Chapter 25 She failed to fool him (2)

Female lead thinking

how did he recognize me?

I even changed my voice. wait in this whole mansion except me no one even dares to touch him. how come I became so stupid? rebirth changes a personality of a smart, wonderful, amazing woman like me.

except for changing a few things in my life, and his life no other things need to be changed except if I meet new people.

well, at least I know the question paper for the final exams I need not study. in my last life even without the question paper, I scored one of the highest marks in my class but this time I might take the lead.

everything that belongs to me that I lost one day I will take back from scratch.

male lead pov

what is she thinking for the last five mins?

is it about me?

is she gonna leave or ask for a divorce?

author pov

each of them are in their thoughts.

my eyes widened at what I am seeing.

I am dreaming or I lost my eyesight. I have to rub my eyes and it seems I am seeing what I should be seeing.

Su qin suddenly grabbed her hands and made her sit in his lap.

hassini was in her thoughts suddenly she felt a force grab her and made her sit on his lap. when she saw she was in her husband's lap. she didn't even have time to shout.

su qin: what is my love thinking?

hassini: about the most handsome, tempting, and high-IQ man

qin felt he is suddenly at a loss as he did have a high IQ but it shouldn't beat Stephen hawking. he felt the other two categories are fulfilled as he followed the quote


unless you are rich or beautiful or have something that another person or group find interesting they will not help you when you are bullied or harassed. I even experienced it elf. but the love of my life proved that wrong by telling the story of a boy

author: so what is the story of the boy?

su qin: are you forcing me to tell you or what

author: no forcing but just letting you know that at any time I should know.

su qin: it's a story of a boy who is not like everyone who wants his own identity but he wants to run his dad's business.

when everyone asked about his own identity will get lost in continuing business he questioned them in return

I don't think there is anything wrong with continuing my dad's business well I don't think I want a new identity. I lost my mom when I was born in a hospital room but he did not remarry and fave all his time to raising me. I want to thank him for giving me this life. by this, he continued his dad's business and proved that not having your identity is not that important if you don't want to have a new identity.

For anyone out there who doesn't want a new identity, it's not a problem to continue your family business or any kind of thing.

this generation teaches us to be independent, and have a new identity. but it's nothing wrong if you don't want to have your own identity. it doesn't mean your coward or something else. I have experienced my self not wanting a new identity is also one kind of identity