Rurouni Kenshin. Remembrance!

"What's this?"

  "Rurouni Kenshin. Remembrance?"

  Chu Yu, who often browses the information of various works on the earth plane in the system space, naturally knows the work of Rurouni Kenshin.

  A work that can leave pen and ink in the history of earth comics, the complete Rurouni Kenshin exchange price in the system space is sky-high.

  But if the words Rurouni Kenshin are followed by the words Remembrance, the situation is very different...

  In other words, the work Chu Yu picked up this time is not a complete Rurouni Kenshin, it's just... just one of the chapters.

  "I am so happy...I thought this system was finally a bit humane, but I didn't expect to dig a hole here and wait for me!"

  Chu Yu stepped forward to the work of Rurouni Kenshin. As expected, only part of the chain wound on it was broken. Chu Yu reached out and touched the name of Rurouni Kenshin's work.

  In the next second, a wonderful message came to Chu Yu's mind.

  In the depths of consciousness, Chu Yu could see the plot of Rurouni Kenshin. Remembrance...

  Soon, Chu Yu was also immersed in the depths of his consciousness reading the plot of the remembrance chapter...

  Two hours later.

  Chu Yu's consciousness recovered and returned to the real world.

  There was a hint of shock and unforgettable expression in his eyes!

  "So, is it such a work?"

  Chu Yu's emotions are still calm at the end of the remembrance chapter, in the death of Xuedaiba.

  The Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance obtained this time was a tragic chapter, and Chu Yu felt a little unable to come out after reading it.

  In general, Chu Yu only feels this way when he sees truly outstanding works.

  After a long time, Chu Yu calmed down.

  As a person with many years of age, Chu Yu can basically tell the quality of a work.

  Rurouni Kenshin does not mention the main story, but in terms of the quality of the remembrance story, he thinks it is undoubtedly a masterpiece.

  And because it is the first work of the main story, I can understand it even if I haven't read the main story.

  With these 80,000 world points, Chu Yu felt that he had drawn quite a lot of value!

  The only problem is...

  "Remembrance, only sixteen chapters!"

  "Although it is twice as long as the Garden of Words, it is still a short story."

  "It's a far cry from the medium length that Su Lu said serialized for at least half a year!"

  Although the main story of Rurouni Kenshin is a full-length comic, Chu Yu does not think that he can earn the world points for the main story of Rurouni Kenshin by publishing the remembrance chapter.

  The Garden of Words is an example. It is worth two million world points. It only gained more than 80,000 world points when it was serialized to the fifth episode. Even if the two words that have not yet been published can bring him Chu Yu also felt that he was far from the return of 2 million world points and the long-term benefits of this work.

  Of course, the reason why the income is so low is also related to the published platform and the intensity of promotion...

  "Oh, don't worry about it!" Chu Yu had a headache and couldn't think of a solution.

  "It's already like this anyway, just bite the bullet!"

  "Su Lu only said that the chances of serialization of short stories on the comics are small, and did not say that there is no chance at all."

  Chu Yu shook his head and stopped thinking about this question.

  Since he has already picked up this work, it is his most important question to restore it to this world as perfectly as possible.

  Taking a deep breath, Chu Yu looked at the time.

  It was still early, Su Lu said that he was asked to draw a new series of three paintings within two weeks. To be honest, this requirement is not harsh.

  You should know that many cartoonists have to blast their livers every day when they just finish one manga a week.

  Although the original manga is in Chu Yu's mind,

Chu Yu doesn't need to think too much about comic strips and plot creation, but simply restoring the work, depicting it in black, and pasting dotted paper are not simple things that can be accomplished.  Moreover, Chu Yu is different now from when he painted the garden of Ye Zhiting. At that time, he had enough time to do these things every day during the summer vacation, but now he still has to go to school every day. To be honest, the time is really a little bit. compact.

  But it's not impossible. It can only be said that it is inevitable to burst the liver.

  Thinking of this, Chu Yu didn't waste time anymore, and went straight to the table where he drew comics, and began to draw the first three episodes of Rurouni Kenshin.


  "Chu Yu..."

  "Chu Yu..."

  "Chu Yu!!!"

  A majestic voice sounded in Chu Yu's ear.

  Chu Yu in his sleep was like a cat that was frightened, and almost everyone jumped up.

  Looking at the English teacher with a bad face in front of him, Chu Yu also felt embarrassed.

  I fell asleep again!

  "This week, this is the third time you have slept in my class!"

  "Do you just want to listen to my lecture?"

  The English teacher is a middle-aged woman in her forties. She talks a lot, but she is very serious about her students.

  "Teacher, it's not that he doesn't want to listen to your class, he's the same in other classes this week!"

  The classmates around kept booing...

  After class, Chu Yuqiang worked hard, although he was still very sleepy.

  Since last Wednesday he promised that Su Lu would fight for a serial seat on the comic, Chu Yu has not slept well for five consecutive days.

  After returning home from get out of class every day, I picked up the paintbrush and worked hard until midnight. This week, I have been named by the teacher at least ten times if I couldn't afford to sleep in class alone.

  If Chu Yu can continue to paint at this speed, then about a day or two before the serial meeting begins, Chu Yu should be able to finish the manuscript of the three chapters.

  But judging from the current state, Chu Yu felt that if he kept the rhythm of sleeping for four hours a day, I am afraid that the body would really be unable to hold it.


  Sitting in the front row, Qin Qianyu turned his head and looked at Chu Yu who was sitting on the seat tiredly, with a curious look on his face.

  Qin Qianyu did not tell anyone about suspecting that Chu Yu was a well-known new cartoonist Shui Xin in Ming City.

  After all, I only saw the manuscript of The Garden of Words in Chu Yu's desk box, and I didn't see Chu Yu painting on the spot, so the veracity of this guess is still uncertain.

  However, Chu Yu's state this week made Qin Qianyu basically certain of his guess.

  Although there are no people in the comics industry, Qin Qianyu, who loves to read comics, still knows some basic knowledge of him.

  A page of comics has at least five or six sub-frames, and a manga has more than twenty pages, which means hundreds of sub-frames.

  Finish the design of these storyboards in one week, and then draw them into the original paintings. After such a huge work is completed, post-post work such as post-posting of dotted paper and revisions, as well as normal school and school, dealing with the comics club. Handover.

  If Chu Yu is really the author of The Garden of Words, then his current state is normal. On the contrary, if Chu Yu was still laughing and joking like ordinary people all day, Qin Qianyu would really doubt his guess.

  Qin Qianyu took out a few comic magazines from the table box, which were the comic journals of Cuttlefish Comics Club, Ink Shadow.

  After suspecting that Chu Yu was the author of The Garden of Words, Qin Qianyu later went to it by himself and bought all the periodicals serialized on the ink shadow of The Garden of Words.

  I don't know if it's the psychological effect that this work is really about Qin Qianyu's heart. At least last week, I finished the serialization of The Garden of Words to the present. During this week, Qin Qianyu has repeatedly watched the Garden of Words. More than three times.

  Now she is looking forward to the plot of the sixth episode of The Garden of Words released by Ink Shadow on Wednesday...

  I seem to have become a fan of comics for my classmates.

  Thinking of this, Qin Qianyu felt a little funny and interesting.

  She silently retracted her attention from Chu Yu.


  In the evening, Chu Yu bought three cans of Red Bull and three cans of coffee. Tonight is another fighting night.

  But when it was only eight o'clock, Chu Yu heard a knock on his door.


  Chu Yu put down the pen in his hand.

  open the door.


  Outside the door, Su Lu looked at Chu Yu with an expression that you didn't expect it to be me.

  "What are you doing?" Chu Yu said.

  "Why, what you said, I am your editor, isn't it normal to come and visit you?"

  "And didn't you say last week that you would participate in next week's comic series seat competition? So I came here to see how your work is progressing!"