Chapter 22: Learning Magic

~Third POV~

It has been a single day has passed in the Rosswaal mansion and Tatsumi spent the entire night learning all that he can from Beatrice a master of the [Yin Magic].

Learning that Tatsumi had the affinity with [Yin Magic] certainly surprised him but thought it wasn't bad magic to have no more like a key ability to have.

While in the world of Re: Zero the affinity of [Yin Magic] is solely used as de-buff magic while the more modern people viewed this magic as solely de-buffing an enemy it can be used to attack in the past.

Echidna was a master of magic and has taught two people under her to use them one Rosswaal and the other Beatrice.

Under Echidna's wing, Beatrice was able to learn the arts of [Yin Magic] in the past as well as learn that it can not only de-buff but attack as well!

Luckily Beatrice can stay for as how long as she wants so long as she has mana to drain to stay in the real world and keep her library safe.

With that Tatsumi began to study Beatrice's use of [Yin Magic] to understand more what it's capable of so that he can use it himself in battle.

So, during that time Beatrice was teaching Tatsumi all the usage of [Yin Magic] as well as the ability that each provide:

[Shamak]: The target becomes unable to sense where they are. However, they can still feel the ground and sense what's happening to their body.

[El Shamak]: The user's target becomes unable to control their bodies while under its effects.

[Ul Shamak]: Covers the area in the darkness making the opponent unable to tell anything while under its effect, such as where they are sitting or standing, whether or not they are conscious, whether they are breathing in or out, dead or alive, whether they still retained human shape, how to move their arms, who they are, etc. Those affected by it can be snapped out of its effects by being hit really hard.

[Al Shamak]: [Al Shamak] is capable of bending space and time. It is capable of sending its target to a different location in the world or, in some cases, even to a different dimension.

[Door Crossing]: Door Crossing connects its space to the interior of a single building, otherwise to the place Beatrice most recently knew. It can't connect over especially long ranges, however even if it's a long-range, if she has deep ties to a place, Door Crossing can connect to it. She can also use a limited version to teleport things.

[Infinite Corridor]: Causes a spatial loop where the target or targets will wander through a repeating hallway until they find the right door.

[Minya]: Beatrice's magic creates stakes made of crystallized mana covered with light purple flames. They are strong enough to penetrate defenses. Any stakes in the air explode and release smaller stakes that fly in all directions which then rips its targets apart.

[El Minya]: Same as Minya, except the number of stakes increases to 40.

[UI Minya]: Beatrice creates a purple ring of light around the target that shrinks and binds them, subsequently spreading across their body. Once the target is bound, a huge purple-blue light appears above them to destroy them.

[Murak]: The user reduces the effects of gravity. Just by jumping lightly, a person can jump as if they had springs. If Beatrice wishes to, it can also be used to fly, although Beatrice will get blown around by the wind like a leaf, they won't flip around in midair.

[Vita]: Contrary to Murak, Beatrice uses this spell to amplify the effects of gravity, making an object heavier.

[El Vita]: Beatrice used this spell to increase Subaru's weight by roughly 100 additional kilograms, enabling him to withstand the Crimson Scorpion's attack.

Once Tatsumi has heard the advantages of his [Yin Magic] he was certainly happy but more so with the fact that magic can have the power to have such manipulation to produce teleportation, freezing time, tearing space, and fixating their own existence.

Tatsumi thought to himself in a happy tone with a smirk on his face, 'I have [Yin Magic]… this is the best outcome to have if I had a different affinity to each magic I was fine but if I have [Yin Magic] then I will become overpowered!'

In the library of Beatrice room Tatsumi had already had a few ideas that would work well with him, 'With my [Yami Yami no Mi] abilities would work well with [Murak] by reducing their gravity zero they would start to float or using [Vita] they would start to get heavy because of gravity returning heavier and add that with my own gravity ability of the [Yami Yami no Mi] to repulse and attract as well as absorption I can certainly control the battlefield.'

Tatsumi thinking along those lines had a thought to use [Yami Yami no Mi] with his [Minya] spell as a thought occurred to him, 'Wait for a second! If I can use my devil fruit to absorb the mass of crystals produced from my [Minya] spell would they become just as fast as the speed of light if their mass is reduced to zero?!'

Tatsumi thinking that his arsenal just grew a bit more dangerous and powerful certainly got him the shivers at the idea of a mage launching projectiles at the speed of light at any time was plane scary to him.

A single light speed attack is capable of destroying an island or kingdom easily without much effort since hardly the majority of anyone can't avoid it.

But another idea occurred to Tatsumi as how he could use the [Infinite Corridor] as a battle effective spell remembering a cursed eye user use space ability, 'Wait could I use the [Infinite Corridor] as a way to defend like Gojo Satoru to create a space in between me and my target that causes a spatial loop always repeating between me never really getting near me?'

Tatsumi was thinking of different ways to incorporate his new [Yin Magic] to him but once he heard what [El Shamak] and [Ul Shamak] abilities he found a way to counter the Sin Archbishop of Lust ability now.

By using either one of the spells it would be easier for him to defeat Capella once she loses her senses it would be the perfect time for him to extract the [Witch Factor] from her gaining her abilities of her Authority and kill her without her noticing.

When Tatsumi have heard from Beatrice the way to gain mana is through the atmosphere in the air to enter his [Gate] or use his [Od] to activate his magic but at the cost of his life force being used.

As Tatsumi heard of this he thought to himself in a curious tone, 'Wait! So, if mana is already in the air and can be used couldn't I just reuse that mana I let out by absorbing the mana I used back into my gate with my [Yami Yami no Mi] …'

However as soon as Tatsumi has thought of it he quickly dismisses his earlier idea since his body isn't ready just yet, '… but then again I have never used magic before in the Re: Zero worlds so I have to be careful when I use it since my body isn't going to be used to it yet, the sooner I get Capella Authority the sooner I can change myself into a hybrid [Tyrant] to gain its biology like how Capella gains the use of [Black Flames] as she was a part dragon.'

That was what occurred during the whole night as Tatsumi spent his time learning the usage of [Yin Magic] of what Beatrice taught him but he's far from mastering them.

With that currently, Tatsumi was with Emilia and the group eating breakfast with a tired look in his eyes as he ate his food sluggishly which earned Emilia attention with concern while Beatrice was smiling happily somewhat scaring the twins.

Emilia looks in concern to Tatsumi as she asks him in worry, "Sir Tatsumi… you don't seem well today didn't you sleep yesterday?"

Tatsumi looks at Emilia as he replies to her with a weary smile, "Not really I spent the entire night in Beatrice library learning everything I can about my magic being [Yin Magic] it was interesting really."

Emilia looked surprised at this the same as Puck as he looks at Beatrice with curiosity in his eyes as he asked a question with a smile on his face, "Say Betty what did you and Tatsumi did when I left any way you seem very happy today? Also, I like the black crystal pendant."

Beatrice enjoys her meal as she says to everyone shocking the room entirely silent, "Oh, nothing much big brother it's just that I formed a [Formal Contract] with Tatsumi from now on finally completing the original promise that I was given as well as the entire library."


That was how long it shocked anyone except for Puck knowing what happens.

In those few seconds everyone except for Tatsumi, Beatrice, and Puck was silent in those few words spoken.

The next came the appropriate response and surprise from them, "WHHHAAATTT?!!!!!"

Next, Rem, Ram, and Emilia wanted to know what happened!

Tatsumi looking at the scene could only reply with his thoughts at that moment, 'God damn it Betty did you really have to rile them up like that?!'

As if answering in his own thoughts while Tatsumi held another black crystal pendant Beatrice snickers at this Echidna answered for Beatrice, 'Yes you needed to leave me to explain everything to the other witches that I had to calm down consider it payback after all my loving Beatrice was following what I say to her.'

During the lesson to learn [Yin Magic] Echidna visited them into her world as she gave Tatsumi another black crystal pendant so that all three can hear each other out to listen in to each other ideas.

Tatsumi bangs his head quickly regretting getting another pendant from Echidna as he says in his now violated private thoughts, 'Damn it!'

Tatsumi could only hear the backgrounds in his mind of several voices laughing in the distance while the others in the real world were stumped at why Tatsumi's face is in the food assuming he was simply tired.