In your house

Joseph is very awkward being in a room where there is only him and Ailee especially the girl's silly behavior makes him gape

sometimes he smiles and frowns, even earlier he moved his head, and now his eyes are so sharp interspersed with a cynical smile, the man is just scratching his head don't understand

"It's so hard to understand women, I can't even read what she's thinking.." Joseph muttered resignedly

Just now, Ailee was about to reach for coffee and sugar in the small cupboard above her head but the girl seemed to have a hard time, ah she never made her drink, of course, Domi always made it for her

Josep turned to find the girl a little difficult to reach the glass jar above her head, he took the initiative to get up and help, it would be dangerous if the girl continued to stretch on her feet for a long time, that's what Josep thought, he seemed to be very worried about the beautiful girl over there.

"Why did Domi put it in, anyway!" Ailee grumbled annoyed because of the difficulty in reaching the contents of her cupboard

The girl's hand was still trying to reach when Yosep's longhand had already grabbed the jar inside, the man did have an extraordinary height, he was more than one hundred and eighty centimeters it seems

Ailee couldn't turn her head to realize the man she had a crush on was right behind her back

deg... deg... deg...

The girl's chest kept shaking violently, she was unable to lift her head or even glance at the man who was helping her, Ailee only touched her chest slowly, trying to calm the beating heart that was still racing.

Even now she could feel the sturdy body behind her covering her body, the smell of perfume that was very different from Ailee's, the smell of a man, they were so close that Ailee could feel the friction between their clothes.

So, he was Joseph

He only had good intentions to help the girl, but he didn't expect to be able to stand behind Ailee's back, even though he could see the nape of the girl peeking behind her blouse.

Josep could also see Ailee's rapid breathing which made heavy movements on her shoulders, the man held back his shy smile, he imagined being able to touch and even kiss the nape of the girl in front of him, making his face turn red.

Both of them chests were shaking violently, the breath that touched the skin made a small swish and weird sense, for a while Yosep didn't immediately lift the jar in his hand he was too fascinated by Ailee

" Even from behind you are so tempting .. " whispered Yosep's heart unable to resist Ailee's charm

Ailee, who bowed her head with a hand on her chest, tried to calm the emotions of love that kept pressing on

Yosep who stretched his arms above Ailee's head but his eyes remained fixed on the girl under his hands, he couldn't stop staring with his heart beating fast

"Ah, I seem to be interrupting!" a male voice startled the two of them

Joseph immediately lowered the jar

"Ah this, I'll just do it.." Joseph asked awkwardly, Ailee just nodded. She was also embarrassed, both of them blushed and couldn't look at each other and looked up.


Ah, sorry!" A stranger's voice

Their gazes made both of them not alert that there was someone else among them.

" I will come next time ! " the man's voice again!

Ailee and Yosep began to realize that there was a male figure standing between the entrance, they turned their heads together and put on a surprised face

a man who came with a big smile with a box in his hand, Yosep looked at Ailee surprised and still with a slightly embarrassed look

Ailee tried to look back at Joseph's glance, she smiled quickly so that Yosep wouldn't notice her weird behavior

"Looks like there's a guest" Yosep muttered

" ah, I, yes ... " Ailee immediately ran away from Yosep who was going to make drinks. The girl approached a male guest whose face she remembered quite well.

"Be careful with your feet," whispered Yosep worriedly.

The stranger man was still smiling broadly in front of the entrance, while Ailee had a surprised face

" you? "