Chapter 27: Confession

The Annual Evening Gala had gone off without a hitch. Many leaders from all around the surrounding countries came together in a big melting pot of exploding cultures. Ino had feasted her eyes upon the many finely dressed women that represented even the smallest of countries. It was without a doubt a very successful night.

Many of the nations came together to discuss the future of alliances, but there was the occasional glare exchanged between two leaders. Old habits seemed to die hard.

The highlight of the evening was when the Daimyo of The Land of Wind made an appearance. The Daimyo seldom attended these events, so their presence is usually unexpected and comes as a shock. What shocked Ino even more was when she realised the large figure dressed in fine robes was a woman. Female Daimyo were unheard of, but her gender did not lessen her power or dim the respect others had for her. The Daimyo seemed to be quite familiar with Gaara, well, more intimately than what one would originally believe to be a working relationship between the Daimyo and Kage of a nation.

"Tell me," Ino overheard The Daimyo say to Gaara, "how is that friend of yours coping with a nation's safety on her shoulders?"

Gaara's lips quirked up into a playful smile, "I expect a broken desk when I return."

"A broken desk?" The Daimyo asked, confused.

"From her banging her head on it constantly," Gaara stated. The two leaders of The Land of Wind burst into laughter. Ino could merely watch them, confused.

And so the fun ended. After a short night's rest, everyone gathered their things and set in the direction of their home. The group headed for Konoha agreed to meet outside in the morning. Sai and Sasuke were first, as always.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Naruto asked Sasuke.

"No, dobe," Sasuke snorted, "Unlike you, I don't have a wife warming my bed here."

A blush crept onto Naruto's cheeks while Ino just smiled nervously. Sasuke winked at her. "I got your back, Ino."

"Thanks…I think," Ino said in return.

"Good morning," Hinata greeted cheerfully as she approached the group, Gaara right beside her. Naruto, Ino and Sasuke chorused a 'good morning' in return, Sai was watching them from the distance. He seemed a bit agitated. Temari and Kankuro also arrived and the group was ready to depart.

They were halfway to Konoha when Sai announced that they stop and rest for a third time. Sasuke grumbled something under his breath, but jumped into a tree and made himself comfortable. Hinata collapsed with a heavy sigh. Gaara gave her a worried look and sat down next to her.

"Why are we stopping again?" Ino asked Naruto.

"We are halfway," Naruto stated, "Gaara, Temari and Kankuro will be returning to Sunagakure."

Ino's eyes widened. No one had told her that they would be splitting up on their way back. Ino's gaze immediately shifted to Hinata. She was smiling as Gaara tucked some of her hair behind her ears, but Ino could see the sadness in her lavender-tinted eyes. Ino's heart broke for her best friend. How did the two of them manage to live apart?

"I'll miss you," Hinata whispered as she rested her forehead against Gaara's forehead.

"I know," was Gaara's response. Ino tore her eyes away from the scene, it was not very intimate, but was private enough that Ino knew she shouldn't watch.

"Why do they live apart, Naruto?" Ino whispered to Naruto, in hopes that no one else will hear.

"Gaara cannot leave Suna for a long period of time," Naruto explained, "and Hinata cannot become a citizen of Sunagakure while she is head of the Hyuuga family."

"So why doesn't she quit?" Ino asked.

"She can't," Naruto explained, "She has no heir. At least not of age."

"What do you mean she has no heir?" Ino asked, surprised. "What about her sister? Or Masahiro?"

"The Hyuuga Elders do not see Masahiro as the rightful heir to the family. And Hanabi refuses to take the position."

Ino had to do everything in her control to keep her temper from flaring. She had always known that the Hyuuga family had some serious issues, but this was ridiculous. Ino glanced at her friend, who was now gulping down a bottle of water. Ino knew it was none of her business, but she was going to fix this. Hinata deserved happiness.

After twenty minutes of rest, Gaara, Temari and Kankuro said their final goodbyes. Kankuro shook hands with Naruto and the two laughed over a joke. Temari gave Ino a hug and a supportive squeeze on the arm. Gaara also shook Naruto's hand, and then proceeded to embrace his wife tightly. Hinata had trouble letting him go, but eventually she did with tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and smiled.

And then the three ninja from Suna disappeared into the trees.

By the time they arrived in Konoha, it was already dark. A Chuunin was waiting for the group by the gate, a duffel bag over his shoulder. He waved to Naruto, who approached him with a worried expression.

"Did something happen?" Naruto asked.

The Chuunin shook his head, "I have a letter for Lady Ino."

Ino frowned, but stepped forward to receive the letter. She noticed a small insignia on the Chuunin's vest and realised he was a ninja messenger. She glanced at the letter and her eyes widened.

"It's from Shizuka!" Ino exclaimed, excited.

"Eh, really?" Naruto asked, surprised. Shizuka had never replied to any of his messages, and he was relieved that Ino managed to get through to her. He glanced at the messenger, who looked worried.

"You're not telling me something, are you?" Naruto asked. The Chuunin bit his lip and looked down at his feet.

"Forgive me, Lord Hokage," he mumbled, "but …I've been keeping this a secret for a very long time."

"Secret?" Naruto asked.

The Chuunin nodded, "I've been serving as your messenger for a long time, sir. But for many years, whenever you give me a letter, the High Council would read it first before it was sent – sometimes your letters are never sent at all. I've tried to evade them, but they threatened my family. I'm so sorry!"

Hinata gasped, while Sasuke and Sai glanced at each other. Naruto's hand tightened into a fist while Ino started to put the pieces together. So that's why Shizuka never replied to Naruto's letters. She probably never received them! She glanced back down at the letter in her hand and frowned. So why is it that she received it this time?

"How did you get this letter past the Council?" Ino asked.

The Chuunin sighed, "I did not report it to them. I've decided enough is enough. Even letters and scrolls sent with hawks are being watched."

Ino turned her attention to Naruto. "Naruto, this isn't normal. Why does the Council have such power?"

"They don't," Naruto growled, "they've been acting without my knowledge. I've been aware of it for awhile, but had no proof. That's changed now."

"Are you calling a meeting, then?" Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded.

"Yes," Naruto stated, "it's time we fix this. Sasuke, I expect you to be there."

"Why?" Sasuke asked, surprised, "The Uchiha haven't had a seat on the Council for years."

"That's about to change. Hinata, I want you there too."

"Eh, me?" Hinata asked; her eyes wide. "There's already a Hyuuga representative…"

"I'm firing him," Naruto interrupted, "no offense, Hinata. I know you elected him, but I do not trust him. As the head of the family, it is your right and duty to have a say in the way this village is led."

"Can I interrupt that thought, Naruto?" Ino asked. Naruto blinked and turned to face his wife. Ino glanced at Hinata, who looked exhausted. Her gaze softened as she thought back on all the amazing things she had discovered about Hinata since the transfer. The two Hinatas were so different, but so alike at the same time.

"Ino?" Hinata called her name. Ino smiled at her.

"Rather than Hinata," Ino began, "I suggest Masahiro take the seat on the Council."

"Masahiro?" Naruto and Hinata exclaimed at the same time. Ino nodded.

"Hinata already has a lot on her shoulders as the head of the family," Ino exclaimed, "and although she doesn't show it, I know she is exhausted from her constant work and being pregnant. Also, she lives separate from her husband, while she technically has an heir that can relieve her of her duties so she can be with him."

"The elders won't accept Masahiro," Hinata began to explain, but Ino interrupted.

"That's why he must take the seat. That way, he can prove to the elders that he is capable of leading the clan," Ino finished.

"That's actually not a bad idea," Sasuke agreed. Sai nodded in agreement as well. Naruto glanced at Hinata, who looked conflicted.

"Just think about it," Ino sighed, knowing it wasn't something they could accept immediately. But Ino knew that Hinata deserved to spend her life at Gaara's side and Masahiro deserved to not be judged.

"Well," Sasuke changed the subject, "I'm going home. I have a pregnant wife waiting for me. And I better prepare for when my sister-in-law arrives."

"I'll retreat as well," Sai stated, "I have a painting to finish."

With that, the two vanished. Naruto offered to walk Hinata home, but she refused. So they all separated, heading for home after a long journey. Ino couldn't wait to read Shizuka's letter.

Ino didn't get a chance to read the letter until she got into bed. Minato had been very excited to see his parents again and demanded their attention for the whole evening. Kaguya was much calmer than her brother, but she did take an interest in the outcome of The Five Kage Summit. She listened intently while her father told her about everything that happened. Ino entertained Minato with his soft toys.

After tucking Minato into bed, and saying goodnight to Kaguya who was studying another set of new scrolls from Naruto, Ino finally got to relax and read the letter. Naruto was still in the shower when she opened it.

Lady Ino,

Thank you for your letter. I have never been good with emotions, but as I read what you have written I let the tears fall for the first time in many years. I am grateful to hear that Juugo is still alive and that he is well. I haven't heard a thing about him for a very long time. In fact, I was starting to believe that he was dead.

I never received anything from Konoha. You claim that your husband, the Hokage has been sending me letters. I never received any. So, it is it not that I have been avoiding seeing Juugo, I didn't know I could. I've asked my messengers if letters from the Hokage ever arrived, but they claim that all they ever received was normal reports. I know this is none of my business, but perhaps the problem is at your end. Please remember that the Nadeshiko Village is indebted to Konoha, Naruto in particular and if you need our assistance in any matter, please send a request right away.

Coming back to Juugo. I would love to see him. And I know Kasumi would too, even if she barely remembers him. She has grown into such a beautiful girl and she often asks me about her father. So please, if you still would, can we organise a time we could come visit?

Thank you for believing in Juugo. Not many people do. And I am most grateful that you are prepared to fight for his freedom. I think it's time someone did. I know your husband has been trying for years, but more voices are needed to challenge this issue. Know that I am prepared to fight as well. And I am certain that Juugo's friends, Suigetsu, Karin and Sasuke will fight too.

I look forward to meeting you,

Shizuka of Nadeshiko

Just as Ino finished the letter, Naruto stepped into the room, a towel wrapped around his waist. Ino glanced at him, blushed and then turned her attention back to the letter.

"What does Shizuka say?" Naruto asked as he dried his hair with another towel.

"It's just like we expected," Ino sighed, "Shizuka never received anything from you."

Naruto closed his eyes and bit his lip. Ino remained quiet as he got dressed and climbed into bed. Neither of them said a word as they turned off the lights and lay in silence.

"Gaara is psychic, did you know?" Naruto broke the silence.

"Psychic?" Ino asked, obviously disbelieving.

"Well," Naruto laughed, "we just call it that. He sees things. Sometimes he sees the future, sometimes he sees the past. Sometimes he just senses danger. Ino, my Ino, always stated that his mind is very open which made him an easy target for the Mind Transfer technique."

Ino did not know what to say. She wasn't sure what point Naruto was trying to make.

"But," Naruto continued, "It's his open mind that makes Mind Transfer dangerous. His mind is so complicated, filled with things we can't comprehend that once his mind is invaded, the invader gets kicked out. In fact, Gaara has put Inoichi in hospital and he didn't do anything! All Inoichi did was cast the technique."

"What are you trying to say, Naruto?" Ino asked, surprised that her father had been defeated so easily.

Naruto sighed. "Gaara came to me during The Summit. Apparently Ino has contacted him."

Ino sat up, shocked. "Really? She found a way to communicate?"

"Yes, but it is limited and dangerous. She was originally planning to contact you, but apparently your mind is shut off."

Ino frowned. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know," Naruto shrugged, "but she was able to get to Gaara. She says she knows it was Five Dimensions to Heaven and we must continue to find a solution. She'll probably do the same."

Ino lay back down. "So she's safe. She's in my body, isn't she?"


"You must be relieved."

Naruto noticed the sadness in Ino's voice. He turned to face her, even though he couldn't see her very well in the dark. He reached out to take her hand and squeezed it tightly. Ino blinked and turned her head to look at him.


"Don't get me wrong, Ino," Naruto whispered, "I am relieved, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you."

Ino smiled weakly. "But you can never love me the way you love her, right?"

Naruto remained silent as the words processed in his mind. Naruto pushed himself up on his elbow so that he could look down and directly into Ino's eyes.

"Ino," Naruto whispered, "are you…are you saying that you love me?"

A blush crept onto Ino's cheeks and she looked away. Naruto's eyes widened at her reaction. Feeling bold, he lifted his arm and gently touched Ino's cheek. Her skin was warm under his fingers and he had to everything in his power not to lose control. He missed close contact with her, but he knew this was wrong. That thought continued to surge through his head as he leaned down and brushed his lips against hers. Ino stiffened, but Naruto had already pulled away and rested his head on her chest, just between the valley of her breasts. Ino's blush intensified.

"I would be lying if I said I don't love you," Naruto whispered as he closed his eyes.


"Shh," Naruto hushed her, "we'll let the guilt eat us away later."

Ino nodded slowly, her heart beat increasing. Naruto wasn't moving! Was he intending to fall asleep on her? Naruto squeezed her hand again, hoping to calm her nerves. Ino sighed and closed her eyes as she nervously wrapped her arms around him. Yes, the guilt could come later.

And she knew that if she ever went back, she'd never look at sixteen-year-old Naruto the same way again.

The sun was just rising above the horizon, signalling the beginning of another day. Several people were already awake in Konoha, preparing for work or already stationed around several areas of the village, keeping watch. Hatake Kakashi was one of the ninja on duty that morning. He had been assigned to watch the front gate, even though it was usually a Chuunin's job. Naruto had not given him details, but something was wrong and he only trusted Kakashi to watch the gate.

Traffic this early in the morning was slow, so Kakashi didn't expect anyone to arrive on his shift. Bored, he pulled out his favourite book, Icha Icha Paradise and dived into the dramatic romance. He was just about to get lost in his book when he noticed someone was approaching the gate.

With a sigh, Kakashi closed his book. Naruto had also requested that Kakashi properly check everyone who entered the village. Kakashi had his suspicions, but he decided not to bring it up with Naruto. He knew Naruto could solve the problem himself. He had truly grown into a powerful Hokage. The Fourth would have been proud.

"So, you're on duty this time, Kakashi?" a voice asked. Kakashi looked up and was surprised by what he saw. It hadn't been one person approaching the gates, but two! A young man with onyx eyes and black hair was standing across from him, his hands on his hips. Behind him, stood his mother, a woman in her late forties with brown hair and crimson eyes.

"Natsume," Kakashi greeted the young man, then he glanced at the woman, "and Beniko. I was not aware you would be visiting."

"Didn't Sasuke tell you?" Natsume asked, confused.

"No," Kakashi replied. He glanced at Beniko, who seemed to be distracted. Natsume noticed as well and turned his attention back to his mother.

"Is something wrong?" Natsume asked.

"Kakashi," Beniko ignored her son's query, "has something happened here I am not aware of?"

"Like what?" Kakashi asked, confused.

"Uzumaki Ino…her chakra is disrupted," Beniko stated. Kakashi's eyes widened.

"How did you…?" Kakashi asked, but he cut himself off. Of course, he was talking to Uchiha Beniko. She was a skilled sensor and she could easily identify someone by their chakra if she knew them. After all, it was the only way she could identify someone.

"Also," Beniko continued, "there's a strange chakra in the shopping district."

"Strange how?" Kakashi asked. Now he knew why Naruto assigned him to the gate this morning. Naruto knew Beniko would be arriving and with all the strange things happening in Konoha, Beniko was one of the perfect people to sniff things out. Kakashi had no doubt that Karin was doing the same.

Beniko narrowed her eyes in concentration. "I can't place my finger on it, but there is something off about it. I'll have to investigate it closer."

Natsume glanced between his mother and Kakashi and sighed. Things never changed.

"Well," Kakashi changed the subject, "welcome to Konoha, again. Make sure to sign in with Naruto."

"We will!" Natsume grinned, then he turned to his mother. "Let's go." Beniko nodded and followed her son further into the village. Kakashi watched amazed as Beniko walked on her own, effectively avoiding trees and other objects. Even now, he couldn't believe she was blind.

And then she walked into a stone bench. Kakashi had to do everything in his power not to laugh. Beniko was cursing loudly at the bench, while Natsume tried to pull her away before she caused a scene. Finally, Natsume managed to pull his mother away and Kakashi was alone again. He chuckled to himself. Beniko was more cheerful than he remembered. That was a good sign. He had a good feeling about the future from here on.

Now Naruto just had to put The High Council in its place.