Chapter 87

  According to the situation in previous years, even if it is a low-ranking entry, plus one's own 10, the final score of 20 or 30 is possible.

  But now that they have all been announced to the fifth place, why the final score of the work still does not exceed 20 points?

  These more than one hundred comics clubs plus the 7th Magic City vote totaled 207 points. Which works were all voted for?

  Song Jiayu was chatting very happily with the editor-in-chief of a comic company nearby.

  When Song Jiayu revealed who his father was intentionally or unintentionally, the smile on the other's face was even brighter.

  "The editor-in-chief Song is really a rare talent. You see, the work of our agency was ranked eighth in this selection, and the score was only fourteen, which is shameful."

  "Looking at the current situation, the scores of these few works are not ideal. I think it should be the 7th Magic City and the many comic companies that voted for some of the most exciting works to present this situation."

  "I think, it should have been voted for Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance!" The other party also directly said with a smile.

  "Although the final award works have not been announced yet, I think I can congratulate Editor-in-Chief Song in advance."

  "Editor Sun, you are too polite. The result of the matter has not come out yet. Who can predict what the final result will be? Maybe something unexpected happened tonight? Things didn't proceed according to the plot we imagined?" Song Jiayu is still false and modest. A wave.

  Zhao Qinyin next to him heard the words, did not hold back, and laughed out loud.

  After all, she knew what Chu Yu would do after taking the stage.

  No matter what the final result of the Dragon Star Award selection is, at least, it should have nothing to do with Song Jiayu.

  So what Song Jiayu said was really true to him.

  Zhao Qinyin's laughter attracted Song Jiayu's attention, but he and Zhao Qinyin were separated by Chu Yu, so it was hard to ask what Zhao Qinyin was laughing at.

  It's just that Chu Yu looked at Song Jiayu and explained himself.

  "She is watching a joke, Deputy Editor Song, don't mind!"

  Are you looking for jokes on your phone?

  Song Jiayu nodded.

  Later, the final ranking of each work was determined one by one, basically... the final ranking was similar to the results of the first round of selection.

  Battle Soul, with a score of forty-five points, won the third place.

  When you get to this ranking, it's not just going to the stage to make a speech.

  In the third place, there will be a bronze medal inlaid with precious stones.

  For this result, the author of Soul of War and the comic club behind it had already prepared, and came to the stage with excitement.

  The process is the same as Chu Yu imagined. First, the comic author was invited to speak on stage, and then, the senior management, editor, and comic creation team of the comics agency came to the stage to express their thoughts.

  At the end, the host spoke.

  "Below, I will invite a well-known cartoonist in the magic city. Teacher Gu Feng will present the award to the third runner-up of the Dragon Star Award."

  Soon, a middle-aged man in his thirties walked over the backstage.

  The scene suddenly became lively.

  Gu Feng, a cartoonist under the contract of Water Hedgehog, one of the seven major cities of the magic capital, has a lot of popularity in his comics in the magic capital region and even the whole country.

  Thousands of fans on the scene, there is no shortage of fans of his works.

  Of course, Gu Feng also understood the relationship between primary and secondary, and it was not easy to steal the limelight from the war soul author. After a few brief words, he quickly stepped down after the medal was awarded.

  When the comic team of Soul of War returned to their seats, the atmosphere on the scene became active.

  The viewers who had watched the live broadcast for two hours and had been sleepy in the major live broadcasts were as if they were beaten up. After the runner-up was announced, it was clear who the champion was at a glance!

  In the barrage of the live broadcast, Blazing Feather's fans are still resisting.

With the fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, they screened the barrage with each other and cheered for their favorite works. Although they were at a disadvantage for a while, they were not submerged in the sea of ​​Kenshin fan barrage full of screens.  At the scene, fans of Blazing Feather's manga and Rurouni Kenshin's manga fans cheered enthusiastically.

  Zhang Yun, Song Jiayu, Pang Feng, Su Lu hidden in the fan community, and Chu Yu all focused their attention at this time.

  "Well, now we are about to announce the second runner-up work of this Dragon Star Award.... It is... the comics of Qin Province, Blazing Feather, please ask the author of this work Zhang Yun is on stage!"

  Accompanied by a burst of strong cheers, as well as the inner sighs of Fiery Feather fans in the live and broadcast rooms.

  Zhang Yun took a deep breath and took the stage.

  He took the microphone in his hand from the host and began to speak. Although he was disappointed in his heart, he didn't show it.

  Of course, in the end, after all the staff were invited to the stage one by one, another well-known cartoonist presented Zhang Yun with an award.

  Looking at the silver medal in his hand, Zhang Yun felt a sense of sorrow in his heart.


  "Here we are!" Chu Yu looked at Zhao Qinyin next to him and nodded slightly.

  By now, the entire venue already knew who the winner of the Dragon Star Award was.

  The whole process is not thrilling, and some are just a matter of course.

  In half a year, Chu Yu has also come to this point from a little-known rookie cartoonist.

  Pang Feng on the side couldn't help but smile on his solemn face.

  Zhao Qinyin's complexion was blushing, and his breath became a little quicker, obviously excited!

  As for Song Jiayu, at this time, dozens or hundreds of messages were sent on his mobile phone Weixin and on the Penguin, all of which were messages to congratulate him.

  "Awesome! Young Master Song!"

  "Excavated a Dragon Star Award winning work in a place like Los Angeles. If this is the case, in the future, if Song Shao returns to Phoenix, who can compare your grades and abilities?"

  "Congratulations Brother Song!"

  After all, back to the magic city, his friends and contacts are all here. With Song Jiayu's personality, he may bring out the news of a Dragon Star Award work. He has spread his news as early as these two days. Circle of friends.

  Now, his friends who are following the live broadcast of the Dragon Star Awards are also celebrating.

  Song Jiayu's face was full of pride and joy at this time.

  Don't be stingy, send big red envelopes in the group...

  On the stage at this time, the host also straightened his face.

  On the big screen behind, there are comic manuscripts about Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance flashing slowly one by one, Jianxin and Xuedaiba's first encounter, Jianxin kills the enemy, Xuedaiba helps Jianxin block the sword... .... Even the manga manuscripts of The Garden of Words flashed past two.

  But let the fans from other provinces in the live broadcast room exclaim what it is?

  "By now, I don't need to say anything, everyone knows which work won the Dragon Star Award this time!"

  In the audience, many fans shouted.

  "Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance!"

  "Yes, this is the dark horse of this year's Dragon Star Award entries. On the first day of the first round of selection, this work was ranked 29th, but after four weeks, this work was already ranked. It is the first, and this work has created a record of increase in fan value in a single day since the history of the Dragon Star Award selection!"

  "Presumably when you read this manga, everyone is saddened by the twists and turns of the relationship and fate of the protagonist Kenshin and the heroine Xuedaiba in this work, but because of this, this work can also move you and me. All the fans of this work before the live broadcast."

  "I think everyone wants to know what kind of person the author of this work is, Mr. Shui Xin, who can actually create such a nearly perfect work in just a dozen words!"

  "Next, we have invited the author of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, Teacher Shui Xin to come on stage."

  Well, it's finally time for me!

  Chu Yu nodded slightly, he was almost boring.

  Chu Yu got up.

  Of course, as the winner of the Dragon Star Award, there will be some special treatment. At least, the searchlight that has never been seen on the scene before followed Chu Yu from the moment he got up.

  At this moment, thousands of people in the entire scene, and nearly hundreds of thousands of fans from various provinces of the Dragon Kingdom who followed the Dragon Star Award selection on major live broadcast platforms, finally witnessed the author of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance... The appearance of Teacher Shui Xin.

  In Los Angeles, the comic industry practitioners of the major comic clubs also gathered at the company on Saturday night to watch the Dragon Star Awards ceremony with a projector.

  At this moment, what everyone said the most was.

  Scams, scams, scams!

  Although everyone is in a competitive relationship on weekdays, at this time, everyone basically forgets this, and is just happy for Chu Yu from the bottom of the heart.

  After tonight, the status of Luo's comics industry in the Dragon Kingdom will be greatly elevated because of Chu Yu.

  In Los Angeles, after all these years, I have finally figured out a cartoonist who can make a mark in the history of Longguo comics!

  Compared with such glory, those things are nothing!

  Barrage in major live broadcast rooms, a series of question marks swiping the screen.

  "What's the situation? High school student!"

  "He is Shui Xin?"

  "I thought it was a girl from the pen name?"

  "No, it's not surprising that the pen name is more feminine. Is it rare to see a ladyboy in the game? It's just... how did such a young person come up with the work of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance?"

  "But you see, the searchlight has been following him, so it should be him!"

  Not only were there many questions in the live broadcast room, but there were also bursts of whispers at the scene.

  The moment when the host announced on the stage that he had won the Dragon Star Award.

  The long-lost system sound came out.

  "Congratulations to the host for achieving the Dragon Star Award Grand Prize achievement and winning the S-level works prize draw once!"

  Chu Yu paused slightly, but didn't stop. At this time, it shouldn't be this matter that should be concerned.

  When he stepped onto the stage, Chu Yu let out a deep breath.

  Received the microphone from the hostess.

  There was a steady voice.

  "Hello everyone, I am the author of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance...Shuixin."

  At this moment, the doubts in countless people's hearts disappeared.

  In the audience, Su Lu looked excited, Zhao Qinyin also clenched his fists.

  The corners of Pang Feng's eyes are a little wet. For him, perhaps tonight is the most glorious night in his career as a manga practitioner!

  Song Jiayu, on the other hand, relied on Chu Yu's talent to obtain the benefits after imagining that she would tie Chu Yu to her body.

  At the scene, there was a burst of warm cheers and applause!

  Although it is different from the middle-aged uncle and aunt-level cartoonist that everyone imagined.

  But age is not a problem at all!

  "Wow! I really didn't expect Teacher Shui Xin... to be so young!" the host joked.

  Of course, there must be a problem with this statement. She has information about Chu Yu and others in the prompt book in her hand. In this way, it is just following the thoughts of the audience.

  "Yeah!" Chu Yu didn't want to go on with this question, otherwise, who knew what privacy issues were raised, so he didn't respond too much to her.

  "Okay, since I have invited Teacher Shuixin up, I have a few questions to ask fans to ask Mrs. Shuixin! I also ask Mrs. Shuixin to answer as truthfully as possible!" The hostess smiled.

  "Excuse me!"

  "Well, the first question is, after the end of Shui Xin teacher Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, do you have any plans to serialize the new work?"

  "This, I haven't thought about it for the time being!" Chu Yu said.

  "The other thing is, there is a lot of news about the work of Rurouni Kenshin Chase. There is a lot of news on the Internet that this work actually has a lot of content, and the remembrance is just one of the chapters, right?" She has also worked hard, and her problem has indeed attracted the attention of many fans.

  "Yes!" Chu Yu nodded.

  He didn't lie either, the main story of this work was placed in the system space, but he couldn't exchange it.

  There was an uproar at the scene and the live broadcast room, and the fans of Rurouni Kenshin looked excited.

  "Then when is Teacher Shui Xin going to serialize the remaining chapters of Rurouni Kenshin?" the hostess continued to ask.

  Chu Yu thought for a while, was silent for a few seconds before saying.

  "For a lifetime!"

  Immediately, there was a burst of laughter on the scene, and the bullet screen of the live broadcast platform was full of smiling faces!

  "Teacher Shui Xin is really joking!" said the hostess.

  I'm not kidding!

  Chu Yu looked weird, but was not ready to explain anything?

  "Well, I have finished asking my question. Now, what Teacher Shuixin wants to say to Manmi or his friends, or his thoughts about winning, you can say it here!"


  Chu Yu's spirit fought.

  One night, he waited for this opportunity!

  "Indeed, I am also very happy to receive this award this time..." Chu Yu said.

  "However, I think that this work can have the achievements it is today, it is by no means my own credit!"

  The scene gradually became quiet, listening carefully to Chu Yu's speech.

  "In the beginning, I was just a newcomer comics practitioner in Los Angeles!"

  "The first work, I submitted three articles, but only one submitted it for publication. The person who posted my first work was my comic editor."

  In the audience, Su Lu almost burst into tears when he heard the words!

  When Song Jiayu heard this, he was a little surprised, and secretly said that the kid Chuyu went on the road!

  Actually even made up an experience for him out of thin air, and added drama to him as an editor! Here is a story about a cartoonist and Bole comics editor?

  In Song Jiayu's view, this was already Chu Yu's surrender to him. He couldn't help but looked at Chu Yu in the stands with admiration and nodded.

  This is the person who knows the times! It seems that after returning, the contract signed to Chu Yu can be modified, the conditions are not so harsh, and the pits are less digging!

  "The first serial work, the response was good, so after that, I immediately prepared to serialize the second work in my life, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance..."

  "However, because of my junior qualifications, I almost didn't have a chance to serialize this work. At this time, it was my editor who rejected all opinions and gave this work a chance to serialize."

  "During the serialization of the second work, I also got to know my manga assistant. With her joining, my daily routine, which was messed up by manga creation, returned to normal. During that time, the two of them gave me a lot of help. Great help, and because of this, this work can be presented to everyone as it is today, with no characters out of shape, no plot collapse, and no suspension of serialization..."

  Of course, what Chu Yu said was a little bit more eloquent, but that's it for speaking.

  "So, here, I want to thank my comic editor, assistant, and Cuttlefish Company for their support for this work!"

  The hostess nodded. By this time, basically the author's speech is over. It's time to invite other manga creators to interact!

  But when she was about to speak, Chu Yu did not give her a chance to speak, but continued to speak.

  "Therefore, Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance can win the Dragon Star Award. UU reading is definitely not my credit, and this honor is not my own!"

  "I want to be the editor-in-chief of our comics... Pang Feng, the comic assistant of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance... Zhao Qinyin, and..."

  Hey, my words were robbed!

  The hostess then realized what Chu Yu wanted to say.

  But it was also up to him, whether it was Chu Yu calling up, or she invited up, it all meant the same thing!

  Zhao Qinyin and Pang Feng looked straight, and knew it was time to take the stage.

  As for Song Jiayu on one side, he also tidied up his clothes and suit, and prepared to take the stage.

  At this time, Chu Yu's voice sounded again.

  "Also, my manga editor...Su Lu, the three of them are on stage and share this glory with me!"

  At the scene, fans cheered enthusiastically.

  However, this voice made Song Jiayu, who had already stood up, stopped the steps he was about to take.

  Su Lu, why is Su Lu? Was it a mistake?

  In my heart, a bad feeling arose.

  Editor-in-chief Pang Feng also turned his head sharply and looked at Chu Yu.

  Zhao Qinyin walked towards the stage as if nothing had happened.

  Together with this colleague, Song Jiayu and Pang Feng, both saw a woman pacing up on stage in the fan audience.

  Song Jiayu blinked, and immediately, his heart sank to the bottom. He couldn't be more familiar with that figure.

  How many times when Su Lu left the company, he stood upstairs staring at the back, imagining something interesting happening with the owner of that back!

  But this is the magic city...not Ming City, Luo Province!

  She can't be here!