl. Tsunade was not impressed with this joke. Ino, or this imposter was taking things too far.

Ino shifted her weight to her left foot and inhaled deeply, "Technically speaking, I am Namikaze Ino, but Naruto decided to keep his mother's name."

Tsunade stared, then shook her head. She opened her eyes. No, Ino was still standing there. "How did you find out about Naruto's heritage?"

"He told me?" Ino half-asked, half-stated. She was annoyed by the old woman's slow response to this.

Tsunade narrowed her eyes, "That's impossible. Speaking of his heritage is forbidden. There is no way Naruto knows about his parents!"

Ino smirked, "Not your Naruto, at least." Tsunade remained silent, Ino took this as her queue to speak, "Where I come from, Naruto is thirty-seven."

Tsunade was certain that either Ino has lost her mind, or she was an intruder. Tsunade quickly opened the top drawer of her desk and pressed the red button hidden underneath a stack of paperwork. The silent alarm should reach ANBU within seconds. Ino noticed Tsunade's movement and couldn't help, but laugh to herself. She had a feeling this would happen. While they awaited the arrival of the ANBU, Ino pretended to be unaware of her 'future doom' and checked out her fingernails. They were painted purple. How predictable.

Two ANBU appeared before Tsunade's desk. "You called, Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade felt like punching the two for being so indiscreet. She nodded, then pointed to Ino, who was still pretending not to notice the situation she was in. The ANBU glanced at her, frowned, then looked back at their leader.

"How is she a threat?" one of the ANBU asked.

Tsunade's eyebrow twitched, "She's speaking nonsense! Arrest her and call for Inoichi!"

The ANBU nodded. One grasped Ino's arm while the other disappeared. Ino did not make any movement against her captive. Tsunade was surprised that the blonde teenager wasn't putting up a fight. Ino allowed the ANBU to drag her out of the office and down to the interrogation department. Ino smiled in victory. At least her message will get through.

Inoichi wished he could die. When he walked into the interrogation department and saw his daughter chained, he thought the world had to be ending.

"Ino?" Inoichi asked, hesitantly. Ino stared at her father blankly, then smiled.

"Hi, dad," Ino greeted happily, like she wasn't about to be groped in the mind by her own father. She didn't have anything to hide after all...okay, maybe her sex life was something she should hide, but she didn't want to waste any energy on blocking her memories. She had to save as much energy as possible to reverse the jutsu that caused her and her other self to travel dimensions.

"What did you do?" Inoichi demanded.

Ino sighed, "All I did was tell Tsunade that Naruto has a mother and a father. it that surprising?"

Inoichi stared at Ino. He stared some more, then turned to his co-worker, "This is not my daughter. My daughter would never speak like that to me!"

"That's why we're interrogating her?" his co-worked half-asked, half-stated.

Inoichi narrowed his eyes and turned back to Ino, "Who are you?"

"I'm Uzumaki Ino."

"Don't be stupid," Inoichi warned, suddenly very serious, "There are almost no Uzumaki clan members left. Uzumaki Kushina had no relatives when she moved here and Uzumaki Naruto is an orphan. And any children of Uzumaki Mito was born with the name Senju."

Ino rolled her eyes, "Ever occurred to you that one day Naruto would get married?"

Inoichi gawked.

"No?" Ino asked, "Well, surprise, surprise, he did!"

Inoichi was certain of it, this woman was not his daughter. He motioned for the team to move her to the interrogation room. It was time to study this imposter's mind.

The team worked quickly, strapping Ino into the dome and then proceeding to their positions. Ino pretended to look bored, but truthfully she was enjoying her father's expressions. One minute he was confused, the next he was angry, then he was confused again. She shivered when Inoichi placed his palm on her forehead and then the world went black.

Inoichi had to admit, the woman had quite an impressive mind. He admired her brain for awhile, then proceeded to work. He unrolled a scroll of memories and prepared himself for the worst. He was bombarded with the complete unexpected.

"What will you name her?"

Before him was an image of himself, along with whom he assumed was his daughter, but several years older. They were in hospital and a newborn infant was in his daughter's arms. His wife stood by his side. He stared at the scene in shock. This had to be a joke! This was a genjutsu!

"Kaguya. Her name is Kaguya, like the princess of the Moon."

Inoichi quickly zoomed away from that memory. Deciding that that was clearly a fluke, he moved unto a new one.

"Sasuke will come back, Naruto."

It was his daughter again, but this time she looked sixteen. She was dressed in a purple kimono, standing next to Uzumaki Naruto who was sitting in the rain, drenched. Ino held an umbrella over him to shield him away. Naruto looked up at her and smiled weakly. Inoichi was flabbergasted by the sheer chemistry that sparked between the two.

"Thanks, Ino. You're a great friend."

Inoichi moved to the next memory, hoping to find something that clearly wasn't trying to play with his mind.

"What do you mean Neji is dead?"

Ino exclaimed this angrily to someone Inoichi could not see. His daughter still looked sixteen, but she was dressed in a navy uniform with a flak jacket. Her face and arms were covered with scratches and bruises. It was almost like she had just come out of battle. Her face was twisted in pure anger and sadness and her blonde hair was dirty.

A softer voice responded, "Dead means dead, Ino. We're at war, causalities are expected."

Inoichi knew that voice. Shikamaru. It had to be him, or Shikaku. It was definitely one of the Nara men. But war? What war was he speaking of? What was going on? Hyuga Neji wasn't dead! He was certain of it! Inoichi narrowed his eyes. This woman was far more cunning than expected.

"What am I going to tell her?"

Inoichi noticed his daughter's tears as she asked the question. Silence passed, then finally she received a response.

"Tell her that Neji died a hero. It's the best you can do, Ino."

Inoichi slipped out of Ino's mind with a puzzled expression on his face. He has been searching her mind for hours, but all her memories were so vivid, so unusual that he came to one conclusion. She wasn't his daughter, but at the same time she was.

"And?" one of his co-workers asked.

"She means no harm," Inoichi pointed out, "she loves Konoha very dearly. But...she is definitely not from our world. There are many memories that conflicts with out history and time. It's almost like she...time traveled."

"That's impossible!" his co-worker objected.

"Is it?" Inoichi asked, "So many jutsus have been developed, ones that we always thought would be impossible, yet it was achieved. Why is time travel not one of them?"

His co-worker thought for awhile, "It goes against human morals!"

"How?" Inoichi asked, "Because she has seen what will happen? Because she will change the future by being here? How do we know that this happens? Perhaps fate has already been written and the past and future can never be changed."

"We can't take risks, though," his co-worker pointed out.

Inoichi sighed, "You're right. Keep an eye on her, I'll report to the Hokage."

Ino was transferred back to the Hokage's office after she woke up. She was still chained, and kept under steady surveillance. She was placed on a chair, with several eyes watching her. She recognized plenty of faces, but when her eyes landed one one pair of eyes, she felt anger build up.

"What is he doing here?" Ino asked.

Tsunade glanced at the person Ino was referring to, then back at Ino, "Here to hear you speak."

Ino glared at Tsunade, "I refuse to talk with him here."

"Why?" Tsunade asked.

"Because," Ino stated, "I don't want him here."

"Is there something wrong with me?" Naruto demanded. Ino glanced at him, her heart soaring. How she wished she could jump and pull him into a tight embrace, but she knew that he wasn't her Naruto.

"No," Ino whispered, "I just...this is confidential."

"It involves him," Tsunade pointed out.

"No, it doesn't," Ino stated, her eyes on Tsunade. Tsunade noticed the cold warning coming from the blonde. She has never seen Ino so frightening, it made even her, the Hokage shiver. She sighed and turned to Naruto. Naruto didn't even have to look at her, he already knew what the old woman was going to say. He had to leave. Annoyed, Naruto stomped to the door, opened it and slammed it behind him.

Tsunade sighed, "Alright, tell me your name, age, gender, registration number, rank, marital status and where you live."

Ino inhaled deeply, "I am Uzumaki Ino, thirty-seven-years-old and female. My registration number is zero-one-two-six-zero-four. I am currently married to Uzumaki Naruto and I live in the Konoha Manor, which at this moment does not exist."

Tsunade frowned. The few ANBU and Jounin present were also baffled. Inoichi however, knew she wasn't lying – he had seen it all in her memories. Of course, he wasn't sure is her memories were correct, but he had a feeling that she wasn't the type to lie. After all, she was most likely his daughter.

"Inoichi tells me you are from a different dimension," Tsunade pointed out.

"I believe so," Ino responded.

"How did this happen?" Tsunade asked, "Inoichi told me some of your memories were blocked off."

Ino sighed. She didn't mean to block her memories, since she wanted to spare her energy, but she decided against it in the last minute. She had a image to uphold, her father seeing her make love to Naruto would just be weird. Of course, she hid a few other things deep within her mind too.

"I am a Yamanaka," Ino pointed out. Inoichi smirked. Smart girl.

Tsunade didn't find this amusing, "I cannot free you until you have proven this. You must unblock your memories."

"No," Ino declined without even thinking, "I hid them for a reason, not just to keep them away from you. It's dangerous."

"How?" Inoichi asked.

"I cannot tell you," Ino stated, "but I can assure you, I will reverse this. I will get the real Ino back and then return to my world."

Tsunade thought this over for awhile, "Alright, that sounds reasonable, but I have conditions."

Ino sighed, she also knew this was coming.

"One," Tsunade started, "you will be under surveillance. Two, you are not allowed any missions until we can trust you. Three, no one must know of this. And I mean no one. You must pretend to be sixteen...your old life cannot be lived here."

Ino rolled her eyes, "Oh, I know."

"I'm glad we have an understanding," Tsunade smiled.

Ino smirked. She wasn't so sure that this wasn't an understanding, but then again, she wasn't exactly in a position to complain.


A/N: So some seem confused about what is happening. Chapter 9 and 10 covered the events of the thirty-seven-year-old Ino who is now stuck in the body of her younger self. Yes, it is dimension traveling - with a twist! Adult Ino knows what's going'll find out in future chapters why and how!