He was a nice guy

At the Widjaja family residence

 Mario knocked quietly on Dave's door, his cute and chatty handsome nephew

 Dave turned his head for a moment when someone opened the door to his room, he was sitting on a chair, seriously staring at the book in front of his eyes, he saw Mario's peeking face, the boy immediately closed the book and put it in the drawer. Is he still studying?

 " Hi uncle .. " Dave greeted me as if he was hiding something, his facial expression was not as warm and loose as usual.

 Mario looked at him with a smile, but he caught Dave's suspicious movements. This boy was holding something Mario thought suspiciously, he couldn't ask directly but he would have a chat with Dave first.

 "Are you not asleep yet? You're still studying, am I interrupting your study time?" asked Mario while sitting on Dave's study chair, the child immediately moved to the bed, Dave sat on the edge of his bed.