
Chu Yu took the sketch in Su Lu's hand and flipped through it right away.

  It was not the first time for Su Lu to come to Chu Yu's house, and she got out a paper cup and tea leaves from Chu Yu's house. Soon, she brought three cups of hot tea.

  "Little sound, come!"

  "Thank you Sister Su." Zhao Qinyin took the tea that Su Lu handed over with both hands, but kept his eyes on Chu Yu.

  To be honest, Zhao Qinyin's knowledge of Chu Yu is almost zero.

  It was just over a month ago that Chu Yu was sent to the infirmary because of low blood sugar. Later, she found a few students from Chu Yuyuan who came to her fifth class because of the high third class and found out about the situation.

  Both parents died...

  Withdrawn personality...

  Living house...

  The grades are not good...

  This is all the news that Chu Yu had heard from his classmates in his first year and second year of high school.

  For this period of time, she had been trying to find a way to return Chu Yu's favor to her, but she couldn't figure it out.

  Until today, when Su Lu invited her to act as an assistant to Teacher Shuixin, she realized that...the world is so small.

  The indifferent and non-talkative teenager in the eyes of the classmates actually worked hard to become a cartoonist just like her.

  And... in the field of comics, Chu Yu's current achievements are much better than her.

  After all, Chu Yu's Garden of Words and Leaves has basically taken the first place in the popular vote on Ink Shadow.

  And the last time she was serialized in a comic three years ago, she was cut in half because of her low popularity after only a few words.

  "Awesome!" Chu Yu closed the comic manuscript in his hand and looked at Zhao Qinyin.

  At this time, his eyes were no longer with scrutiny and doubt as before, but full of enthusiasm.

  Chu Yu didn't forget the other party's purpose here, so when watching Zhao Qinyin's work, he didn't care about the other's story level, but focused on the other's painting skills.

  Whether it is the background, line drawing, details, use of dot paper or composition, Chu Yu does not think that he is better than the other party, and even the system gave him a manga specialization technique. Chu Yu can be said to be done by the other party in the painting. burst.

  To be honest, in Chu Yu's eyes, Zhao Qinyin is indeed Qucai when he is his manga assistant.

  If you want to make money, with this painter, draw a fan album, the book is definitely much better than being an assistant.

  Of course, Chu Yu would never say this.

  "That's amazing...Student Zhao Qinyin!" Of course Chu Yu understood that the assistant's affairs had not been settled yet.

  Su Lu just brought her over to get to know him, and now he is very satisfied with the other party, but it depends on what the other party thinks!

  "I have great recognition for your painter..."

  "You must have heard Sister Su tell me about me, because I want to draw three manga manuscripts to participate in the serial meeting next Friday, and I desperately need the help of an assistant..."

  "I just don't know what you think about being my assistant for some time after meeting today, whether you are willing or unwilling."

  Willing... Still unwilling!

  If you had known that Teacher Shui Xin was a male, then Zhao Qinyin would definitely not even come to this meeting.

  After all, a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl working with a male cartoonist late at night, no matter how simple Zhao Qinyin is, she will definitely be worried about her own safety.

  But if that man is Chu Yu...

  Zhao Qinyin remembered what Chu Yu said to him when he ran away to the infirmary holding himself in his arms.

  "...If there is a chance, I will repay your favor."

  At that time, Chu Yu just replied.

  "Say it if you have a chance!"

  Have the opportunity....

  Zhao Qinyin sighed.

  She thought about it, but chose to believe in Chu Yu.

  After all, Zhao Qinyin still has a certain recognition of Chu Yu's character in his heart for someone who can help her in the first place.

  And if the factor of one's own safety is removed, then Zhao Qinyin, Chu Yu's manga assistant, does not reject it.

  "Yeah!" Zhao Qinyin nodded.

  "So, is this thing done?" Chu Yu blinked.

  "Thank me! Boy!" Su Lu was also happy.

  In this way, the three-character manuscripts before the meeting next week must not only guarantee the quantity, but because of the help of his assistant, Chu Yu can also spend more time working on some details, presumably the quality will be improved to a higher level.

  "Since it's decided, we don't have much time for Teacher Chuyu. Can you show me the manuscript and comic name you have successfully drawn before." Zhao Qinyin is also an actionist, and he will never do something after he decides to do something. Procrastinate.

  After all, he is serving as an assistant to Chu Yu's works. As for what kind of story Chu Yu wants to draw, Chu Yu's cartoon style must be understood.

  "Oh, the manuscript is right!" Chu Yu ran to his desk and took the manga manuscript he had drawn before.

  "But the comic name, I don't have that thing..." Chu Yu was a little embarrassed.

  In fact, it's not that there is no, but the original work is in his mind, and there is no need to redraw the things like manga drafts, storyboards, dialogues, pictures and so on, just copy it directly!

  "No?" Not only Zhao Qinyin was surprised, but Su Lu raised his head.

  Su Lu knew that Chu Yu started drawing the manuscript directly, but he didn't expect that he didn't even draw the name, so he started drawing the manuscript?

  You just rely on your head to think of how to draw, if there is something inappropriate, wouldn't it be a waste of effort.

  Moreover, Zhao Qinyin assisted Chu Yu in completing the comics. These things must be used for reference. After all, in the name, the composition of Chu Yu's comics, the proportion of background and characters, and the size of the frame are all revealed. If Chu Yu doesn't If you provide the name, it is impossible for Zhao Qinyin to play freely!

  "I understand, not today, tomorrow, there will be!" Chu Yu also understands this.

  For things like comic names, Chu Yu only needs to transform from the original work in his mind. Compared with the more delicate and cumbersome manuscript, the name of two words, he can draw things like that tomorrow.

  "I...understand!" Zhao Qinyin nodded. UU reading

  Afterwards, she lowered her head and looked into her hands. Chu Yu said that she drew a new comic draft.

  Rurouni Kenshin. Remembrance!

  Zhao Qinyin raised his eyebrows.

  It's just that this name, and the repressive style of the first page, she can basically be sure that this work is completely different from the small and fresh romantic comics of The Garden of Words.


  After ten minutes, Zhao Qinyin came back to his senses.

  She bit her lower lip, feeling a sense of frustration in her heart.

  It's just the content of a single sentence, and I can't see a particularly big name.

  But she could feel the sense of loss in her heart at the moment when she flipped through the last page and found that the comics were gone.

  Not only was the painting craftsmanship exquisite, but even relying only on the plot of a short story, Zhao Qinyin brought her into the era of changes in the era on RB Island more than a hundred years ago, letting her focus on the young man named Jianxin. Body.

  Zhao Qinyin understands that none of the works he has created in the past has brought people such a sense of expectation in the first chapter.

  She was a bit unwilling...

  The other party debuted later than her, and she was a student in the same class as her, but the other party's first work was quite successful.

  As for this second work, Zhao Qinyin even feels that after the plot unfolds, it should be much more exciting than the Garden of Words...

  At this time, Zhao Qinyin only felt the gap between himself and the opponent in the talents of comics.