my brother's hot night

Theo doesn't understand Dina's attitude towards him, the girl sometimes acts arbitrarily and acts spoiled when in front of him. But today, he found a new side again for her. The Dina he saw looked different, the face was tired and drunk, the girl couldn't walk properly, Theo couldn't believe it at first, he confirmed many times that the girl in front of him was Dina.

The girl came out in a semi-conscious state and troubled the taxi driver. Not to mention the words that came out of her slurred little lips, after leaving the taxi driver, now, The girl was teasing Theo, all the way.

Women who are drunk and seduce men, the combination of mint and wine that comes out of Dina's mouth, makes Theo's adrenaline and libido seem openly challenged.

This drunk woman started it.

In the elevator is not enough, in the apartment, Dina acts again.

Then now, what?