Chapter 40 Getting ready for new day

As they both made into their bedroom,he tucked her to sleep while hugging her. She laughed at him,but only she knew about her darkness in her thoughts.When everything is difficult we look for easy ways so we could be more comfortable but little did they know they are more miserable than anyone. Some uncultured people may call it pathetic but ones who know what are they suffering and keep on trying as society pulls us all back by throwing few comments when they don't even know what others going throught.

Qin: baby I'm not gonna tell you to stop overthinking but at they end of the day I want you to know even if you fall into mud we both are going to fall,

She smiled when she heard this as because she said the same thing when both of them started their friendship.

She continued by completing his sentence when we get up together let's reach new height together. She gave him cuddles that he might not forget. 

Seeing the moonlight outside the window,this is gonna be the change of their life from now itself.

At morning 4:00 A.M In other side of the world,

A woman was morning out the hospital. It is located in one of the most rural villages in world as except sand nothing can be seen.Even that hospital building is someone's shed and root has cracks. Everyone can see how poorly this house can be taken care off. The woman continued by saying,

I Fucking loved you.

It's me. 

Why in the world everyone always happens to hate me?

But she did now realise the feeling of being world against me. The feeling when everyone can't understand you. Everyone says this generation is weak but the world didn't or it needs to understand that these days teenagers who are living on the internet have seen and did experience more that last generation could do. Atleast when men cry we would comfort him rather than saying you need to stop crying like a girl, get your life together, If your gonna cry you won't find girl in future. When one born is it really need to have expectations. Male is born then he carries family legacy,when girls bully him if he took stand for himself by going against that girl by beating then he hits women he is known as abuser .okay fine he left it then he couldn't even stand for himself. He is weak. He is not masculine enough to be man.