Sided stories

a high school student was running to catch up, his face looked very worried when the school gate was about to close, the boy immediately held back the gate with his hands leaving some distance until his body slipped in. He managed to get into the school area, he took a deep breath he was panting.

 "You're again, go ahead!" the school guard scolded furiously

 The boy laughed so wistfully that his eyes narrowed, he laughed until the guard was getting annoyed,

 "Fit your uniform and come in immediately!" the guard ordered firmly

 Yosi hastily tucked the shirt into his pants and buckled properly, he showed the uniform, the boy immediately ran to the class he had been absent from for a long time.

 His name is Yosi, who doesn't know that one teenager likes him, he likes playing games, for almost two years he didn't come to school because he focused on esports which he dreamed of.