
After Zhao Qinyin fell for a few seconds, immediately, fighting spirit rekindled in his heart.

  Originally, the reason why she came to serve as the assistant of other cartoonists was to learn the advantages of other cartoonists. It's not good to be emotional here.


  Time, day by day, a week soon passed!

  The students of Ming City No. 5 Middle School did not notice any difference in their daily study. The students in the third class of high school did not notice that the monitor in their class would always look at a comic book from time to time during class, and then look back Someone in the back seat.

  The students in the third and fifth class of high school also failed to notice that Zhao Qinyin, the monitor of his class, was always in a daze during class recently, and he always smiled and nodded when he met someone in the corridor.

  Today is the day when the Garden of Words ends.

  As soon as the afternoon class was over, Qin Qianyu stopped by and bought a copy of Man Ying's latest periodical when he returned home.

  "This...what's the ending!" After walking over and over, Qin Qianyu looked blank after reading the series about the Garden of Words.

  After the emotional foreshadowing of the previous six episodes, Qiu Yue confessed that Xueye had used the teacher-student relationship as a prevarication. After Qiu Yue left sadly, Xueye finally made up his mind to catch up. After Qiu Yue's emotional breakdown broke out in the open stairway, Xueye also lost control. ....Hugged Qiu Yue.

  "every morning..."

  "All dressed up and ready to go to school..."

  "But I'm always crushed by fear."

  "There, it's you..."

  "Gave me the strength to move forward."

  Xueye hugged the male lead and said this crying.

  The picture stopped abruptly.

  The near scene was switched to the distant scene, and only the pouring rain and the beautiful sun became the background of the two.

  It also became the last page of this comic.

  After finishing all three characters, Qin Qianyu thought that he had read it wrong!

  "This is over?" Qin Qianyu blinked.

  Qin Qianyu can accept whether the ending is two people together or not together.

  But she really couldn't accept this ambiguous ending.

  It really leaves room for the reader to imagine.

  "This is unfinished!"

  Compared with Qin Qianyu's inexplicable, many professionals see this ending although they feel a little regretful, but they also feel that it is reasonable.

  Leaving an open ending may be the best ending for two people in the comics who have a double age and identity gap.

  Otherwise, the two are really together, it is too bloody, and it does not match the Xue Ye Ren set in the previous six episodes, really painted like that, the character set of Xue Ye, the heroine, will collapse!

  Of course, many people can accept this ending, and many people do not.

  On the voting website page of Ink Shadow, a large group of fans of The Garden of Words who watched the ending turned into black fans, voted for the worst quality work on it, and would never read Shui Xin's work after leaving a message. Up.

  Of course, there are also many fans of The Garden of Words who can accept this ending. At the end of the last episode, they did not hesitate to move their fingers, vote, and give support to this work at the end.

  All of a sudden, the number of votes for Chu Yuyan's Garden of Leaves soared to nearly 3,000, and the black powder-supported comic book that was about to be cut due to poor grades rose to the second place with nearly 1,500 votes. The two works occupy the top two on the voting list.

  For a while, the person in charge of the magazine Ink Shadow had a different view of the cartoonist Shui Xin.

  Only the original ink film voted for the second-most author of the work and the penultimate author of the work was depressed.

  The former found that the fans of his work hadn't even said that there were so many black fans in The Garden of Leaves. The latter was because he thought there was a bottom person in the journal, and he was not the last one at all. Who knew there would be such a thing, the last issue of the vote was the lowest. His work jumped to the second place, and his own work was directly at the bottom, which made him feel the strong threat of slashing at the waist.

  All in all, within two months of serializing the work of The Garden of Words, Chu Yu made the leap from an ordinary person unknown to a famous pedestrian cartoonist in Mingcheng.

  In Mingcheng, many people like his cartoons, and many people have become his black fans.


  At one o'clock in the morning on Thursday, after seven hours of continuous work, Chu Yu finally put down the paintbrush in his hand.

  His paintbrush stayed at Jianxin and killed the enemy in the rain, but the enemy's blood splashed on her umbrella, her clothes, and her face.

  Dim and narrow alley.

  The corpse killed by Jianxin.

  Kneeling on the ground, holding the sword's Jianxin, the wound left on his face by a man he killed a long time ago bleeds again.

  Jianxin raised his head, and in front of him was a woman with a white dress and a face.

  The woman looked at him and spoke.

  "You really...."

  "Can call..."

  "It's a bloody storm!"

  A panoramic view of a woman occupying a whole page of comics, the expression, clothing, background, clothes, face, and the blood on the umbrella Chu Yu are clearly outlined with a brush. .

  Zhao Qinyin on the side also watched Chu Yu's painting intently.

  In this painting, Chu Yu didn't ask her to help a little bit. It took six full hours for Chu Yu to paint the whole page of Xuedaiba alone with an umbrella.

  And Zhao Qinyin stood beside Chu Yu and watched for six hours.

  "It's so beautiful!" Zhao Qinyin said unconsciously as he looked at this page of cartoons.

  Yes, although standing in the bloody place, the body is also stained with blood, but the woman in the painting contrasts with a kind of alternative beauty.

  After a week of getting along, Zhao Qinyin has become accustomed to Chu Yu's work style that is different from ordinary cartoonists.

  how to say?

  To use an idiom to describe Chu Yu's paintings is really confident.

  The name of the manga is only used as a reference for Zhao Qinyin's assistant. He never reads it himself. Except for making mistakes in the drawing, the composition and sub-mirror of the manga are drawn directly without modification.

  And this panoramic cartoon of Xuedaiba fully brought out Chu Yu's painting skills, and even Yu Chuyu faintly felt that his painting skills had made a big breakthrough after this page of cartoons was drawn.

  "Yes!" Chu Yu looked at this page of cartoons.

  This is definitely a page of comics he has drawn the most attentively since he drew comics up to now. UU reading

  At this point, the first three chapters of the remembrance chapter have been painted.

  "Hey, Su Lu, wake up!"

  It was early in the morning, and Su Lu, who had been waiting for the manga to be finished, fell asleep on the sofa in Chu Yu's home.

  "What's the matter?" Su Lu was confused.

  "Is it dawn?"

  "..." Chu Yu.

  "..." Zhao Qinyin.


  After submitting the cartoon to Su Lu, and then sending the two away, Chu Yu also washed up and lay on his bed.

  Although I wanted them to be in trouble and just rest at his house, because of the difference between men and women, I didn't feel embarrassed to say this.

  This week, the three of them were very tired. Fortunately, Zhao Qinyin's help, otherwise it would be impossible for Chu Yu to refine some of the previous manuscripts after drawing the manuscripts of the three chapters.

  Now that he has finished his business, everything is left to wait for the serial meeting on Friday!

  Compared to the little trouble in the Garden of Words, Chu Yu is definitely not satisfied to be a third-rate cartoonist in Ink Shadow, Man Ying, Los Angeles, and even the magic city of Longguo Comics Center, and even RB, the origin of comics in the world. Island is Chu Yu's future goal.

  But the road has to be taken step by step. If you can't become famous in places like Los Angeles and Mingcheng, Chu Yuzhen ran to the magic city to submit a manuscript. I am afraid that people would not even look at the manuscript of an unfamiliar cartoonist and change hands. Just throw it in the trash can.

  After all, comic clubs similar to those of the Magic City Seventh University rarely publish serial comics by newcomers. Basically, only well-known comic artists in various regions and provinces are eligible to contribute to such comic clubs, and they may not be able to see them!