Chapter 22: Reaching Out

"I have to leave for a few days," Naruto stated one morning at breakfast. Minato moaned, but one look from his father shut him up. Kaguya did not say a word. Ino looked up, curious.

"Where are you going?" Ino asked. She doubted it was mission, the Hokage almost never left the village.

"The Land of Iron," Naruto admitted, "there's a Kage Summit. We have one very year."

"Oh," was all Ino said for awhile, then, "do you go alone?"

"I have two guards," Naruto replied, "and usually, you attend with me." Minato and Kaguya were giving their parents odd looks now. Why did Ino ask about the summit when she went with Naruto every year? Why did Naruto talk of Ino as if she wasn't there?

Naruto and Ino noticed the children's curious looks, so they changed the subject. Minato forgot about the event, but Kaguya wasn't one to easily ignore something like it. There was something going on, and she didn't like it.

Naruto was in the study, having decided not to go into work until the afternoon. Ino knocked on the door and slipped inside. Naruto was studying a very old scroll.

"Naruto?" Ino called out to him, hoping she wasn't disturbing him.

"Yes?" Naruto looked up.

"Can I go with you to the summit?" Ino asked. Naruto blinked in surprise.

"I thought you would like to stay with the children," Naruto said, but Ino shook her head. Naruto blinked again, then smiled. "Sure, you're welcome to."

Ino thanked him and slipped to her desk. She gently moved her fingers over the notebook about the Five Dimensions to Heaven, then she sat down and opened a book about dimensions. She had been studying the theory for days, but she still couldn't find any solutions.

Ino has just gotten engrossed with her book, when Naruto called her name. She looked up, surprised to see him standing before her desk. She had not heard him move. He handed her a scroll.

"What is it?" Ino asked.

"Approval," Naruto stated, "you can visit Juugo now."

Ino jumped up, excited. "Really? Thank you!" And with her excitement, Ino pulled Naruto into a hug. He laughed and returned the gesture.

The location of Juugo's 'cell' was an isolated asylum on the outskirts of the village. The building was not very large, and went downstairs the minute you stepped through the door. Ino glanced behind her before descending into the unknown, feeling disgust at the fact that none of the patients probably ever saw enough sunlight.

As she took a step down into the darkness she realised just how dark the world truly was. She couldn't be an ignorant sixteen-year-old any more.

The reception area was small, with a glass wall separating the visitors from the nurses on duty. There was no waiting area. Ino nervously approached the reception desk and rung the small bell. A nurse dressed in a grey tunic entered through a heavy metal door.

"How can I help you?" she asked with a forced smile.

"My name is Yama...Uzumaki Ino," Ino introduced herself, stumbling over her name, "I am here to see Juugo." She handed the scroll to the nurse. The nurse opened the scroll and scanned over it briefly, then she wrapped it up and looked back up at Ino, her forced smile still on her face.

"Indeed," she muttered, "wait here, Lady Ino. I'll contact the head nurse for you."

The nurse disappeared behind the metal door. A few minutes passed, and the door opened again, this time a different nurse stepped in, also dressed in a grey tunic, but with a large red cross stitched to her bust.

"Hello," she greeted, her voice was warm, and her smile was genuine, "it has been a long time, Lady Ino."

"Uh," Ino trailed off, "yeah." Ino wasn't sure how she knew this woman. Might as well go along with it.

"Please," the nurse began, "step through." Mai opened the door that lead into the glass contained area. Ino stepped inside, not missing the sudden change in temperature. Mai closed the door behind them. "Could I ask you to leave all your belongings here?"

"Of course," Ino agreed, removing her bag from her shoulder and tucking it in a locker Mai showed her. Mai then gestured for Ino to follow her through the heavy metal door. They were in a long corridor, painted white with two pot plants sitting against one of the walls. Further, there was nothing but doors.

"Juugo never gets visitors," Mai explained, "that Uchiha boy has requested permission several times, but always gets denied. Poor thing, he loves Juugo very much."

"Is Juugo really dangerous?" Ino asked.

"Heavens no," Mai exclaimed, "he is misunderstood, that is all. I suppose he is dangerous when he loses control, but what people fail to realise is that he can be controlled."

"Blinded by fear," Ino stated. Mai nodded.

"Lord Hokage has been trying to free Juugo," Mai stated solemnly, "but the council has not approved any of his suggestions yet. He might be the highest ranking officer, but the Hokage cannot really do anything alone."

"Why did I marry a politician?" Ino asked. Mai laughed. They stepped in front of a door.

"This is it," Mai pointed out, "Juugo just had lunch, so he should be reading now."

"He reads?" Ino asked, surprised.

Mai smiled. "All the time. It's all he ever does."

Mai knocked on the door, then opened it and stepped inside.

"Juugo," she called out to him, "there is someone here to see you. Can you spare a minute?"

Ino stepped out from behind Mai, expecting to see a frightening sight, but she met something completely different. Juugo had a strong build, which did make him slightly intimidating, but he had gentle eyes. When he looked up from his book, The Tale of Genji, he seemed genuinely surprised, but also patiently calm.

"This is Uzumaki Ino," Mai introduced Ino, "she is-"

"The Hokage's wife," Juugo concluded. Mai smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Mai." Mai nodded and excused herself, giving Ino a warm smile.

An awkward silence followed. Ino remained where she stood, note sure whether she should sit down or shake hands with Juugo or something. Juugo felt very much the same. It has been so long since someone from outside came to see him, that he had no idea how to approach her.

Ino decided to break the silence on a whim. "Is the food good?" she blurted out, only to realise that the question was absolutely absurd. A blush crept to her cheeks when Juugo burst out laughing.

"You are definitely his wife," Juugo said in between his laughs.

"I'm sorry," Ino muttered, embarrassed, "I...I didn't know what to say."

Juugo shook his head and closed his book. He moved from his bed and approached the small table in the corner. He gestured for Ino to sit opposite him. She complied, but not before looking around the room. It was empty, with only a bed, a table and two chairs. There were no signs of it being home, there were no windows. It was a dark, empty abyss.

Ino sat down, noticed that the chair was cheap and squeaked under her weight. Either that, or it had suffered torture from a mad being that swung it around...Ino glanced at Juugo. Could this calm, beautiful man truly be a monster, like everyone claimed he was? No, Suigetsu and Naruto had told her what he was like. He couldn't be a monster. Not truly.

"How is Sasuke?" Juugo asked.

Ino was surprised that he would ask that first. "He is well. Karin is pregnant again."

Juugo's features lit up, "A fourth one! Brilliant!"

Ino smiled at his enthusiasm. "Do you like kids, Juugo?"

"Yes," he whispered.

"Do you have any of your own?"

"Yes. A daughter. She was a baby the last time I saw her."

Ino did not know what to say, but when she noticed the pained expression on Juugo's face, she felt guilty for bringing the topic up.

"It's alright," Juugo suddenly stated, "I don't mind you asking."

Ino smiled. Had he read her mind? "Do you hate being locked up?"

"No," Juugo replied after a few seconds silence, "no, I don't hate it. I prefer it."

Ino frowned. Juugo noticed.

"It means I can't harm anyone," Juugo continued, "this way, all I ever destroy are chairs. It's better this way. I'm a monster."

"Surely you don't really think that?" Ino asked. Juugo smiled weakly. Something tugged at Ino's heart then. Maybe she pitied him, or maybe she truly felt something for him, but she knew she couldn't let him rot down in this dark cell for the rest of his life. He had a daughter. A child he obviously loved, but could never see or touch. What kind of parents could ever live without a child's smile?

"What's her name?" Ino changed the subject. Juugo seemed surprised.

"Kasumi," Juugo finally whispered.

Ino smiled. "That's a beautiful name. Did you choose it?"

Juugo shook his head. "No, I'm terrible with names. Shizuka chose the name. She was named after Shizuka's late lover, Sagiri."

"And you're okay with that?" Ino asked.

"Yes. Shizuka will always love him, at least partially deep down in her heart."

Ino smiled. "And where is Shizuka and Kasumi now?"

Juugo closed his eyes, then turned his attention away and focused on the door instead. Ino bit her lip. She wasn't sure what to expect...

"I don't know," Juugo finally admitted, "Shizuka is the leader of her village. She probably went back...and took Kasumi with her."

"Does she visit?"

"No, she never has."

Ino's heart ached for him.

"Is it alright if I come again?" Ino asked as Mai lead her outside.

"Of course," Mai agreed, "come whenever you like."

Ino thanked her, then slowly made her way back up the stairs, where she was greeted by the sun. Ino shielded her eyes from the bright light and looked into the distance. Konoha. Did the people even know the dark, dirty secrets of their own home? Did they know that every day, they practically walked over a prison? Ino was disgusted. She was going to make this right. Juugo deserved that much.

"Welcome home," Naruto greeted from the kitchen when Ino returned. Ino pulled off her shoes and made her way to the kitchen. She was exhausted, having stopped by work to check on a few things. Kana seemed to have everything in order.

"How did the meeting go?" Naruto asked as he added more salt to whatever he was cooking.

"It went well," Ino stated, but her emotions were not agreeing with what she said. Feeling a heavy weight on her chest, Ino approached Naruto slowly, stopping a few inches away from him. He watched her curiously, putting down the salt shaker and turning to face her.

"Ino?" he gently called out her name, lifting his arm and gently caress her cheek with his warm fingers. Ino closed her eyes and sighed at his touch. She needed to be comforted. Feeling bold, Ino took a step closer and buried her face in his chest. He did not tense. He merely sighed and wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay. Everything will work out."

"He is lonely, Naruto," Ino muttered, "he wants to see his daughter, although he didn't admit it out loud. But I could see it in his eyes. He wants to see her desperately. Shizuka too."

"I know," Naruto whispered, "I know."

"Can't we allow him that? Just that little contact with his family for the time being?" Ino asked, pulling away far enough to look Naruto in the eye. Naruto stared at her for several seconds, then closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers.

"I tried," Naruto admitted, "I've contacted Shizuka several times. She never replied."

"Where is she?" Ino asked, "I'll contact her this time. Maybe she'll listen to me."

Naruto smiled. "You're not giving up, are you?"

"No," Ino smirked, "sound familiar...never giving up?"

Naruto chuckled. "A little, yes. Shizuka is the leader of Nadeshiko Village."

"So she can come see Juugo?" Ino asked.


Ino smiled warmly, and before she thought it through, planted a soft kiss on Naruto's lips. His eyes widened, but Ino thought nothing of it and broke free from his grasp, returning to the study so that she could start writing a letter for Shizuka.

In the silence of the kitchen, Naruto absently touched his now tingling lips.


A/N: Kasumi (霧) means 'mist' or 'haze', while Sagiri also means 'haze'. Shizuka is an anime-only character who basically fought Naruto for his hand-in-marriage. Sagiri was her lover, but their relationship was forbidden. He was eventually killed. I think Juugo and Shizuka make a good couple - they are both strong, but quiet and calm.