Chapter 28: The End of Greed

~Tatsumi POV~

Viewing Anastasia taking my Meita and seeing its effects I waited to see how she would respond to my deal.

Anastasia examines the cell phone after a while and she finally says to me in a cheerful tone with a smile on her face, "Hmm… this item is certainly useful and is a one of a kind that is certainly how about I sell for… about 35 Holy Coins and that is me being very generous about the offer Tatsumi."

Julius and Beatrice looked surprised about the amount.

And I would agree since during this time the economy of Luginca is not so great right now considering that everyone is having a hard time surviving.

But assuming Anastasia minds she will pay this no mind since I know that they can recreate it in the anime or novel using Subaru phone as an example.

Thinking about this logically this amount is considered a lot I could milk this worth for its money but I'm not in a rush just yet.

After all, I don't plan to stay in this world for long, but I do want to make sure that there won't be any lasting problems in this world at least.

Taking care of the Sin Archbishops and the Three Demon Beasts would ensure that much but also supportive encouragement would help Emilia out.

Nodding my head to Anastasia I agreed with the deal since it's still a lot of money carrying these coins and with the 10 Holy Coins, I still have it will be useful in the future.

With that Julius left the room to get 35 Holy Coins while Anastasia kept the phone as we both kept silent for a while and nothing else.

After all, why would Anastasia want to talk to me in any way I'm just a nobody in their eyes except for having Beatrice as my [Formal Contract] spirit while we both wait in silence.

Till Anastasia finally says to me in a cheerful manner that I closed my eyes waiting, "Tell me Tatsumi are you willing to let me borrow Beatrice library and I will name your price."

Quickly responding to her without a hint of hesitation I respond accordingly, "Sorry but Beatrice library is not for sale I'm afraid since it belongs to her."

Anastasia looks at me disappointed but can't do much since it's Beatrice's knowledge and her pride to have guarded it for a very long time.

Glancing over to Beatrice gives me a nod of appreciation for not accepting Anastasia's offer.

Soon enough Julius arrives in time to hand me over the bag filled with 35 Holy Coins inside as I took it as I thanked the Knight, "Thank you very much Julius it was an honor to meet the Knight of Anastasia but I have other matters to attend too."

Julius looks at me and asks a question with a curious look in his eyes, "Interesting if you don't mind me asking what is it do you plan to do?"

Preparing to leave I left the candidate and everyone that heard me look surprised as I say my piece in a serious voice, "Easy I'm hunting down the Sin Archbishop of Greed Regulus outside of the nation of Kararagi someone has to put these guys down."

With that as I left, I look around the demi-humans looked at me in shock as Julius returns to his senses as he tries to persuade me, "Wait! You don't want to lose your life against these nobodies! These Sin Archbishops aren't to be tested against especially against Greed what makes you capable against these nobodies!"

I continue walking with Beatrice on my side as I reply to him easily shocking everyone again whether, believe it or not in a confident tone, "Easy since I already killed two off Sloth and Wrath are no longer a threat anymore. At the rate I'm going the name Demon Dragon Knight the 'Witch Slayer' is going to be something to remember."

With that Beatrice left from my side as she was now floating on top of me as we already left to the sky leaving behind a very shocked camp at our ability as well as first time seeing my [Dark Speed] and [Dark Air Walk] to our next target.

As I was getting to the location that Geuse has given me I heard Beatrice asks me a curious question, "Tell me Tatsumi was it wise to tell them your intentions of going after the Sin Archbishop of Greed so soon after your first hunting in fact?"

In a way yes it was too rushed in my opinion but also valuable if I manage to gather a good reputation as the 'Witch Slayer' I could be seen as a positive and negative to the Kingdoms.

The positive being that helping out erasing these threats would help Emilia a lot in the future using my name or title as the 'Witch Hunter' or the 'Demon Dragon Knight' as an influence to people knowing that they can't mess with her since they don't exactly have the power to defeat the man who killed these guys easily now would they?

Not even Reinhard could do much against me once I have the full power of the Authority of Greed.

But there is a negative to this as well if there is someone in this world capable of dealing with not only the Sin Archbishops but also the Three Demon Beasts in this world, they would either be recognized as a threat to the world or the Kingdom.

Regardless of what happens, it will leave a result being that there is a person out there who is capable of dealing with them is a person they shouldn't be wise to piss off.

With those thoughts in my mind, I replied to Beatrice of my opinion, "It's not like I was going to stop it might as well start the name off somewhere to gain the reputation of my work which would no doubt piss them off as well as drive off any people wanting to search for me."

Beatrice nods her head about my opinion about it as we continued our search for the Sin Archbishop of Greed home.

It took a few hours till it was sunset, but it looks like we finally managed to find his home as we see his home was whole entirely white with a few guards that consist of his captured wives.

That bastard…

He is following the path of the Harem King…

Narrowing my eyes at him I simply began to float down as Beatrice was getting worried as she told me extremely worried what was about to happen, "Tatsumi are you sure that it's wise to confront Regulus by going the direct approach I suppose!"

As I was floating down I see that the wife guards left to inform them of our arrival as I reassured Beatrice as I was now fully armored in Incursio as a safety precaution, "To be honest Beatrice no matter what direction I take I think that the direct approach would be wiser since his that overconfident of his skills but you should stay behind in case things go wrong."

Beatrice nods at this as she retreats away a great distance best to be on the safe side.

Soon enough the man himself comes out from his home with his overflowing confidence Sin Archbishop of Greed.

Regulus Corneas.

At first glance, anyone would consider Regulus to be an utterly unremarkable individual.

His face had no notable features and he had golden eyes that were usually murky and disinterested but started to sparkle when he passionately engaged in his long monologues.

His modestly handsome face wasn't particularly attractive or unattractive and his height and build were both utterly average as one would expect, his hair also didn't particularly stand out as it was neither short nor long and without a distinct style, however, it was naturally white despite his youthful appearance.

Regulus' white skin that lacked any semblance of a tan, coupled with his white hair and predominately white clothing, made him seem as though he was the epitome of the color white and he looked like a completely ordinary man who could easily melt into a crowd despite his lack of color.

Regulus' attire, much like his facial features and body shape, was neither extravagant nor shabby, instead portraying an impression of averageness his primary piece of clothing was a pure-white grace-style overcoat that reached down to his ankles and had golden-edged cuffs, a set of five golden buttons running down the torso of his center front that usually ensured that the coat was closed above the hipline, and golden-highlighted edging.

The inside of the coat was black and featured vertical golden stripes traveling down the entire coat and the most striking part of his coat was the opulent gold and black high-neck collar it sported that had the symbol for infinity inscribed on it, perhaps reflecting the nature of Regulus' Authority.

Under his coat, he wore a long-sleeved deep-blue-colored dress shirt, white snow-white trousers, and a pair of white shoes, the latter two of which were both the same shade as his hair and overcoat.

As he comes over to the front gate, he looks at me like I was a pest to him.

In his defense, however, I would have to agree since I am trying to kill him at home.

No, wait.

The correction was his home when I kill him it's going to be my home.

Much better now.

But now I returned to him and his speaking to me in an annoyed tone as I was ignoring him from the beginning but now, I regret listening to his ramblings, "Don't you understand basic concepts like politeness? The first thing I did was give a self-introduction. To ask why you're going to introduce yourself, that's because it's the most important thing to start as a relationship. No matter what kind of relationship, isn't it necessary to start with an acquaintanceship where we both know each other? So, just because I'm someone who cares about such things, I often think that no matter to whom, I will be as friendly as possible. I'm not saying that there isn't a chance that the other party is shy. Even if you think you want to become well-connected, when you start by introducing yourself, something in you always cannot help but hesitate. Out of consideration for those types of people, I try to introduce myself as much as possible and act to create a space where they feel comfortable. Of course, I don't expect this grace to be immediately obvious. However, I do have hopes that after some time, they will be able to detect the meaning of an introduction. Or, rather, that they will become aware of it. Or is it natural to talk to someone you meet for the first time without introducing yourself? If that's the case, then there's a slight difference between my common sense and culture. In that case, although both parties feel a sense of obligation, it becomes necessary to refuse the other side in advance to prevent a misunderstanding. Isn't that so different from what I said before, taking being gentle with each other for granted? In fact, saying so feels impolite. And that's a loss of etiquette, and the other party is left with a lesser value. A false assessment of each other's value imposes on others. This is a violation of the rights of others. From any rational perspective, this is an infringement of my rights."

I regret listening to him now…

If there is any god out there in this world, why was I made to suffer as to listening to his useless ramblings about politeness and introductions somehow leading into friendship then freedom of speech and his rights, I think?

He speaks too much must silence his ramblings.

With that, I quickly dashed towards him using my own [Authority of Greed: Lion's Heart] since we both become anomalies to this world since our Authority is similar, we would naturally become normal to each other.

And last I checked he is just a normal human person with his power but take that away or be put into the same playing field…

He's just an ordinary human I can harm…

Someone power that I can nullify to bring him to a normal person.

Regulus seeing this used his own Authority of Greed as he places his hand over his head as he speaks to me in an annoyed voice, "Does it feel good? Knowing you tried? Knowing that all that remains is the slow cold brutal death of the fools that will all die in vain. How does it feel knowing your efforts will fail? All that you've built will be torn down the hope of your people assailed. Send your guardians, they will fail. Legends and heroes will crumble and fall, you will not prevail."

As soon as I made contact with his neck as I grip it with my hand now turned into darkness as Regulus was smirking at me with a confident voice, "Surely you are a fool to dare to defy me but more so to try and violate my rights of space around me. Haven't people around you ever taught you a lesson of personal space I guess you are a villain to try and attack me in my home, so I was wrong to assume that you had…"

However, I interrupted him as he was now expressing something in that overconfident face as I speak to him as he tried to actually stop me from gripping his windpipes now, "Would you just shut up already! I already had to listen over to your ramblings to a mad man. Jesus Christ, you have been a very annoying bishop I killed at this point I'm doing a world a favor crushing your windpipe at this point!"

Seeing this Regulus actually looks scared as I forced him out of his own Lion Heart ability as I was now searching for his [Witch Factor] absorbing all the mana he had in his body to forcibly absorb it into my body.

At this point, Regulus now knows the feeling of fear as he was trying everything in his power to stop me by releasing me from my grip, but it seems to him it was all futile.

After a few minutes have passed I finally felt that I absorbed his [Witch Factor] seeing the rest of the 52 wives of his look at me in the distance from the house.


Seeing that Regulus is no longer a threat to me I released my grip of him as I say to him in a happy voice, "Thank you very much Regulus for your Authority of Greed I will use it a lot better than you ever could."

Saying these words to him he throws dirt at me trying out his [Authority of Greed: Stillness of an Object's Time] …

But it was only thrown at a normal speed as I was smiling inside my armor as the dirt was destroyed from the impact.

Everyone seeing this I took notice that the 52 wives sadistically smiled at this while I bow towards them in an honorific way as I say to them, "Hello there lovely ladies as seeing that Regulus has no power anymore since I stole them away from him you can do as you please to him as you see fit after all you were his victims correct?"

Soon enough Regulus looks very worried since he lost his means to defend himself as one of the 52 wives very young say to me, "Thank you very much young knight we will surely teach this scum a lesson for what he has done to the others…"

As one of them says this Regulus tries to run only to be caught by one of them using a chain weapon as he was dragged towards the group…

And what I see they have done to him…


Let's just say he suffered the same fate the same as Honest from the Akame ga Kill manga.

Damn these women here are brutal but knowing they had to be like this for their lives I could understand them about this.

As the torture of Regulus was in progress Beatrice returns after seeing the events were done with Regulus is being tortured to death as she says to me in an uncomfortable tone, "I see that your job is done here Tatsumi and these women… I can't help but feel scared of them in fact."

Nodding my head at this I flicked one piece of rock with the [Authority of Greed: Stillness of an Object's Time] to quickly end the Sin Archbishop in the mansion.

I'm not sure what would happen if I let them kill him so its better to steal the kill with only one Sin Archbishop left to go.

Seeing this I waited for the 52 women to deal with Regulus corpse.

I wonder if these women would help me out spreading out the word and help support Emilia as the new Queen of this Kingdom?