Chapter 85

  Magic City, the economic hub of the Dragon Kingdom.

  Here, the elites from all walks of life in the Dragon Kingdom have gathered.

  Similarly, in the Dragon Kingdom comics world, the status of the magic capital is very important, except for the special place of RB Island, the magic capital comics world is the benchmark in the dragon country comics industry.

  After more than three hours of high-altitude flight, Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin are undoubtedly more stable in their hearts.

  It's just that the feeling of airsickness may take some time to get rid of.

  As soon as they walked out of the airport, Pang Feng and Song Jiayu, who had been accustomed to the big scene, looked the same, but Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin looked around.

  After leaving the airport, I saw a familiar scene as soon as I went out. There are many advertisements posted on buses and subways.

  Real estate information, high-end restaurants, celebrity endorsements, and of course comic characters that are popular in the magic capital.

  Chu Yu walked all the way with a look of curiosity.

  Soon, after nearly an hour's drive, a group of four arrived at a hotel that seemed not cheap.

  "This is the hotel arranged by the Dragon Star Award Committee. In addition to us, the authors of the ten works that entered the second round of the first round of selection and the comic company staff behind them are all invited here." Editor-in-Chief Pang Feng clearly knows these matters.

  After arriving here, Pang Feng called, and soon a middle-aged man in a suit and leather collar walked out of the hotel elevator with a smile on his face.

  "Friends of Los Angeles, welcome! I am a staff member of the Dragon Star Award Selection Committee. I am responsible for your accommodation, hospitality and safety issues in Los Angeles before the selection meeting. My name is Lin Yong..."

  While talking, Lin Yong looked at Chu Yu and the other four people with his eyes, and he also murmured in his heart.

  Although Chu Yu and Zhao Qinyin did not wear school uniforms, instead they put on their usual casual clothes, but their age can naturally be seen at a glance.

  Two boys and girls aged seventeen or eighteen, accompanied by a middle-aged man, plus a young man.

  There is obviously something wrong with this combination.

  The other comic teams hosted by Lin Yong today usually consist of five or six people. The comic authors will definitely be there. Needless to say, the editors, the senior management of the comic club may or may not come, depending on their arrangements. As for the comic assistant or others Whether the comic creation team has a chance to come, all depends on the arrangement of the comic agency.

  But no matter which team it is?

  I haven't seen anyone under the age of twenty, let alone two?

  "Um, I don't know everyone, who is the author of Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance Chapter Shui Xin?" Lin Yong asked suspiciously.

  "By the way, it was my mistake!" Pang Feng said.

  Look to Chu Yu and others to introduce them one by one.

  "This is Song Jiayu, the deputy editor of our Cuttlefish Comics section."

  "This is Zhao Qinyin, the comic assistant of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance."

  Finally, Pang Feng looked at Chu Yu.

  "This is the author of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, Shui Xin. Real name, Chu Yu!"

  When Lin Yong heard the words, he was stunned for a few seconds, and then he looked at Chu Yu's eyes carefully, the solemn expression in his eyes became more intense.

  There has always been a phenomenon in the dragon country comics industry.

  That is the creative talent of young people, and creative talents are often more abundant.

  Many old cartoonists, when they were young, were full of talent and excellent works. But after the age of thirty, the submission is like a sponge squeezing water. Although it can be squeezed out, the plot of the comic is always a little less spiritual.

  Therefore, the major companies in Longguo comics industry pay particular attention to the training of young cartoonists.

  Although the first round of the Dragon Star Awards has been over for two weeks, the popularity of this work about Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance has not dissipated in the magic capital, and even the whole Dragon Kingdom.

  Comic exhibition venues all over the country,

The cos about Xuedaiba and Kenshin often showed up and always caused a lot of commotion. Various comic groups in the magic city, during this period of time, fan creations about Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance also appeared endlessly.  Although in terms of influence, it is still much inferior to the hotly serialized works in magazines of the same level as the Magic Capital Seven.

  However, the four-week Long Star Award first round of selection can make such waves in the Long Guo comics industry, which has fully proved the commercial value of this work and the wide audience.

  And at the beginning, many cartoonists in the magic city comics industry would have a sense of superiority for the Dragon Star Award entries after dinner.

  But after Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance was serialized on the official website of the Dragon Star Award contest, this behavior has basically disappeared.

  Indeed, after seeing this work, many cartoonists in the city think that they are not qualified to comment on this work with a high profile.

  Originally, the entire Magic Capital comics industry didn't know the situation in Los Angeles. Most people thought that Shui Xin was at least a middle-aged cartoonist over 30 years old.

  In this case, although Shui Xin showed strong strength, it would not cause the comic magnates of the magic city to pay too much attention.

  After all, the inspiration period for comic creation is about to die.

  But if Shui Xin is really the teenage boy in front of him...

  Lin Yong understands!

  There is no doubt that after the Dragon Star Awards, this person's value in the eyes of the giants in the magic city comics industry has risen several times!

  "Teacher Shui Xin! Long Yang Yang Yang!" Lin Yong stretched out his hand towards Chu Yu.

  After shaking hands with Chu Yu, they shook hands with Pang Feng, Song Jiayu, and Zhao Qinyin in turn.

  The few people didn't talk too much, Lin Yong immediately led the four to their respective rooms, and asked them to pay attention to safety, not to run around in the magic city and get lost, and then left.

  The Dragon Star Awards ceremony will be officially held at a venue near this hotel at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening.

  At that time, not only the comic team members of the ten award-winning comics will be present, but even some well-known comic artists from the city will be invited as guests, and some tickets will be sold off-site for fans of these ten works.

  There will be thousands of people in the entire venue by then, and the entire venue will be broadcast live.

  "Huh..." Chu Yu was a little tired after flying the plane for so long.

  Soon, he fell asleep in bed.

  In the afternoon, Chu Yu was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

  "Who!" Chu Yu opened the door.

  Outside the door was a bearded man with black-rimmed glasses.

  Although he had already got some rumors about Shui Xin, seeing that the person who opened the door was such a young boy, there was still a hint of surprise in his eyes.

  "Hello, it's Teacher Shuixin!" The bearded man said with a smile.

  "What's the matter?" Chu Yu's eyes rose with alertness.

  "Um, don't get me wrong, Teacher Shuixin..." The bearded man first handed Chu Yu a business card.

  Chu Yu looked at it.

  Comic editor of Shanghai Tianji Comics Co., Ltd.... I wish you business.

  "Teacher Shui Xin is really as rumored, young and promising, handsome and handsome, just as the information shown on the business card, I am a comic editor of Tianji Comics Company, one of the seven major cities of the magic city. I am here this time only to represent Tianji. Send an invitation to you, Teacher Shuixin, if Mrs. Shuixin intends to develop towards Lemodu in the future.... The secret will not let you down!

  After speaking, Zhu Shang didn't bother Chu Yu to rest too much, and after a few polite words, he left.

  "Secret?" Chu Yu shook his head.

  "Will Tian Ji, one of the Seven Great Capitals of the Devil, take the initiative to invite me?"

  "Really strange!"

  Chu Yu thought for a while, but put away this business card, maybe it will be useful in the future!

  Soon, Chu Yu's sleepiness arose, and he was about to continue to sleep.

  But still not asleep.

  There was another knock on the door.

  Outside, there was a woman about 27 or 18 years old, with a good-looking appearance and wearing a professional western skirt.

  "Teacher Shui Xin? Hello..." The woman looked at Chu Yu and smiled.


  More than an hour later.

  Chu Yu was completely relieved of sleepiness.

  There are a dozen business cards in his hand.

  The seven major comic companies in the magic city, Phoenix, Black Tortoise, Tianji, Seven Leaves, Orange Cat, Aoba, Water Hedgehog.

  Almost all comic editors offered him cooperation intentions.

  Even some comic companies have two or three comic editors in the same house.

  In addition to the Seven Magic City, other small and medium-sized comic companies in the Magic City also have comic editors to try their luck, and the promised conditions are also very generous.

  "What's the situation?"

  Chu Yu couldn't think of it. It only took a few hours to run the demons by himself.

  The Dragon Star Award ceremony will only start one day later. How many invitations will be received from these comics clubs?

  Why Chu Yu felt like a sweet pastry for a while, everyone wanted to take a bite.

  In fact, Chu Yu was right.

  Judging from the situation of the winners of the Dragon Star Award over the years, basically such people can eventually go a long way in the Dragon Kingdom comics industry.

  In addition, Lin Yong bragged with his friends in the comics industry after leaving with Chu Yu and others, leaking Chu Yu's age information, and the water heart contract revealed by some magic capital personnel who have contact with the comic industry in Los Angeles is about to come. Expired message.

  A young manga genius... and it seems that the contract is about to expire.

  It is normal for the editors of these comic companies to come to hand over a business card after hearing the news.

  This situation is not unique to Chu Yu, and other Dragon Star Award contestants have received more or less invitations from these people.

  It's just that it's not as exaggerated as Chu Yu!


  At night... Chu Yu and Su Lu exchanged messages.

  "How? Are you in the magic capital?"

  "It's early, and now I'm a guest here with a senior of my cuttlefish, Chu Yu, you can never guess, the situation of my senior in the magic capital!"

  "I haven't contacted her for two years. I have never known her situation. I really didn't expect that she actually helped us in the first round of the Dragon Star Award. The cartoonist Tang Xin is the manga editor in charge."

  After Chu Yu looked at it, he typed quickly.

  "what's the situation?"

  "In other words, at the end of the Dragon Star Award selection, Tang Xin's canvassing behavior was instructed by your senior to help you?"

  "Why is it so complicated? Tang Xin's behavior is purely her personal behavior. But I can only sigh that this world is so small..."

  This is true, but Chu Yu is too lazy to sigh with emotion.

  "These are all trivial know our purpose. Remember to get into the conference site tomorrow, otherwise you will not be on stage when I call your name on stage. Then I am embarrassed?"

  "You can rest assured that for tomorrow's Dragon Star Awards ceremony, the special guest invited by the organizer is Tang Xin, and I will get in with my predecessors and it will be over."

  "Let's do it! Anyway, you figure it out by yourself."


  Soon, one day passed.

  Although the authors of the ten entries live in this hotel, they have no contact with each other. The only thing in common is that everyone has a contact person... Lin Yong.

  In the afternoon, everyone left the hotel one after another and came to a venue not far from the hotel.

  This is the venue of the Dragon Star Award Presentation Conference.

  In any case, the Dragon Star Award is the most influential comics award besides the more influential awards in Kaimodu.

  Moreover, based on so many years of experience, the Dragon Star Award selection was also called by outsiders as the Magic City Seven Preparatory Camp Award.

  The reason why he is called this is because for so many years, all cartoonists who can enter the second round of the Dragon Star Award and win the top five places are basically one of the seven major cities of the magic city.

  This is how the Seven Great Capitals exist. Sales channels are spread all over the country, and comics elites emerge in endlessly, and even if there are one or two particularly outstanding cartoonists in the production areas outside the magic capital, such guys are also because of the Dragon Star Award. It was exposed, and was eventually taken under the command of the Seventh Demon Capital.

  And this year, there are two or three people in such a typical example.

  Shui Xin, the author of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, Zhang Yun, the author of Blazing Feather, and Sun Ji, the author of Soul of War, are undoubtedly the focus of the award.

  Although most people agree that this award should be the best part of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, but before the result comes out, everything is possible.

  Outside the venue, a crowd of fans gathered in various cos suits.

  Among them, the beautiful young ladies of Cos Xuedaiba saw it at a glance, and they were so numerous that they attracted passers-by to take pictures.

  Most of the cos Jianxin's are Fat House, let alone the flying sword flow, even a group of people who are struggling to jump up and half a meter can actually wield the props in their hands and swing the poss. Speaking of spicy eyes.

  Entering the venue, Chu Yu, Zhao Qinyin, Song Jiayu, Pang Feng and others took their seats according to the number plate given by Lin Yong.

  At a glance, the place where Chu Yu and others were on the scene should be the place where the ten participating comic creation groups were seated.

  In the front, there are judges sent by the Seven Magic Capital to participate in the conference. The rest are the guests and fans who have been invited by the conference.

  But today, it is obvious that after watching the audience, the fans who have an overwhelming advantage are undoubtedly the fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  The banners and cos outfits raised by unusual people are all related to Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  Then there are fans of Blazing Feather. Although there are not as many fans as Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, it should not be underestimated.

  "You said, which work is most likely to be awarded this time?"

  At Song Jiayu's side, several colleagues from Yun and Yue began to discuss together.

  "Then you need to talk about it? It's the Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance chapter that didn't run away!"

  "No, I think Blazing Feather still has a big chance! Although the first round is only second, but after entering the second round, the two works are very far apart."

  "In comparison, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance Chapter 50 points, Fiery Feather 40 points, War Soul 30 points, the gap between them is not big, after all, the total of the seven comic companies in the magic city has 70 points. In addition, plus the votes of the 137 participating comic clubs from various provinces, a total of 207 points will be allocated to each work. If nothing else, maybe your work in Yun Province and our work in Yue Province Also have a chance to win?"

  "Don't think so well? Put aside these factors...I will just talk about quality. Of the nine works, is there enough for this work?..."

  As they were talking, more and more people were discussing. At this time, they also noticed Chu Yu and his party.

  After all, the people in this film are basically people who have entered the second round of comics.

  "Hey, which contestants are these several works?" A man looked at Chu Yu and the others and asked.

  "Um... it's the manga you discussed a lot before, the creator of this manga, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance." Song Jiayu spoke first.

  "I am the comic editor of this work, the deputy editor of Cuttlefish Comics Club, Song Jiayu!"

  "Rurouni...Jianxin..." The people on the other side were stunned for a few seconds, but they reacted immediately.

  When Song Jiayu said something, almost all people around who heard the words looked over.

  "Oh, Jiu Yang..." the other party immediately polite.

  In the front row of Chu Yu, it was the five cartoon teams of Qin Province who were selected into the top ten works. As the overlord of the Dragon Star Award in previous years, they unexpectedly lost to Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance in the first round of selection. After hearing what Song Jiayu said, he couldn't help turning his head, UU read and looked at the four of them.

  It's just... they didn't see anything famous either!

  On the contrary, Song Jiayu on the side blew up with his comic colleagues from other provinces.

  He said how he discovered the heart of Shui with his witty eyes and beads, and how he discussed the plot with Shui Xin, and then he completed this work perfectly.

  Chu Yu, Zhao Qinyin and Pang Feng looked strange.

  I couldn't help but get an idea in my mind.

  Why does this guy have such a thick skin?

  From start to finish, what else did you do besides working backwards?

  In front of three people who know the truth, it is true that ordinary people can't do it without changing their face when they say such things.

  Of course, in the eyes of those from other provinces who don't understand the inside story, Song Jiayu has already left the shadow of an excellent manga editor in their eyes at this time.

  For a time, Song Jiayu became the center of those around him.


  Soon, the awards meeting began.

  On the stage, a female host came onto the stage, and on the huge screen on the stage there appeared ten click-to-open egg-shaped options, marked with numbers from one to ten. .

  At this time, Song Jiayu also gradually ceased his bragging journey!

  The audience fell silent.

  Chu Yu shot around, but didn't see where Su Lu was? After all, there are too many people.

  "Hello everyone, I am the host of this awards ceremony, Han Die, and now I announce the official start of the Dragon Star Award ceremony!" said the female host on stage.

  The whole scene suddenly boiled.