Chapter 21: Five Dimensions to Heaven

It came to him when he was working on paperwork for the upcoming summit in The Land of Iron. Uzumaki Naruto dropped his pen in shock, then he quickly opened his drawers and shuffled through them until he found the small battered notebook that belonged to his wife. He stared at the cover for several seconds, then he pulled out the research Gaara had brought regarding dimensions. Could it be?

Naruto quickly flipped through the notebook, skimming over the notes in a rush. Finally he found what he was looking for written in bold letters, followed by detailed explanations. He did not fail to see the large red print his wife had scribbled in much later; forbidden.

Naruto could no longer just sit to the side. Why hadn't he thought of this before? The answer was staring him straight in the face! Naruto dropped what he was doing, tucked the notebook under his arm and scurried from his office. He had to talk to Tsunade.

When Naruto approached Tsunade's room, he heard voices. At first he assumed that Shizune had come to visit once again, but there was a third voice, one he knew very well...Ino was here. Curious, Naruto pressed his ear against the door and listened for several minutes. They were talking about Tsunade's obsession with teasing Shizune regarding Kakashi. Naruto had to stifle a laugh, the old woman never left poor Shizune alone. However, the conversation took an interesting turn when Tsunade claimed that Ino was a 'different' Ino. Naruto's eyes widened. So he was right...

Not wanting to wait any more, Naruto knocked on the door. He didn't even bother to wait for Tsunade's approval for him to enter. He opened the door and stepped inside, the notebook tucked under his arm. A deathly silence fell over the room.

Tsunade was the one to break the silence, "I thought it was you eavesdropping on us."

Naruto blushed. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop."

Tsunade waved him off. "How are you, brat?"

"Fine," Naruto replied, "what about you, granny?"

Tsunade smiled. "I feel great for a change. I can take on a hoard of your shadow clones, I reckon! Wanna try?"

Naruto rolled his eyes. "No, you're retired, remember? The doctor will kill me if I expose you to fighting."

Tsunade huffed. Shizune and Ino laughed softly.

"So, what do you want, brat?" Tsunade asked. Naruto lifted the notebook so that Tsunade could see. She blinked, then her eyes widened when she recognised it.

"So you realised it too?" Tsunade asked. Naruto nodded. Tsunade chuckled. "I'm surprised you remember."

Naruto's expression darkened. Confused, Ino glanced at Shizune, but the older woman simply shrugged. She did not understand what was going on either.

"I did not want to forget," Naruto whispered. Tsunade smiled weakly at him. Ino felt her chest tighten. It was the first time in awhile that she had seen such a painful expression on Naruto's face. He looked so emotional, his eyes were deep pits, endless, causing her to swim in them. Just what had happened that could cause such pain within him?

Tsunade sighed and motioned for Shizune to fix up her pillows for her. While Shizune puffed up the pillows and aligned them behind Tsunade's back, the former Hokage pulled out a manilla folder from the drawer beside her bed. She leaned back into her stack of pillows and opened the folder, flipping through the various papers.

"I've secretly been researching the phenomenon without your consent," Tsunade explained, "but I am yet to find a way to reverse the effects."

Ino interrupted this time. "What are you talking about? Shizune and I are completely confused!"

Tsunade looked into Ino's determined eyes, then she glanced at Naruto. Naruto bit his lip, then turned to his wife. "Ino, I'm so sorry."

"For what?" Ino asked.

"I know how you ended up in my wife's body now," Naruto stated, causing Ino's eyes to widen in shock, "I knew all along, but I had it buried deep within my mind. I didn't want to remember."

"You know what caused this? Is it what Lady Tsunade was trying to explain to me?" Ino asked, hopeful, "Do you know how to reverse it?"

Naruto did not say anything for several minutes. Shizune was nervously glancing between the three blondes. She had a nagging feeling that she wasn't supposed to be hearing any of this...What did Naruto mean by Ino being in his wife's body? Were they not the same person?

"Naruto," Tsunade broke the silence, "tell her the truth."

Naruto sighed. "It's called Five Dimensions to Heaven. It's a forbidden technique that allows the mind to pass through various dimensions to take control of another body. It was never completed because of the negative side effects, and thus the reverse is not known."

Ino was speechless. A forbidden technique? And one that could pass through dimensions? Was that even possible? Who could possibly have developed such a thing? Ino turned to Tsunade. "Is this what happened to Ino? Is this what caused her to nearly die?"

Tsunade nodded.

"But didn't you heal her?" Ino asked. Tsunade expression darkened.

"No," the fifth Hokage replied, "Ino woke up one day completely healed and free from the technique. We still don't know what caused it to reverse."

Ino tightened her hands into fists. So did that mean she could not be healed at all? Was she stuck in this body until it suddenly decided to reverse itself? And if the technique was not completed when older Ino had another mind within her head, then does that mean the technique was now more developed, since she completely changed bodies?

Naruto must have read her mind. "Someone must have stolen the technique's notes and developed it further. Possibly even completed it, because this time the effects are far more developed than the previous time."

Tsunade nodded in agreement.

"Who created this technique?" Ino asked.

Naruto and Tsunade glanced at each other, then they both turned to Ino. "You did," they said in unison.

Ino stared at the old battered notebook in her hands. Naruto had given it to her when they left Tsunade's room.

"You should have it, Ino. My wife created the Five Dimensions to Heaven. Maybe that means you are the only one who can reverse it, after all, you are still the same person, although from different dimensions." Naruto had told her when he handed it to her.

Ino still could not believe that her other-self had developed something so powerful. And as she flipped through the notebook, Ino couldn't help but noticed the similarities it had to Mind Transfer. Older Ino clearly used the basis of Mind Transfer to develop the forbidden technique. However, the further she got into the notes, she realised just how complicated the technique was, and the more she feared that she would never be able to find the answer.

Meanwhile with thirty-seven-year-old Ino...

It looked like it was going to rain. Ino stared at the dark clouds hovering above her in the sky, then with a sigh she stumbled into the busy centre of Konoha. She wasn't sure what it was, but something seemed off. Maybe it was just the terrible weather, or maybe there really was something eerie brewing in the village.

As Ino passed buildings she knew, and ones she had never seen before, she felt herself longing for her own home. She missed being in her own body, with her family and her husband. She missed Naruto, his other-self could never replace the man she married, they unfortunately had enough differences to almost be separate entities. However, Ino knew there was not much she could do a the very moment. After all, she had absolutely no notes regarding the Five Dimensions to Heaven, so she could not immediately jump into deciphering the reverse.

When Ino passed an old battered building she froze. She turned on her heels and faced the building, alarms going off within her. She recognised the building, but she just could not remember where. Curious, she peeked through the fence, but it was quiet. Determined, she opened the gate and approached the front door and knocked. No answer. She peeked in through the windows, but the furniture was old, worn out and covered in dust and spider webs. Clearly no one lived here. Ino walked around the house to peek in through another window. The room was large and filled with empty racks. Ino recognised the symbol that was engraved on the wood of the racks. Her eyes widened. It didn't make sense.

Why was Hyuuga Astra's shop in such a state? And why was the woman, who was obviously much younger, not around when her shop clearly already exists?

Sixteen-year-old Ino...

The next few mornings were uncomfortable for Ino. She was woken up by a terrible headache, followed by nausea. Naruto stayed by her side mostly, always rubbing her back when she was puking her guts out into the toilet and carrying water to her. Ino was grateful that he was by her side.

This morning the nausea was ten-times worse. After emptying her gut for the third time, Ino collapsed against the bathtub, her skin pale. Naruto watched her worried.

"I'm sorry," Ino croaked, "I don't know what's going on. I just suddenly got sick."

Naruto smiled weakly. "Don't apologise. I'm just worried about your health. You can't keep a thing down."

Silence fell over them. Ino got up slowly and washed her face. She felt terrible, and she was really worried about her own health. She knew that her body was lacking the nutrition it needed, but no matter what she ate, nothing would stay in. At first she thought it was a bug, but now...

Her eyes widened. No, surely she would have noticed pregnancy earlier, right?

Ino turned to Naruto, her eyes wide. "Maybe I'm pregnant."

Naruto frowned. "I suppose that's possible, but wouldn't you have noticed earlier? You told Sasuke quite a while ago that you were not expecting."

"Maybe I didn't realise," Ino admitted. Even the best medic could miss some things.

"I'll call Karin," Naruto stated, "she can check for any sign of the baby's chakra. Then, we get you to a medic."

"Tsunade," Ino blurted out.

"She's retired, Ino," Naruto started, but Ino interrupted by shaking her head.

"And this pregnancy is a special case," Ino admitted, "this baby isn't mine, Naruto. I've never had sex before."

Naruto blinked. He had not known that, but a part of him had suspected that might be the case. And although he knew it wasn't supposed to be an over joyous time because of the dangers this pregnancy could pose, Naruto felt extremely giddy. He was going to be a father again!

"No," Karin said blandly, "I do not sense another chakra, but there are traces of a foreign chakra. I've never noticed it before, I obviously was not diving deep enough."

Naruto, Ino, Sasuke and Karin were gathered around the Uchiha dining table. The children were playing outside with Suigetsu, who Ino was yet to meet. Naruto was frowning and appeared to be in deep thought.

"Is it possibly a baby's chakra? Or remnants of it?" Sasuke asked. Karin shrugged, but did look close her eyes again to concentrate on the chakra. After a few minutes Karin opened her eyes again.

"It is similar to the remnants of chakra when a woman miscarriages," Karin admitted, "which means it could possibly be the baby."

"Are you saying I had a miscarriage?" Ino asked, horrified. How could she have had a miscarriage without realising it?

Karin shook her head. "No, It is similar, but I don't think you miscarried. Perhaps you should get blood tests done."

Ino nodded. Naruto had already contacted Tsunade, who immediately agreed to have a look. Naruto also contacted Shikamaru, since his excellent mind might be useful in this strange phenomenon. Silence fell over the room. Ino felt very awkward, so she turned her attention to the painting of the Uchiha family.

"Hey, Sasuke," a male voice interrupted the silence, "are there any more water flasks in the fridge?" Everyone's attention turned to a man with white hair that just stepped into the room. Ino did not recognise him. The male grinned, showing off pointy teeth, "Hey, it's the Hokage and his wife! Hi!"

"Suigetsu," was Naruto's greeting. Ino had a feeling that the man was Suigetsu, who else would have come from the backyard that was an adult?

Karin was pissed off. "I refilled all forty of them this morning!"

Suigetsu narrowed his eyes, "Was I asking you? And forty aren't enough!"

"Refill your own flasks, moron!" Karin hissed.

"Bitch," Suigetsu muttered, then he turned around and stomped away. Sasuke merely rolled his eyes. Karin turned to her husband.

"When this fourth baby is born," she moaned, "that idiot is moving out. I've had enough." With that, Karin stood up and stomped out of the room.

"Should we go?" Naruto asked, "Clearly those two have argued all day again."

Sasuke smiled. "Indeed, they had a food fight this morning. She'll get over it."

"She won't really kick him out, will she?" Ino asked.

"Nah," was Sasuke's response. Ino wasn't so sure, so she excused herself from the table to go find Suigetsu. She found him outside with the children in the plastic pool. He really did love water, and the children seemed to love him. They were laughing and throwing water balloons at each other.

"Oh, hi Hokage's wife," Suigetsu greeted.

"It's Ino," Ino stated.

"Right," Suigetsu nodded.

"I just wanted to propose something," Ino started, but then trailed off. Suigetsu watched her and waited. Finally Ino shrugged her doubts off. "If you ever need any help, or a friend...or ever a house, please don't hesitate to come to us. Naruto and I would be glad to be of assistance."

Suigetsu blinked, then grinned. "Sure, thanks. Wish all Konoha leaders were so nice."

"What do you mean?" Ino asked, confused.

Suigetsu's smile faded. "Sasuke, Karin and I...we had another friend. A team mate. Without him, we're not complete, y'know?"

"What happened to him?" Ino asked.

"They threw him in prison," Suigetsu admitted, "declared him insane."

Ino took in a sharp breath. "I'm sorry."

Suigetsu shrugged, "No worries. Your husband has been fighting for his freedom. Maybe one day he'll be released and we can be a team again!"

Ino nodded, then watched as Suigetsu joined the children again.

Ino and Naruto walked to the hospital together, greeting a few people along the way. Ino was thinking about what Suigetsu had told her. She found it very admirable that Naruto was fighting for their friend. Somehow she wished she could make a difference too.

"Naruto?" Ino called out. Naruto walked slower, so that they would be walking next to each other.

"Yeah?" was his response.

"Suigetsu told me about their friend," Ino admitted, "the one in the asylum."

Naruto frowned, then his eyes widened in recognition. "Oh, you mean Juugo."

"What's wrong with him?" Ino asked.

"Hm," Naruto tapped his chin, "I wouldn't say there is much wrong with him. He has a brilliant mind, and probably the kindest soul I have ever met."

"So how come he is considered insane?"

"I think that's just an excuse to lock him up," Naruto said, "people fear him, Ino. He is the origin of Orochimaru's Cursed Seal Technique. Unfortunately his abilities tend to make him go berserk from time to time."

Ino was surprised. She had not expected him to be the origin of Orochimaru's Cursed Seal Technique. In fact, the memory of Orochimaru made Ino shiver. He took Sasuke away...

"But he can be controlled," Naruto admitted, "Sasuke has the ability to calm him. Juugo loves Sasuke, they are like brothers. However, not many trust Sasuke either."

"So you're fighting for both of them?" Ino asked. Naruto nodded. Ino smiled. "I want to help."

"Really?" Naruto asked, surprised. Ino nodded. She really did. She wanted to give Suigetsu something, and she wanted to allow Juugo and Sasuke to reunite. They deserved it. Naruto smiled at Ino warmly. "That's great."

Ino returned the smile. "So, when do I get to meet him?"

"I'll take you there as soon as I can get the permission," Naruto replied, "unfortunately we cannot just show up, he is a special case."

Ino nodded.

Tsunade did the basic check-up, then she let a nurse take Ino's blood for testing. Ino sat by Tsunade's bed side, patiently waiting for the results, since the nurse claimed they would immediately go through the procedure. Shikamaru sat on Tsunade's other side.

Finally the nurse returned with the results. Tsunade took the documents off her, and dismissed her. The nurse left. Tsunade flipped through the papers, her expression darkening, then she placed the documents on her lap and turned to Ino with a serious look.

"You are pregnant," Tsunade said. Ino inhaled deeply, then tried to swallow the lump that suddenly formed in her throat. Shikamaru had his hands together, already thinking.

Naruto, who had been pacing around the room, stopped and turned to Tsunade. "And it is wife's baby, yes?"

"I believe so," Tsunade said, "Ino here claims she is a virgin, so we'll take her word for it."

"Women can become pregnant without penetration actually happening," Shikamaru admitted.

"I have not been anywhere near a man's genitals naked either!" Ino hissed, embarrassed. Shikamaru sighed, then nodded.

"Is this a side effect from the technique, perhaps?" Naruto suggested. Tsunade frowned, while Shikamaru looked up at Naruto.

"I think you might have caught something there, Naruto," Shikamaru admitted, "perhaps this is some sort of side effect. Karin said she could not sense the baby, right?" Naruto nodded. Shikamaru turned to Tsunade, "And you? Can you sense or feel the baby?"

Tsunade shook her head. "It's there, but it's not. It's very strange."

Shikamaru nodded. "Then perhaps, the technique does not transfer just the mind through dimensions."

Ino felt her stomach drop. Silence fell over the room as all the blondes stared at Shikamaru in shock.

"Are you saying that the technique can transfer tissue as well?" Tsunade finally broke the silence.

"Well," Shikamaru shrugged, "I've heard of weirder things happening."

Naruto was pacing again. "If that really is what happened, then my wife, thirty-seven-year-old is currently not only in another body, but she also has our child there with her?"

"In essence, yes," Shikamaru answered. Naruto sighed and collapsed on a chair next to Ino, who was still frozen like a rock.

"What are we going to do?" Naruto asked as he ran his hands through his blonde hair, "This technique is already dangerous as it is, now it has dragged an innocent life into it as well!"

"We'll fix this Naruto," Tsunade whispered calmly, "I promise."