my brother's girl, your wet lips



Dina groped on the table, trying to reach the cell phone that kept ringing, interrupting her dream. With her eyes still reluctant to open, she forced her eyelids open and stared at the phone screen.

'Did you get home well?'

'What about the guy you're with?'

'Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend!'

'You damn, pretending to be innocent.'

'handsome, cool, where did you find that great taste?'

'You're bad at lying to us.'

Dina wrinkled her forehead, she seems to be still hungover and dizzy, she was drunk last night, it's all because of her friends who are so much fun! Dina had a hard time digesting messages from her friends. He got up slowly. And

Dina pulled the blanket over her chest. Nude, a naked body without a single thread. Her eyes widened and she tried to piece together the flashback in her memory. What happened yesterday, she was wiping her hair, confused, panicked, and had a headache!