Chapter 86

  "Are they the people from Los Angeles Cuttlefish?"

  Zhang Yun, the author of Blazing Feather, looked frequently at Song Jiayu, Chu Yu and others.

  For the last two days of the first round of the Dragon Star Award two weeks ago, the comeback of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance really made him feel uncomfortable.

  But there is no way, if he is finally overturned after taking advantage of all kinds of advantages, then it really can only be a strange skill.

  However, after Song Jiayu himself admitted that he was the editor of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, and based on Pang Feng's workplace atmosphere, which was obviously inconsistent with the cartoonist, it was already clear who the author of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance was.

  At first, the people around here were still able to talk to Song Jiayu, but as time went by, their eyes eventually focused on Chu Yu, who was sitting there alone playing with a mobile phone.

  It's not just the editors of a comics club in the magic city who learned from Lin Yong that Shui Xin is a teenager under the age of twenty. They are the cartoonists and comics staff who entered the second round of the Dragon Star Award. , Which one has no personal connections and news channels in the world of Modu comics.

  A boy under the age of twenty...In this area, there is only Chu Yu.

  Seeing Chu Yu's young and calm face.

  Zhang Yun's heart is also mixed with five flavors.

  Once he was young and famous, stepping on a group of old seniors to reach the top in Qin Province.

  But he didn't think that Feng Shui would take turns, and now he has become the old man trampled by young people!

  Looking at the upcoming awards in the stands, Zhang Yun was somewhat uninterested.

  Now that the situation has progressed, he no longer holds much hope for the Dragon Star Award. After all, if the judges have no problems with their eyes, then most people should vote for Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.


  At eight o'clock in the evening, all the major live broadcast platforms of Longguo suddenly added a live broadcast room.

  The names of the live broadcast rooms are unified as the live broadcast of the 2020 Dragon Star Awards.

  As the leading seafood platform of Longguo's live broadcast industry, the popularity of this live broadcast room has soared to a million popularity, and at this point in time, it has almost ranked in the top 20 popularity of the entire platform.

  In other platforms such as Green Pepper and Bamboo Mouse live broadcast platforms, the live broadcast of the Dragon Star Award is also very popular.

  After all, the comics industry in the Dragon Kingdom is very developed, unlike a parallel world. In the Dragon Kingdom, the status of comics and its derivative industries is no less than that of the entertainment, film and music circles of the Dragon Kingdom.

  The income and popularity of popular cartoonists are only higher than those of stars of the same level.

  It's just that Chu Yu was too low when signing with Cuttlefish in the beginning, and Cuttlefish itself is not a top-ranked comic company in Long Kingdom, so the entire Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance chapter received only about 300,000 manuscripts. .

  Compared with the achievements and popularity of this work at this time, it can be described as the price of cabbage.

  "I'm coming!"

  "The awards ceremony has begun!"

  "Where is Teacher Shuixin? I came to see Mrs. Shuixin specially."

  "Rurouni Kenshin's idiot fan go away. I don't know what is so good about that kind of killer comics. I almost vomit when I read it. I really don't know why this work ranked first in the first round. , I'm afraid it's not the ticket holder..."

  "Before, do you dare to blow Jianxin? I think you are uncomfortable because you are alone in your family photo, so you come to the Internet to find your presence?"

  "The friend in front is too much for you. After all, he is the only one in his family. It is normal to feel lonely. We should give him some love from his elders, let him experience the care and concern of his long-lost father, and let him influence him. That's it!"



  Of course, there are still a small number of people spraying each other, and most of them are just ordinary fans.

At best, I wrote something similar to cheering!  "Sword Heart is awesome!"

  "Sydaba ​​is my wife!"

  "Where are the fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance? Everyone brush up the barrage!"

  Soon, the live barrage used facts to tell all the viewers who followed the live broadcast of the Dragon Star Awards conference, which works are the fans of the audience in such a hot live broadcast room.

  Although fans of Blazing Feather and Soul of War have followed the example of the barrage, they are basically submerged in the barrage group of fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  "It's just a pity. Teacher Shui Xin didn't tell when the serialization of Rurouni Kenshin chasing a new chapter began. I really want to know what happened to Kenshin!"

  "Well, what's the urgency after only two weeks?"

  "Stop talking, it's started..."

  In the live broadcast rooms of the major platforms, the barrage began to flash.

  And the Dragon Star Award selection site...

  At the scene, the host introduced the general information of the ten works at the beginning, serialized journals and comic companies.

  Among the thousands of fans who came to the scene, there are basically some fans for any work.

  Whenever they read the name of a certain work, the fans of that work would cheer loudly.

  Among them, the fans of Blazing Feather and War Soul both cheered loudly.

  But... when the host introduced the work of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance...

  The cheers and screams that erupted at the scene were not of the same order of magnitude as the previous works.

  In contrast, it is the silence of the comic teams that Chu Yu belongs to.

  Although everyone knows that there is a big gap in their hearts, they really didn't expect the gap to be so big.

  Although on the surface, after the end of the first round of selection, the fan value of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is no more than hundreds of thousands to millions ahead of Blazing Feather and other works.

  But the reason why he is only ahead by this point is only because the fans who were touched by the end of Rurouni Kenshin's Remembrance chapter spontaneously sent this work to the publicity of only two days.

  Two weeks after the end of the first round of selection, UU reading www. The influence of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is still spreading among these comics. Nowadays, how many fans of this work are more than two weeks ago, no one knows.

  However, looking at the people who cheered for Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance at this time, almost half of the fans on the scene, it seems that this number is not a lot.

  Soon, the host began to announce the final results of each work after two weeks of voting.

  "The tenth place in the Dragon Star Award selection is the work of Han Province, Xinghai! The final score, 11 points!"

  When the tenth-ranked work was announced, there was a moment of silence on the scene, and then some people couldn't hold back the laughter.

  At this time, on the screen on the stage, the tenth-ranked work, Xinghai, the number of votes that scored 11 points made the comic team of this work a little embarrassed.

  Although the first round of selection, the number of fans of this work ranked first among the ten works.

  But in any case, the works that enter the second round of selection automatically have the lowest 10 points, and that extra point, everyone wants to get who voted.

  Wouldn't the comic company where this work was serialized support its own comics for other works?

  It is for this reason that everyone laughs after they want to understand this truth.

  But even though I was laughed at, it is still necessary to speak on stage.

  After all, even if there is no prize, being able to show a face at such a grand event will undoubtedly be of great help to the future of comics career development.

  Soon, the final ninth-eighth-sixth-ranked works were announced.

  But everyone gradually discovered something was wrong.

  what's the situation?

  Why do these works score so few points?