Su Lu's Shock

  Since the last Weixin chat, Su Lu hasn't bothered Chu Yu anymore. After all, the idea of ​​the new work can only be relied on by Chu Yu herself. At most, she can only make some comments after the idea of ​​the new work is completed. Chu Yu is in a hidden state in the world.

  "Aren't you talking nonsense?" Chu Yu said in an angry voice.

  "If I haven't thought about the idea of ​​the new work so far, how could I draw the manuscripts of the three words at the serial meeting next Friday!"

  "Yeah...yes, it seems that your state is very high, it seems that you have not been lazy during this time..." Su Lu nodded and said.

  However, Su Lu immediately noticed something wrong with Chu Yu's words.

  "Original...what original?"

  "Huh?" Chu Yu made the look that you were teasing me.

  "What manuscript do you mean? Of course it is the manuscript of the new work! Didn't you say that you asked me to draw three new works before next Friday?"

  "Did you come here specifically to waste my precious painting time on this kind of problem?" Chu Yu said out of air.

  Su Lu finally understood completely, where did the sense of something wrong he perceive came from.

  "You mean, you are not painting the storyboard name of the new work this week, but you are directly painting the original manuscript of the new work?"

  Chu Yu blinked, he also seemed to notice something was wrong, he hesitated, then he said.

  "Em...that's right!"

  "How much did you paint?" Su Lu looked at him with weird eyes.

  "Almost a little more words! Twenty-five-six pages of comics." Chu Yu said.

  "What?" Su Lu's eyes widened.

  "Page twenty-five and six...A week, are you alone?"

  "You are kidding!"

  "Forget it, don't care about it, where is the manuscript of your drawing, let me see?"

  "That stack on the table is." Chu Yu looked inexplicable, what happened to Su Lu today!

  Su Lu didn't talk nonsense with him, and rushed over, carefully picked up the manuscript and began to read it.


  Entering the eyes, several characters of Rurouni Kenshin. Remembrance chapter come into view.

  "I'm dying..."

  "The same is true of the times, so are the hearts of people..."

  In a secluded night, a handsome man, sitting cross-legged in front of the creek, looked at the night sky and sighed like this.

  It is just a simple picture, a depressive and sad atmosphere is conveyed from the painting.


  Su Lu's eyes became serious.

  In the next scene, the scene turns.

  A group of women ran away desperately with a child.

  Behind him is a vicious human trafficker.

  Killing, killing without any compassion.

  In the expressions and eyes of the traffickers, there was no trace of awe for life.

  The women and children were overtaken, and everyone could not escape the killing.

  "Please let this kid go..."

  The women guarded the children and begged the robbers.

  But only swords responded to them.

  The last woman, after being pierced by a sharp blade in her neck, looked at the little boy for the last time before Ning died, and said to him in a weak voice.

  "... Live!"

  Next, when the little boy was about to be slaughtered, the handsome man appeared and cleanly beheaded all the robbers on the scene.

  For the man, he was just saving another person, but what's the use?

  Such things happen all the time in this world.

  He can only save the person in front of him, but he cannot save this corrupt world.

  With this idea,

He leaves here.  But when I passed by here again the next day.

  It was discovered that the little boy saved by him had buried everyone at the scene, including the traffickers who wanted to kill him...

  After some conversation, the boy was accepted as a disciple by the man and changed his name to Jianxin.


  Next, the screen turned again. Jian Xin, who had grown up, killed a man indifferently one night, and the man's last sword also made a scar on his face.

  The man before he died, a beautiful woman's face flashed in his memories, and he said in his mouth.

  "I don't want to... die... Ba!"


  The content of Chu Yu's painting ends here.

  To be honest, Su Lu didn't understand what kind of work Chu Yu wanted to paint.

  But after reading this short comic, Su Lu developed a strong desire to continue reading.

  Judging from the plot in Chuyu's comics, the location should be RB Island, and the time is set to RB more than a hundred years ago.

  Although in this world, RB is already a province of the Dragon Kingdom, if the protagonist and the location of the story are set in such a blatant way, will readers in Los Angeles buy it?

  Su Lu didn't know, but when she saw Chuyu drinking coffee with Red Bull on the table, she didn't want to pick Chuyu's fault on this issue.

  She believes that Chu Yu must have thought about this issue, but still set it like this after thinking about it, which proves that such a setting is indispensable.

  So putting aside all of these and viewing the content of this cartoon from an editor's corner, Su Lu had only one idea.

  "It's amazing, you!"


  after an hour.

  Chu Yu looked at Su Lu with a dazed expression.

  "So, you said that you should hand over the three-character manga before next week. You are not asking me to hand over the three-character manuscript, but the three-character name?"

  "Yes!" Su Lu said.

  The name of the manga, which is equivalent to the draft before the manga is created, is just a kind of thing that roughly expresses the storyboard and content of the manga.

  Generally speaking, when the editor reviews the manga manuscript, the manuscript name is read first, and the author is not allowed to draw the manuscript after confirming that there is no problem.

  It was also Chu Yu who did not play the card according to common sense, and directly drew the manuscript of the Garden of Seven Characters and Leaves at the first submission, and directly submitted the manuscript.

  So Su Lu subconsciously did not treat Chu Yu as a newcomer, nor did he elaborate.

  But when I think about it, Chu Yu really doesn't understand anything except drawing cartoons.

  Su Lu would never have thought that what Chu Yu was drawing this week was not the manga name, but the manuscript.

  What's even more outrageous is that he actually drew more than 20 pages of manuscripts a week by himself.

  This simply refreshed her view of cognition.

  The author she was in charge of before, who was not the one who had to draw twenty pages of cartoons a week with the assistance of a few assistants.

  What kind of like Chu Yu, he is like a tentacle monster and model worker in the comics industry in Ming City.

  Single-handedly, he prepared to draw three manga manuscripts in two weeks.

  And according to Chu Yu's painting speed, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is also entirely possible.

  "Then what should I do now?" Chu Yu was dumbfounded.

  "I won't draw the manuscript? Is it ok to draw the manga name?"

  Just creating a draft-level painting like the name of a comic, how can Chu Yu spend so much thought, thinking of herself who has been anxious about not having enough time to paint during this period, and wants to rely on Red Bull drinking coffee to burst her liver tonight. Chu Yu feels that she is really stupid .

  "Do not...."

  Su Lu thought for a while, said.

  "Although it's a mistake, it doesn't seem to be purely useless work..."

  "After discussing with you, although I still don't quite understand what your intention is for you to switch from a small fresh manga like the Garden of Words to this work? I can't judge the effect of this work."

  "But I understand one thing. Does this work end with just sixteen words for the time being?"

  "To be honest, there is still a certain gap between this and the length of the serialized works on Man Ying, but it is not much worse, at least it is much better than the length of the Garden of Words."

  "So, if you can really come up with a mature and wonderful three-character comic at the serial meeting next week, I think... it will be a lot of help for you to compete for this seat."

  "But the premise is, are you sure you can finish the manuscript of these three comics before that day?"