Chapter 21: Trust or Kill Pt.2

~Tatsumi POV~

Puck getting himself back together he returns to a somewhat normal self as he says to me, "Yeah… I guess that explains why you have her stench, but you said to Emilia that you were forced here in this Kingdom care to explain more about that?"

I figured that would be the next question.

Breathing in and out to relax myself as I seriously respond to him leaving nothing but the truth to him.

Lying to him would be bad and I have nothing to hide from Puck since it will evitable come out as the truth anyway.

Also, me being here might endanger them so it was the best they know what they were getting into with me involved.

Getting myself together I simply replied to Puck the truth, "Alright the reason why I couldn't say anything earlier to Emilia was that I was sent here to kill 3 Sin Archbishops and kill one of the Three Demon Beasts."

Saying those words was enough to surprise Puck as he was looking at me from head to toe wondering if I was sick or something.

After floating around me for a while he says to me with a pitiful tone, "Wait! You came here to kill the 3 Sin Archbishops and one of the Three Demon Beasts…!"

Seeing his surprised expression, he then salutes me saying something that I will be missed from him in a soldier fashion, "Well damn… Tatsumi I wish you luck in your next life it was nice knowing you, friend."


Replying to Puck about his quick assumption of that remark I quickly ask told him, "Hey! I'll have you know that I'm pretty strong to kill them! And would you stop with that final solution crap I'm still alive damn it?!"

Puck looking amused about my situation shakes his head as he says his next question, "Ok I get that part but why would you need to that anyway surely you know how dangerous they are they have been threats to the kingdoms for a very long time and the beasts have been here even longer than the Sin Archbishops?"


I guess I have to answer this one honestly why I need to.

With that, I responded to Puck in a defeated tone with a depressed expression, "Sigh… the reason why is because if I don't, I won't return to my world."

Now Puck looked confused as he asks the next question with confusion in his voice, "World? Sorry, but how can you be from another world aren't you born into one of the other Kingdoms? Ok next question, where are you exactly from Tatsumi?"

Now this one would depend if he believes my answer or not but hey I kept my end at being honest here, "I come from another world called the Empire I was born and raised in a poor village where I train myself day and night to become strong enough to protect myself and the people I care about."

Puck nodding his head was surprised as he didn't detect any lies from me about from another world as he asks the next question, "Wow… I didn't feel any lies so you come from a different world altogether… that would explain a few things about you and that sword."

Raising my eyebrow at that one I choose to not question it for now.

As Puck was floating around he thought for a bit before he threw me another question with a serious glint in his eyes, "Hmm… alright I guess so far you have been entirely honest in that case how did you know Echidna was around when the Kingdom thought she was dead."


That is the question he asks?

Well, good thing I have an all-purpose answer for this one.

Smiling nervously, I answered his question with one word, "The internet is something similar to Echidna [Book of Wisdom] but everyone can use but it might not give the answer one is looking for that is how I knew where Echidna was before I was transported here."

Puck looks at me with a raised eyebrow as he couldn't as he asked with clear doubt, "The internet? What exactly is that kind of answer."

Well, it's an all-purpose answer, or use Google as my answer because that could answer any question.

Puck sighs at this but could only give a nod since he couldn't find me lying so he asked another question, "Sigh… very well then if that is your answer what else is to ask… are you a threat to Emilia and everyone in this mansion."

Looking at Puck I reply with no hesitation to his question with no doubt as I answer him, "No I don't plan nor I ever want to harm Emilia or anyone in the mansion to be in harm's way but with what I'm doing no doubt I'm going to bring trouble to them if I stay here if I kill what I was ordered to do."

Puck looks at me closely thinking the same lines as me as he gives me an answer, "True… you shouldn't underestimate the Witch Cultist Tatsumi once an upon a time there was a Kingdom 15 years ago that praised another witch name that infuriated the cultist and sent one Sin Archbishop Greed to eliminate the kingdom into nothing but rubble…"

Narrowing my eyes at Puck I know full well what dangers I'm going to be fighting here.


Those Sin Archbishops do happen to have a weakness.

Their own arrogance would be their downfall.

I know for a fact that the Sin Archbishops never if hardly work together because they all joined for their own reasons.

But I do know that they heavily rely on their Authorities and their wits to get the job done.

That is something I can take the abuse of since they are too overly confident to think that nothing can harm them.

Viewing at Puck I responded to him with a resolute face with a smirk shown on my face, "Yeah I know that these Sin Archbishops are strong enough to destroy a Kingdom if they wanted to, but they aren't the only ones to have powers that defy reasons either."

Puck raised his eyebrow at that but didn't question it since we both saw that Beatrice was done talking to her Echidna.

Puck then ends my interrogation seeing that he has most of his answers asked, "Well Tatsumi it looks like your cleared of suspicion, but you do pose a danger to people around you with your goals you know that?"

I didn't glance at Puck as I reply to him as Beatrice was getting back to normal again, "Yeah… those bastards are too crazy for their own good they need to be brought down at least this was it will be easier to have less menace around the Kingdoms right?"

Puck laughs at my response with a smile on his face as he begins to fade, "Ha ha ha ha… that is true I guess so for now though I have to leave I will tell the rest of the people in the mansion you're in the clear."


Couldn't you have done this earlier?

Whatever I guess I'll be in the clear tomorrow.

As Puck left Beatrice looks at me with a smile as she says to me, "I'm… so happy…. Meeting mother again… thank you Tatsumi I suppose."

Nodding my head to Beatrice I responded to her as I started to talk, "Yes Beatrice… how was your talk with Echidna?"

Beatrice could only respond with a smile as she started to talk to me, "Mother says thanks for bringing her emotions back even if it was forced… but thankful anyway… she also said that you need help killing the Sin Archbishops and a guide to magic…"

Nodding me to her I do need help I'm not that entirely confident against the Sin Archbishops especially against Regulus since even the author stated that if he and Reinhard fought Reinhard would've lost.

A man that can defeat Reinhard would be near impossible to defeat and Reinhard won because he had Subaru on his side to even the odds.

Getting myself back to reality I look at Beatrice as I reply my answer honestly, "Yeah I do need help even with my power and strength even I'm not sure how to handle them unless it's a full out fight so I was hoping to learn magic and possibly have you as a [Contract Spirit] but I understand if you don't want to."

Beatrice then says to me that left me a bit shocked till I remembered a key fact of the black pendant crystal can also read my thoughts the entire time that included my earlier thoughts.

Beatrice surprises me by saying in a happy tone, "Yes even if Subaru isn't here in this timeline, I would've been sad for my entire life waiting for death in fact. I guess I was lucky to meet someone different save me from that path it's what my mother told me about you Tatsumi or would you be called Jason I suppose?"


Now that is a name that I haven't heard from a very long time now in my first life hasn't.

I guess being reborn into another world can make a guy forget himself at times.

Shaking my head to Beatrice I responded to her with a smile on my face, "No just Tatsumi is fine Beatrice but tell me what are you going to do now?"

Beatrice returns with a smile of her own as she offers me her hand as she says to me, "What a foolish question human I will follow the [Contract] that my mother did is wait for the 'They' and looks to me you fit the bill in fact."

Viewing Beatrice comes closer to me as she holds her hand out she says to me, "If Mother is counting on me to help you it is my duty to see it through! Tatsumi… as of today, you, and I are working together, we shall form a [Formal Contract]. Be warn Tatsumi my conditions are strict can you handle it I suppose?"

This little girl…

Smirking at this I respond to her while I hold my hand to her, "Sure but the better question is are you ready to journey with me I suppose."

That got Beatrice to smile at that.

As for that Beatrice then became my own [Formal Contract] spirit.

And thus, Beatrice recites my conditions that I must follow that I must agree on.

Tatsumi cannot form a contract with other Spirits.

Beatrice cannot restore mana on her own.

Beatrice cannot use the mana in the atmosphere.

Beatrice can only drain mana from Tatsumi anytime she pleases.

With that Beatrice finally asks me what my magic was from my [Gate] with a surprised voice, "Oh! Tatsumi would you like to know what your magic is I can only since one?"

I was really excited to know what my magic is now because I was wondering what my magic for a while was now.

So, I nodded my head to Beatrice as she says to me in a surprised voice, "Tatsumi your magic from your [Gate] I sense is… [Yin Magic]!"