Chapter 26: Star Crossing

Several loud voices echoed around him. With his vision blurred, Gaara had to admit he felt slightly overwhelmed by the loud noise, as well as the strange surroundings he could not recognise. And just as the voices began, they died away, leaving Gaara alone in the eerie white room. There was nothing left, except for the shadow of a human figure. Gaara narrowed his eyes, but he could not determine who the figure was.

A strong breeze pushed through, and the room vanished. Taken aback by the sudden change, Gaara stumbled backwards. His vision was clear now, and the human figure earlier had been a woman. They were standing in the middle of a valley, the grass was covered in various colourful flowers. Gaara recognised the woman. Her short blonde hair, vibrant blue eyes and loving smile was recognisable anywhere.


"Hello, Gaara," Ino greeted in return, "it seems I ended up in your head. I do apologise for startling you."

Gaara raised a non-existent eyebrow. Ino chuckled. "It's...really you? Older you, I mean. Our Ino?"

Ino grinned. "Yes. I've been trying to communicate with Ino, but it seems her mind is not that open to Five Dimensions to Heaven. You, on the other hand, are psychic, and therefore have an open mind."

"You know I hate that word," Gaara grumbled.

Ino's lips turned up into a playful smile. "I know. Look, we don't have long, I just want to know, how is he?"

"Naruto?" Gaara asked, Ino nodded. "He's fine. Figured out how this whole thing happened awhile ago. He seems to be doing well with young Ino."

"That's good to hear," Ino said, just as she suddenly flickered. Gaara frowned. "Like I said, we don't have long. This is a very limited exchange, since it is dangerous. Tell Naruto to keep searching."


Ino's smile widened. "Oh, and I have a message for Hinata."

Gaara raised a non-existent eyebrow at this.

Just as Ino's figure faded, her whisper echoed with the wind, "I met Neji. He hasn't changed one bit. At least not physically."

Gaara's eyes opened. He had actually managed to sleep for a change. Knowing that he won't be able to fall asleep again, Gaara glanced out the window. Judging from the darkness, he had probably slept for two hours. Pathetic in normal standards, but a big step for him.

"Gaara?" Hinata's voice mumbled from behind him. Her breath tickled his back, and not wanting to leave her side yet, he turned around and pulled her against him. "A vision?"

"Something like that," Gaara replied, "Ino came to visit me."


"Our Ino has found a way to communicate," Gaara explained, "I have no idea how she did it, but she was able to speak with me for a few minutes."

Hinata buried her face in Gaara's chest, her hand gripped his arm tightly. He allowed her to cling to him, he knew how she felt. She wished that she could have shared the vision with him. It's always been like that, ever since he told her that he saw things others didn't.

"What did she say?" Hinata finally asked.

"She just wanted to know how Naruto was doing," Gaara stated, "and she told us to keep searching for the answer to reverse this."

"Is that all?"

Gaara's grip on his wife tightened. She wanted to know if Ino had asked about her. Of course she did, the two of them were very close. But Gaara didn't know how to bring the topic up, Ino's message for Hinata was a very delicate topic. But he also knew he couldn't keep it a secret.

"She met Neji," Gaara whispered. Hinata froze. "She says he hasn't changed. At least not physically."

Hinata did not say a word, but he could feel her shaking in his arms. Gaara sighed and buried his nose in her hair. "I'm sorry," he whispered soothingly.

"No," Hinata sobbed, "don't apologise. I'm crying tears of joy. Neji is alive out there somewhere for another Hinata. That's more than enough."

Gaara could not agree more.

While the Five Kage and the General of the Samurai gathered for the annual meeting the next morning, Ino and Hinata spent the time outside in the snow. Hinata was wrapped up warmly and had situated herself on a dry old log, while Ino had collapsed in the snow and created several snow angels. Hinata watched her with a smile.

"You're still a child in many aspects, aren't you?" Hinata asked.

Ino stopped moving her arms and legs and stared at the cloudy sky. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Not at all," Hinata hummed, "I still wish that I didn't have to grow up so fast as I did. They say everyone our age had to grow up due to the war. But I had to grow up long before that."

Ino pursed her lips. Hinata had been the first in their age group to become a mother, and thus her childhood was in several aspects, robbed from her. Sixteen was not really a child, but not an adult either. Ino could understand her point of view. As a sixteen-year-old herself, she couldn't bear to think of being a mother at such an early age.

A strange thought suddenly occurred to Ino. "Hinata?"


"Were you ever in love with Naruto?" Ino asked blatantly.

Hinata was silent for several seconds, obviously taken aback, but she eventually giggled. "When I was young, yes."

"When did it change?"

"Probably when I found out I was pregnant with Masahiro," Hinata stated.

Ino nodded slowly, then closed her eyes. Several thoughts passed through her head. Some were happy, especially if it involved the new relationships she had formed, and others were strange and fleeting. She also worried about older was she doing? And then the image of Hyuuga Astra flashed through her mind and she scowled.

"Ino?" Hinata's voice snapped her from her reverie. Ino turned to glance at her friend. Hinata looked worried. "Are you alright? You're pulling a strange face..."

"Does Astra hate me?" Ino asked.

Hinata frowned. "What makes you ask that?"

"She treats me like dirt," Ino stated with a sigh, "but treats you like royalty."

Hinata laughed nervously. "I've never noticed. Do you wish me to speak with her? As the head of her clan I can..."

Ino cut Hinata off. "Don't worry about it. It's probably just my imagination."

Hinata bit her lip, but she did not bring it up again. However, that didn't stop her from thinking. She had to admit, she had noticed Astra's strange behaviour, not necessarily towards Ino, but in general. And then, of course, was also the fact that the woman's history was very vague. Hinata knew almost nothing about her, and Hinata had made her life job to know her clan.

Snow started falling from the heavens, distracting Hinata from her thoughts as she enjoyed the small flakes that kissed her skin. She would worry about it another day.

"We'll take a half hour break," the General of the Samurai announced. Ame was first to leave her seat, her heavy weight causing the floor to creak. She stormed out of the room before anyone else had even be able to comprehend that they had a break.

"Always in a rush," the Tsuchikage laughed. Mei glared at him dangerously.

"And you always have an opinion on everything, Takeshi," Mei growled.

Takeshi, the Tsuchikage turned to face Mei. He was smiling wickedly, but Mei was unable to continue their argument due to Sai interrupting them.

"Mizukage," Sai addressed her formally, "would you mind taking a walk with me?"

Mei blinked as she watched the young man before her. He was attractive, very much like the Uchiha, so the thought of a walk with him wasn't sour at all. But she had a strange feeling he wanted to talk business, rather than woo her. He was also much younger than she was.

"Of course," Mei hummed as she stood up. One of her guards took her hat and followed after them silently when Mei and Sai left the room.

Takeshi watched the party leave with interest, then turned to Naruto. "Planning a secret allegiance with the Mizukage, Hokage?"

"No idea what you're talking about," Naruto muttered, "I didn't ask Sai to speak with her at all."

Takeshi frowned. "Then what on earth would they speak about?"

Naruto shrugged. "I've always thought Sai had the hots for Mei. Maybe he finally got the guts to ask her out?"

Takeshi threw his head back in laughter. Now that would be a sight to behold! Gaara interrupted the conversation by placing his hand on Naruto's shoulder. Naruto turned to face him, a brow furrowed. Gaara nodded his head in the direction of the door. Naruto followed him without a word. Once they were outside, Naruto stopped.

"What is it?" Naruto asked.

Gaara turned to face his best friend. "I had a this morning."

Naruto frowned. "Carry on."

And so Gaara explained how Ino had contacted him. Naruto listened intently, surprise evident on his face, but he was also smiling. When Gaara finished Naruto looked like he could burst with glee.

"That's fantastic!" Naruto exclaimed, "Now we know she's safe! And we know she's working on a solution as well! Thank you, Gaara. You know I've always liked that head of yours."

Gaara rolled his eyes. "I didn't ask for this 'gift' as your wife calls it."

Naruto's grin widened. "She only calls you 'psychic' because it annoys you, you know?"

"I know," Gaara grumbled. Naruto's smile faded a little.

"Neji, huh?" he whispered. Gaara nodded. "Is Hinata alright?" Gaara nodded again. Naruto's smile continued to fade, until his expression turned grim. Gaara noticed and frowned.


Naruto sighed and glanced around him. "I don't feel I should bring this up in the meeting, but I trust you and need your help."

"What's wrong?"

Naruto inhaled deeply and then sighed heavily. "It's Konoha. Something is very wrong, and I don't like it."

"What do you mean?" Gaara asked, worry now present on his features.

"I've been aware of it for awhile, but it's getting worse lately," Naruto said, "Gaara, how much power does your council hold?"

"The Council?" Gaara asked, stunned. "They are the 'government' I suppose you could say. They approve laws and other bills, but I am the one to deliver the final verdict. They also act as my guides, but I am the highest authority in the village. The only person above me is the Daimyo."

"I thought so," Naruto muttered, "I have a problem."

"Tell me," Gaara encouraged, "I'll help you as much as I can."

There were several hours before the Evening Gala would commence, and since the Kage were still in their meeting, Ino decided to return to the warm indoors and take a nap. Hinata had agreed with the idea, and they parted to their own separate rooms to rest. Takeshi's wife was sitting in the lounge, reading a book, but she didn't seem keen on making conversation. Ino and Hinata didn't really mind.

Ino lay awake for awhile, her hands resting on her stomach. She had noticed that it was bigger than before, which meant she was starting to show. How it was possible, she did not know, but nothing made sense about the pregnancy or Five Dimensions to Heaven any more. When sleep did not come, Ino grabbed the notebook she always carried with her and tried to study the notes, hoping to find a clue on how to reverse the technique. As usual, nothing came.

Finally, Ino fell asleep, the exhaustion of the long journey finally setting in. However, her sleep was not left undisturbed. Her rest was plagued by dreams.

Ino found herself in a large open field – The Konoha Training Grounds. She could still remember training with her team here. But she was alone this time, seated in the grass. Before her lay a small notebook with several diagrams and scribbles written all over the pages. Her hands were together, in the form she took when she was ready to transfer her mind to another. A strange tingling sensation crept up her spine and then she felt the familiar freedom of her mind leaving her body. And then she hit something like a brick wall and jumped right back. Her eyes shot open as she gasped in pain. It felt like her head was on fire.

And then she heard it. A voice. But when she looked around her, she saw nor sensed anything. Pushing it aside, Ino gathered her things to return home.

"...mother," the same voice echoed again. Ino glanced around her again, but still nothing. The pain in her head suddenly intensified and spread down her neck to her chest. Moaning, Ino slowly made her way back home, hoping Naruto was there to help her.

What Uzumaki Ino did not know, was that was the start of it all.