Chapter 11: It Matches Her Eyes

Uzumaki Naruto was not just the Hokage, but he was a husband and a father to two beautiful children he loved more than anything else (except maybe his wife). So you would expect him to be a happy man. Happy, unfortunately, was currently a dead word in the poor young soul's dictionary.

It was a cold morning, and when Naruto's eyes fluttered open, he realized once more that he was in bed alone. He was curled into a ball, a position he often placed himself in when stressed, down or lonely. Naruto bit his lip, closed his eyes and let out a deep sigh. How he wished he could turn back time and make all this pain go away. Silence echoed through the house. Everyone was still asleep. Naruto was the only living soul awake.

Or so he thought...

The door to the guest room suddenly burst open and in stumbled his wife, or who was supposed to be his wife. Ino was already dressed in a long-sleeved purple sweater and gray pants. Her short hair was neatly brushed and tucked behind her ears, her lips had been moistened with lip gloss and her eyelashes perked with mascara. All in all, she looked ready for a day out and about.

Naruto's first thought? He was definitely dreaming. But he was proven wrong when she jumped on the bed and started shaking him.

"Naruto! Naruto!" she gasped in-between haggard breaths. Naruto groaned and sat up.

"What?" he snapped, a bit more aggressively than he meant. Ino didn't seem to notice his tone though, since she grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently. Naruto watched the world shake before him.

"I don't have a dress! It's a nightmare!" Ino exclaimed.

Oh. So that's why she disturbed him. Great.

"What?" Naruto asked, confused. Ino continued shaking him.

"I went through every single dress I have in the wardrobe...but there is nothing good enough for a banquet! And how do I know if I have worn them before? I can't wear the same dress twice!"

Naruto grabbed Ino's hands and stilled her shaking. Ino was now staring at him, her eyes wide and desperate. Naruto watched her groggily. Women. They never change. Even his Ino, the one he married...the one who was thirty-seven like himself panicked like this over dresses. And she was a fully mature adult. A mother. Kaguya was supposed to be the teenager in the house, but quite often, Naruto questioned that belief. Kaguya did indeed, inherit her grandfather's serious personality.

"Have you tried the usual?" Naruto asked.

Ino seemed a little confused, "Usual?"

"Yeah," Naruto grumbled, "Astra's place. You always go to her when there's a fashion emergency."

Ino seemed even more baffled, "Who's Astra?"

Naruto stared at his wife for several moments, debating whether she was an imposter or not, but then it all came back flooding to him. In that one single moment, he had forgotten that this woman before him might look like his wife, but she was not the same woman he married. He sighed.

"Hyuuga Astra," Naruto stated, "She's probably the most proclaimed seamstress in the Land of Fire...or so Hinata and yourself claim."

"Hinata?" Ino asked. Naruto nodded. "Hyuuga Astra? Is she related to Hinata?"

Naruto grimaced, "No, duh. They are cousins...or something. I never really bothered to ask. Anyways, why don't you go find something at Astra's place?"

Ino thought for awhile, then smiled, "You are a genuine lifesaver, Naruto! I could kiss you right now!"

And then Ino jumped up and dashed out of the room. Naruto sighed. How he wished she did kiss him.

Ino stopped when she was halfway into the central business area of Konoha and slapped her forehead. She didn't even bother to ask Naruto where exactly Astra's place was located! Ino groaned. Now she felt like a complete idiotic fool. Should she turn around and go ask him? She thought of it, but she had a feeling he would be busy, being Hokage and all, so she decided against it.

She decided to ask for directions instead. If Astra was the best seamstress in the Land of Fire, then someone is bound to know where to find her. Besides, she was a Hyuuga...all Hyuugas are famous. Right? Right...

Ino tapped the shoulder of the first woman she saw. From the back, she was slightly shorter than Ino, had long wavy black hair and was dressed in white and red robes. She was carrying a tool kit and pouch, so Ino deduced that she was a kunoichi. The woman spun around, and Ino came face-to-face with Asuma's face, only younger...and female. The woman smiled, her ringed crimson eyes smiling with her mouth.

"Ino!" the woman exclaimed and then she pulled Ino into a breathtaking hug. Ino squirmed and coughed, and then the woman pulled away and laughed. "Sorry, didn't mean to choke you."

Ino smiled, after all, she could do nothing else. She didn't even know who this was.

"It's been too long!" the woman gushed, "Father and I were hoping to train again soon. We should spar!"

Ino panicked, but didn't let it show, ", yeah, sure."

The woman furrowed her brows, "Are you alright? You seem a little...out of it."

Ino was about to reply, but the door behind them that led into an antique store opened and a tall, dark-haired man stepped out. He had tanned skin, a few strands of gray hair on his head and beard, warm brown eyes, a cigarette popped in his mouth and his hands buried deep in his navy pants pockets. Ino's eyes widened and her breath was swept away. The world came to an absolute standstill as she stared at the man before her. She had to be dreaming. This was a sick and cruel joke. It had to be.

For Sarutobi Asuma was supposed to be dead!

Asuma glanced at Ino, winked at her, then he proceeded to poke the woman before her on the head. The woman grumbled and turned around, her hands on her hips.

"Funny," she groaned, "very funny, daddy."

Asuma shrugged, "You love it, kid."

The woman poked out her tongue, then turned back to face Ino, who was still frozen in shock, "I was just asking Ino if she could spar with us sometime."

Asuma smiled, "Excellent. How have you been, Ino? I haven't seen you in awhile. My recent mission dragged on a bit long...Akemi could not keep her mouth shut on the way home."

The woman before him huffed, "Some great father you are!"

"You broke a nail," Asuma pointed out.

Akemi narrowed her eyes, "A very precious nail."

Asuma rolled his eyes. Ino suddenly gasped and came out of her shock. She glanced between the two before her and came to a conclusion. This woman, Akemi, was Asuma and Kurenai's baby. The one Kurenai was currently expecting in her time! To think she was to grow into such a beautiful woman with her father's face...Ino could not bare it. The tears just started to flow on their own.

Asuma and Akemi stared at the blonde in shock. Akemi was first to speak, "You offended her, daddy! How dare you! A woman's heart is a weak thing!"

Asuma lifted his arms as if he was surrendering, "What? All I said you broke a nail!"

Akemi pointed her finger at her father's face, "And Ino thinks nails are precious!"

Ino sobbed, but laughed at the two before her. How she missed Asuma. To think he was standing before warm and alive. Her older self was one damn lucky woman. But how could it be? How could Asuma be alive, when in the past he died? So many questions with not enough answers.

"I'm sorry," Ino sobbed, "I's so good to see you."

Asuma laughed softly, "I was only gone for three weeks, Ino. Miss me that much?"

Akemi snorted, "I would never miss you!"

"I wasn't talking to you," Asuma deadpanned, " were with me those three weeks. Of course you wouldn't miss your dear ol' daddy."

Ino laughed again. Yes, this man was indeed her old teacher. That much she knew.

Asuma and Akemi escorted Ino to Astra's place. Along the way they told her about their mission, and how they were worked to the bone by some crazy old lady with a baboon as a pet. Ino laughed all the way. The father and daughter was so alike, even their facial expressions looked the same at the same time. The only Kurenai Ino could see in Akemi was her eyes and hair, but that was about it.

"Here we are," Akemi stated. Ino stopped and looked up at a small, narrow building with two floors. It was rather plain, with two small windows and a old wooden door. There was no sign or label. In fact, it didn't look like a shop for dresses at all.

"Thank you," Ino thanked the two. Asuma and Akemi shrugged, then excused themselves, since they had to report in to Naruto. The minute Akemi said his name, she got a devilish look on her face and winked at Ino. What it meant, was still a mystery. Ino stepped up to the door, a smile gracing her features as she thought about her teacher and his daughter. certainly rang a bell. Ino raked her mind for any memories and then it came. Wasn't Akemi supposedly the one Hyuuga Masahiro had a crush on? Ino giggled. She could certainly see why. Akemi was a doll.

Ino lifted her hand to knock, but the old wooden door swung open before she had a chance. In the doorway stood a young woman with dark navy hair that curled around her face, red lips, white eyes and dressed in a very elaborate kimono. Ino blinked. The woman watched her, then smiled, but Ino could have sworn she saw some disdain in the woman's eyes.

"Ah," the woman sighed, "Lady Ino. A pleasure, as always. What can I do for you today? Lady Hinata has already left, if you were looking for her. She chose the most beautiful gown, I must admit. Matches her hair."

Ino nodded, not knowing how else to respond, "Actually, I'm looking for a dress myself."

The woman, who Ino assumed was Astra, narrowed her eyes, then smiled brightly, "Of course. Come in, I shall prepare the tea while you browse."

Ino stepped in, wondering why tea would be needed, but decided to go with whatever Astra said. She was led down a very narrow corridor which led to a wide open room filled with racks and racks of fine, elaborate, colorful and finely decorated dresses, kimonos, furisodes...the whole lot. Ino had never seen so many dresses in her life. It was breathtaking.

While Astra prepared the tea, Ino ran her fingers over the fine silks and cotton. There were so many, it would take forever to choose! Oh, how she wished she had a man to share his opinion right now. Nothing beats a man's opinion on a dress.

"Fancy the yellow?" Astra's voice came from nowhere, just as Ino's fingers grasped onto a yellow silk gown. Ino jumped and turned around. Astra was standing in the doorway, a tray in her one hand and a measuring tape in the other.

"Not really," Ino stated, "yellow doesn't suit me."

Astra smiled, "I agree. You always look the best in baby blue and purple. Why not aim for that instead?"

Ino nodded. Astra placed the tray on a wooden table in the corner of the room, then proceeded to walk over to a rack filled purple dresses. Ino watched her curiously.

"Are you looking forward to seeing your godchildren again?" Astra asked as she pulled out a dress, looked at it, then shook her head and tossed it aside.

Ino frowned. Godchildren? ", yes."

Astra nodded, "Quite an intelligent bunch they are. Of course, you would expect that from Lady Hinata's children. Too bad Masahiro didn't inherit his father's intelligence. He is quite a disgrace to the family in my opinion."

Ino bit her lip. She was feeling awfully out of place in this conversation. What was she supposed to say?

Astra pulled out another dress, held it up in front of Ino, shook her head and tossed it aside. "Do you have a favorite, Lady Ino?"

"Dress?" Ino asked.

Astra laughed, "No, no. I mean godchild. Do you love Misako or Daisuke more? Or perhaps the unborn child that is yet to be given a godmother. Hopefully it will be you. Lady Hinata seems rather fond of naming you godmother of all her offspring. Masahiro excluded, of course."

"Um," Ino trailed off. She shifted her weight, and quickly looked away. She wished she could just ignore the question, but she knew Astra expected an answer. "I love all of them."

Astra snorted, but did not comment. She pulled out a dress and nodded, "This is the one. I can feel it."

Astra handed Ino the dress and pushed her into a small room where she was to get changed. Ino quickly pulled off her sweater and pants and pulled on the dress. It was a deep purple, made of silk and revealed her back. It was cool and soft against her skin. Ino looked herself in the mirror and could not help, but think that she was sexy. She stepped outside to show Astra.

Astra nodded, "Perfect. Usually women wear kimono to the Hyuuga banquet, but you've never obeyed that law before. Besides, Lord Hokage won't wear anything traditional either. Unless you count those hideous Hokage robes traditional. I feel for all women married to Kage."

Ino merely smiled, not wanting to offend or encourage Astra. From what Naruto told her, Astra sounded like a nice woman, but Ino could now see that she was a demon. An absolute disgrace to women...she never imagined someone to be so rude. Astra pushed Ino back to get changed. Ino quickly got changed, swallowed down her tea (which tasted foul) and then proceeded to pay. Astra, however, merely told Ino it would be added to the bill. Whatever that meant.

And so Ino left the shop, happy to finally be free from the woman's clutches. Ino now knew that Hyuuga Astra was terrifying.

At least she will look stunning for the banquet.