Chapter 12: The Hyuga Master Returns

Ino was nervous when she stepped outside of the Konoha Manor. For starters, she was supposedly assisting with the preparation of the banquet which was to be held later that day. Her mother had arrived at her home early in the morning to drag her away. Poor Ino, she had to rush and pack everything she would need – her dress included, for she would not have time to return.

"Why am I helping again?" Ino asked.

Her mother shook her head in disbelief. "You help every year! It's a Hinata and Ino tradition!"

Ino frowned. Her mother have her an odd look, then she remembered that her daughter wasn't exactly the one that had been helping the Hyuga to prepare the banquet all these years. She smiled apologetically and patted her daughter's shoulder. Ino smiled weakly. She was nervous. The first being that she had no clue what was happening. The second? She supposedly had godchildren and she was certain she would meet them at the banquet. She wondered what they were like...and who their father was.

Mrs Yamanaka grabbed her daughter's arm and the two trotted down the streets towards the Hyuga Compound. Well, Mrs Yamanaka was trotting and Ino was being dragged along. Several people in the streets greeted the two women along the way, earning Ino quite a few surprises, once again. The villagers have been nothing but overly polite to her since she arrived in this new world. Was it because she was Naruto's wife? Probably...

The Hyuga Compound looked almost identical to the one from the past, except it had a few new editions added. Like a large wooden gate with to dragons standing beside it. Ino gawked at the statues, amazed by the fine craft work. Whoever designed them, was a seriously talented artist. Mrs Yamanaka did not allow Ino to gawk for long, since she was soon being dragged inside. There were large number of people scurrying around, carrying boxes and traditional decorations. Some were dressed in working robes, while others seemed to be more formal. Most of the workers seemed to be people from outside the clan, while the people in more formal dress all had the same Hyuga family eyes.

One woman came to a halt when Ino stepped inside. She was a servant, dressed in a black Yukata and a white apron. She bowed and quickly took Ino's things, claiming that it shall be taken to her room. Ino frowned. She had her own room here? The servant rushed off, soon to be replaced by another one who bowed down in her knees and took off Ino's shoes, much to her discomfort. She felt so horrible for allowing others to do everything for her. The servant then washed Ino's feet in a tub of hot water and handed her a pair of soft, brand new slippers. Ino took them, her eyes wide. The servant smiled, bowed then turned to do Mrs Yamanaka's feet.

A male servant, presumably the butler appeared and bowed before Ino. "Lady Hinata has been expecting you. She's in the drawing room, if you wish to see her now." Ino merely nodded and allowed the butler to escort her to the drawing room, which was a large traditional room furnished with dark wood and elaborate paintings. Hinata was sitting beside the window, staring out into the garden. She looked just as elegant as a few days earlier, her hair tied up in a bun with a red ribbon and clad in a white and golden kimono.

Hinata looked up at Ino and smiled. "Naruto told me you might not be able to make it, I'm glad you did."

Ino frowned. When did Naruto tell Hinata that? Making a note to ask him later, Ino sat down opposite Hinata. The butler served the two ladies tea, then left the room.

"I was thinking about Madoka," Hinata stated out of the blue. Ino looked up from her tea cup, her eyebrows furrowed. Hinata laughed, "If the baby is a girl...I want to name her Madoka."

Ino glanced at Hinata's baby bump, then nodded slowly. "That's a nice name. What father say about that?"

Hinata's smile faltered and she looked back out the window. Ino felt her stomach drop. Did she touch a nerve? Could it be that the father wasn't even in the picture? Suddenly Ino felt like kicking herself.

"He doesn't know," Hinata whispered, "I haven't discussed it with him yet. I will when he comes home."

Ino frowned. "When did you decide on the name?"

Hinata's smile returned, allowing Ino to breathe normally again. Hinata took a sip of her tea. "A few days ago actually, when I was in your shop."

"Oh," Ino trailed off, "'re going to use the characters for circle and flower? Is that what inspired it? The flowers?"

Hinata nodded. Ino smiled, then frowned again. "So why haven't you been able to discuss it with...the father?"

Hinata seemed alarmed by the question. She gave Ino an odd look, but answered anyway. "I haven't been able to write letters to him recently. I'm far too busy."

Ino merely nodded. She wanted to know more, but she could already see that Hinata was becoming suspicious of her questions. She couldn't spill all her secrets now could she? The women sat in silence, enjoying their warm tea when a voice echoed through the hallway, and then seconds later the door to the drawing room snapped open, revealing Masahiro with a very annoyed expression...and a certain Sarutobi Akemi on his back with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"Lady Hinata!" Masahiro shrieked, Hinata gave him a glare, he cleared his throat, "Ahem, mother. What possessed you to invite this...this...thing on my back?"

Akemi giggled, "Oh come on, Hiro! I can be useful sometimes! Besides, Kana has a boyfriend and no longer has time for me. And she calls herself my best friend! She's worse than her father, I tell you!"

Masahiro groaned, while Akemi beamed widely. Hinata merely smiled at the sight. Ino noticed the evil gleam in Hinata's eyes and gulped. Hinata planned this. She wanted Akemi to annoy Masahiro. Ino chuckled. It was actually kind of cute.

"Well then," Masahiro snapped, "make yourself useful and help!"

Akemi pouted, got off Masahiro's back, waved at Ino and then dragged Masahiro out of the room. He protested the entire way, until they could no longer be heard. Hinata burst out laughing, causing Ino to look at her, alarmed.

"Sorry," Hinata tried to calm herself, "he's...he's so different from when he was a child. Akemi is really a great friend to him, he just denies it."

Ino quirked an eyebrow. "Different? How?"

Hinata was becoming suspicious again. Ino panicked. This was bad. She couldn't let more people know about her problem! However, just then, Mrs Yamanaka burst into the room, her arms filled with baskets of flowers.

"Let's flower arrange, ladies!" she exclaimed. Ino silently thanked her mother for saving her.

It was exactly quarter-past-four when a whistle echoed through the Hyuga household. Ino looked up from the flowers she was arranging into vases, confused. Hinata was already running to the doorway, a childish grin on her face. It was the first time since Ino had awoken in this new world that she saw the smile that sixteen-year-old Hinata always wore.

Mrs Yamanaka laughed, "Ah, the Master of the household has returned. Quite early...he doesn't usually arrive until five. Strange..."

Ino glanced at her mother, still confused. Mrs Yamanaka rolled her eyes, quickly placed another rose amongst other flowers and then stretched her arms above her head. "Might as well go and greet him. I'm sure Misako and Daisuke are eager to see you again, Ino."

She recognized those names at least. Hyuga Astra had mentioned them. Her godchildren...Mrs Yamanaka noticed her daughter's confusion and patted the blonde's shoulder. "You'll be fine, Ino. Just be yourself. They won't notice that you're a teenage version of well...yourself."

Ino merely smiled weakly and followed her mother silently. They made their way through the corridors until the finally reached the front door of the main house. Outside there were several men, all dressed in Suna-style flak jackets and headbands. A few servants were attending to some of the men, serving water and other refreshments. Ino searched for Hinata, finally finding her in the arms of a red-headed man dressed in green robes that looked exactly like Naruto's robes...Ino stared stunned as the two kissed, like they haven't seen each other in months...or even years.

"Is that...Gaara?" Ino asked, her eyes wide.

Her mother laughed, "The one and only."

"He's...he's..." Ino trailed off. Really, she could not think of a word to say.

"Hinata's husband?" Mrs Yamanaka finished for Ino, "Yes, indeed. Poor things, they haven't seen each other in months. He still lives in Suna, you see."

"How do they do it?" Ino asked.

"They make lots of sacrifices," was Mrs Yamanaka's reply.

"What you two gossiping about?" a female voice suddenly interrupted. Ino looked down into the pale eyes of a teenage girl, probably no older than Kaguya. She was rather short, with burgundy hair and rosy pink lips. Ino didn't have to guess who she was. She just kind of...knew.

"Misako?" Ino asked. The girl smiled widely.

"Aunt Ino!" she exclaimed and jumped into Ino's arms. Ino gasped and stumbled backwards. Now that kind of greeting she did not expect. "Aunt Ino, I missed you! Suna was fun, don't get me wrong, but I missed your pork buns! And I missed playing with water balloons!"

Ino merely smiled and patted the girl's back. Misako pulled away and turned to greet Mrs Yamanaka. Mrs Yamanaka chuckled. "Aunt Ino, eh? My daughter is so old..."

Misako paled and quickly looked at Ino. "I'm sorry, Ino! I forgot that you don't like to be called aunt!"

Ino waved her off, not really caring. Mrs Yamanaka laughed to herself.

"Already planning my demise, hm?" a new voice asked. Ino looked up, it was Gaara. He was much taller than she remembered, his eyes were like pools..and well...he just looked different. She noticed that he had his hand resting on Misako's shoulder.

"Not yet," Misako laughed, "I'm sorry, daddy, but I don't think Ino wants you dead...yet."

"Bummer," Gaara laughed. Ino stood stiff. Gaara was laughing. He was laughing! Mrs Yamanaka joined in with the laughter, but Ino did not understand what was going on. How did Gaara's death get into the picture? Hinata joined the party. She locked her arm with Gaara and smiled at him. He returned the smile just as warmly. It almost made Ino cry. Never did she think she would see him so...affectionate. And then Ino noticed the young boy on Hinata's hip. He looked around Minato's age, he had the same eyes and hair as Misako, but his hair was much darker. And he looked a lot more like Gaara than Misako did.

"Daisuke?" Ino asked. Once again she knew who it was. The boy blushed and looked away. Ino felt her heart flutter.

"Say hello, Daisuke," Hinata whispered into the boy's ear. He hid his face in her hair, causing the adults to laugh. "He's just shy, Ino. Daisuke usually can't leave you alone, can he?"

Ino did not know what to say, so she nodded her head anyway. She glanced at both her godchildren again. They were beautiful. In fact, she was already in love with them and she just met them.

"Where's Naruto?" Gaara asked.

"At work," Ino answered. Gaara nodded, kissed Hinata's cheek and then excused himself to greet Masahiro. Misako was now poking her brother's leg.

"How was Suna?" Hinata asked.

Misako grinned, "It was fun! Daddy took us sand surfing!"

"He what?" Hinata echoed.

"Sand surfing! Daddy made a sand storm and then gave us these boards made of sand...and we rode on the sand!"

Hinata paled, causing her already pale skin to look deadly. Misako laughed and patted her mother's baby bump. Ino watched in amazement as the girl cooed over her baby sibling that was yet to be born.

"Mama!" a small voice yelled from the gates. Ino looked up. She could recognize that voice anywhere. A smile broke out on her lips as her eyes landed on the small blonde boy and she opened her arms for him. Minato trotted over and hugged his mother tightly, Kaguya soon to follow.

"Hey," Ino smiled, "what are you two doing here?"

"Daddy said we should come here after school," Minato answered. Ino patted his head and praised him for listening to his father. Hinata placed Daisuke onto his feet. The little boy poked Minato, who laughed and poked him back. Soon both the boys were running around and poking each other. Misako latched herself onto Kaguya and planted a big, soppy kiss on the blonde teenager's cheek. Kaguya pulled a disgusted face.

"Why do you do that?" Kaguya demanded. Misako giggled and poked out her tongue. Kaguya rolled her eyes and tried to pull away from Misako's grasp, but the red-head was far too powerful. Kaguya sighed in defeat. "No wonder boys are scared of you."

The adults could do nothing but laugh.


A/N: The Kanji characters used to write Madoka in this chapter are 円花 which are the Kanji for 'circle' and 'flower'.