You, between us

" ah hello Ailee, we meet again .. " he greeted calmly answering Ailee's confusion

"I just wanted to give this, now we are neighbors!" exclaimed the man happily, Ailee frowned even more surprised by the words of the man in front of her

Joseph came with two glasses of warm drink. And put it on the table. He joined in at the front door.

"Ah sorry, I disturbed you guys.." said the man reluctantly and was about to leave Ailee's room

" Ah no ! " replied Joseph quickly

"I'm just Ailee's doctor.." Joseph explained again, he didn't want any misunderstanding here, but Yosep's words made Ailee's face frown.

You came because you are my doctor, Ailee thought annoyed

"Ah, are you sick?" The man who was smiling broadly immediately turned to a worried face, he looked at Ailee and stopped at the bandage on the woman's leg.

"Are you hurt?" He said attentively. Joseph's pupils dilated instantly. This guy again?

"Ah, I'm okay, I'm healthy.." Ailee stepped back to find the man coming closer to examine Ailee's feet. Don't let him crouch at the entrance this time. Later the scenery of the beautiful memory of Yosep will be tarnished, Ailee thought hopefully.

Ailee pointed at Joseph's chest awkwardly

"Joseph has taken care of me, so I'm fine!" Ailee said stubbornly.

The man averted his gaze, he turned to Joseph. The man's eyes met a straight face. Ailee could only make a confused face. Why is the atmosphere so cold?

What atmosphere is this? Ailee's feelings suddenly feel bad

Joseph looked at the man who looked so close to Ailee, wasn't he the man that night? what is the relationship between the two that this man can immediately enter and be so worried about Ailee's condition,

maybe just friends or coworkers? Joseph's feelings became uncertain, the look in his eyes seemed to want to know a lot, Yosep was getting more and more curious about this man in front of him

"Ah Zian, thank you to you, for your gift as my new neighborhood.." Ailee tried to find a topic to lighten the mood which immediately changed for her.

Zian turned to Ailee.

"Oh no, I'm a new neighbor so consider it an introductory greeting!" said Zian with his trademark friendly smile, he glanced at Yosep briefly and forced a smile.

Ailee just replied with a forced smile line

"Ah, introduce me, my name is Zian.." Zian's outstretched hand towards Yosep was immediately welcomed by Yosep

The two men shook hands in front of Ailee, even though their hands looked close but the gazes of the two were not that close like there was a smell of competition between the handshakes.

"I'm Joseph," replied Joseph briefly with the corners of his lips pulled, this man replied cynically Zian's friendly smile

"What is this atmosphere?" Ailee's heart wondered, it didn't seem like a pleasant atmosphere, the girl suddenly felt goosebumps

"We will meet often, besides being neighbors, I also just signed a contract at the same agency as you.." Zian's long words made Ailee glared in disbelief. Hah?

"Are you also an artist?'' asked the girl innocently, making Zian's cheerful and friendly face turn stiff as a rock. Don't you realize?

"Ah.. you don't know because I'm a newcomer.. hehe.." Zian tried to ward off the pain in his heart with a forced chuckle.

Damn this girl doesn't even recognize me?! Mock at Zian in the heart

Joseph smiled a little, for some reason the conversation of the two people in front of him made him tingle happily

"I'm a member of the Noah band" explained Zian in response to Ailee's small nod. Seems like you've heard.

"Ah, I've heard that name.." Ailee muttered curtly

Ailee invited her two male guests tonight to sit down, Zian warmly welcomed a cup of Yosep's coffee. It's not for you! Joseph grumbled. But he just flashed a smile

Joseph took the initiative to make another glass

Ailee kept staring at Yosep's back, the doctor captivated Ailee's heart, not only his handsome face, but his behavior also made Ailee's heart melt.

He even used someone else's kitchen quietly? Zain glanced at Joseph in surprise.

"Is he your boyfriend?"


Along with Zian's question, Yosep dropped the kettle.

"Are you all right, doctor?" Ailee immediately got up and followed into the kitchen. Zian also stood up.

Joseph turned to Ailee who was already standing by his side.

"Sorry, I'm just a little surprised," said Joseph as if to mumble, making Ailee's lips smile. But Zian looked at him in surprise. He could not catch the conversation between Ailee and Yosep in the kitchen there.

"Please come back to your place, I'll bring you a cup of coffee," Yosep asked. Aileee nodded hesitantly and left Yosep.

"What is that mean?" Zian asked. Ailee waved her hand in response to Zian's question.

"I'm very happy that we can meet often, hopefully later we can solve many things together. I'm looking forward to our cooperation…"Zion continued to sit back on the couch following Ailee.

"I didn't expect to be in the same agency with a beautiful artist like you--"

Zian's cheerful voice who continued to speak did not steal the girl's eyes in the slightest, she was reluctant to take her eyes off Yosep, and the doctor smiled a little, his heart was very happy to get more attention from Ailee's beautiful eyes.

"Should I make another cup?" It seems that Yosep still wants to linger at Ailee's house.

Come on Yosep if you drink two cups of coffee tonight, then you will stay up all night at Ailee's house. Is that what you want? Joseph smiled.

Heart pounding when he heard Ailee's voice playing on Yosep's feelings. while Yosep's back, he continues to steal Ailee's attention, I'm sorry Zian, can you stay here a little longer?

"Okay Ailee, I have to go home first!" Ailee immediately got up from the couch. She's too excited.

Ailee led Zian to the door and gave a big smile.

"Is he home yet?" Joseph's flare startled Ailee, the girl's body suddenly turned

"Ouch!!" Ailee grimaced and lost her balance.

"Ailee!" Joseph caught Ailee's back.
