Chapter 88

  There were a total of thousands of people in the entire venue. At this time, most of the people's eyes were fixed on these standing people.

  Song Jiayu, Pang Feng, Zhao Qinyin, Su Lu...

  Most people are just a little confused about why Song Jiayu and Pang Feng are standing still, but only a few people find that something is wrong. Why Shui Xin only said the names of three people... But the person who stood up did not. There are four?

  Su Lu's heartbeat is now pounding, and this situation can't be controlled when Chu Yu calls her name.

  She couldn't hear the whispers of thousands of people on the scene at this time, and she only looked at the stage not far from her.

  At this moment, all the cuttlefish and Song Jiayu were left behind by her, her eyes were only on the stage with such a calm and indifferent young man at all times.

  "Come up!" When Su Lu climbed up the ladder and was only five or six steps away from the stage, Chu Yu walked to the top of the stairs and stretched out his hand to her.

  Subconsciously, Su Lu held Chu Yu's hand.

  Su Lu's hands were very soft, but also very cold. After all, it was February, and the temperature was still very low. I don't know if it was because of the temperature or was nervous or excited.

  Chu Yu could feel her hands trembling slightly.

  Although these words were inappropriate for Chu Yu, a teenager who was several years younger than Su Lu, Chu Yu also whispered in order to calm her nervousness.

  "Don't be nervous... there is me!"

  Su Lu, whose head was a little dizzy, followed the force of Chu Yu's hand and walked with Chu Yu to the center of the stage.

  Around me, there was a large crowd of black and heavy crowds. The audience, reporters, and photographers took pictures and video live simultaneously.

  "Hello everyone at the scene!"

  Although Su Lu was obviously a little nervous because of being on such a stage for the first time, coupled with the fact that he took the stage in an informal way, Chu Yuke didn't have much thoughts.

  Now that Su Lu is on stage, while the host next to him is still frequently checking the information of the cuttlefish in his hand, hesitating and hesitating in his eyes, he quickly qualifies the matter.

  Chu Yu held Su Lu's hand and raised her hand up!

  "She is the manga editor of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, Su Lu!"

  Throughout the scene, the cheers of fans were deafening!

  Waves of sound hit.

  Some of Su Lu's consciousness of being trapped was awakened.

  At this time, she realized that her hand was held tightly by Chu Yu.

  The body was stiff, but he didn't even have the thought of withdrawing his hand.

  She secretly aimed her eyes at the next Chu Yu, whose expression still didn't seem to have changed even in such a scene.

  Really...a great person.

  Whether it's in comics or other aspects...

  In the auditorium.

  Song Jiayu was stunned.

  The brain was dizzy as if ten glass bottles had been broken.

  Song Jiayu first glanced at Chu Yu, who was wearing casual clothes with a relaxed and calm expression, without the slightest nervousness.

  After looking at it, Su Lu, who had put on a black dress in advance for this time on stage, looked more beautiful and intellectual than usual.

  At this time, Su Lu, even though Chu Yu had been holding her hand, her expression was not only not dissatisfied...Even when Chu Yu was not paying attention, her eyes still peeked at him from time to time.

  This is still the one Song Jiayu knew before. When he saw him, he would show the expression as if he had seen a mouse in Xiashuigou, Su Lu, who had not responded to her for a few months when he invited her to dinner?

  what happened? Could it be that they two...

  At this time, Song Jiayu immediately made up a lot of plots, why don't you understand?

  be cheated!

  Chu Yuyin!

  He finally understood that when he signed with Chu Yu before,

Chu Yu's sentence with a weird tone meant to give him a satisfactory answer after the Dragon Star Award presentation.  Thinking of this period of time, it seems that the winning ticket is in hand, and I am proud of myself with various friends boasting about his achievements in Los Angeles. I think about signing with Chu Yu twice and wanting to recruit Chu Yu's self.

  Song Jiayu really has a stomachache at this time...

  This is not a question of shame.

  It was purely that Chu Yu's face was crushed on the ground by Chu Yu!


  Been played with by a little furry boy for so many days?

  Looking at the two people in the stands, Song Jiayu's eyes seemed to breathe fire.

  Toot toot!

  Song Jiayu's cell phone, the vibration of messages sent has never stopped.

  Just looked at a few news at random.

  They were all question marks from his friends who watched the Dragon Star Awards live broadcast.

  Among them, especially the news from his father made him fall into the abyss.

  "That's what you said, Dragon Star Awards editor? Do you think the Phoenix headquarters where I stayed all day is not connected to the Internet? Can't you see the Dragon Star Awards ceremony?"

  At this time, the bad news on the mobile phone is second. You must know that in Song Jiayu's previous bragging, the people in this film have already assumed that he is the comic editor of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, and many people are even close to him.

  But what is the situation?

  This reverses too fast, right?

  Dozens of suspicious eyes around him made him feel like sitting on pins and needles.

  But what can he do?

  Come on stage to make trouble?

  Although he was about to explode in anger, he had not yet become an idiot. There were dozens of reporters in the venue, and the live broadcast personnel of more than a dozen live broadcast platforms. If he did that, then his robbing of Su Lu's results would be spread throughout Long Nation tomorrow.

  At that time, let alone enter the development of Phoenix, trying to inherit the position of his father, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get a promotion in Phoenix in this lifetime!

  After all, such a person, no matter in any company, who doesn't watch out? Who wants to cooperate with him?

  Teeth creaked, UU reading Song Jiayu forcibly suppressed his desire to go crazy and sat down slowly.


  Pang Feng, the editor-in-chief of Cuttlefish Comics, watched Su Lu step by step onto the stage, but his brain didn't react for a while.

  But when Chu Yu raised Su Lu's hand, it was publicly announced that Su Lu was the editor of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.

  Pang Feng finally understood what Chu Yu was doing.

  "This person... why dare to do this?" Pang Feng was startled at first, and then a smile appeared involuntarily at the corner of his mouth.

  He was also angry about what happened to Su Lu, but he really couldn't help it.

  He is a senior worker, let alone oppressing Su Lu, even if Song Jiayu wants to go back to his position as editor-in-chief, the company's executives will agree to this decision within a few days.

  Therefore, Chu Yu and Su Lu made this out of their own accord, not to mention that they were out of anger, even Pang Feng secretly applauded in his heart!

  He is also a human being, and in a flash, he figured out that Chu Yu would do this and Song Jiayu would never dare to make trouble, and Zhao Qinyin was Chu Yu's person, and naturally he was on the same line as the two.

  In this case, as long as Pang Feng does not expose the matter on stage, the editor status of Su Lu's Rurouni Jianxin Remembrance will be confirmed...

  And will he expose Chu Yu?

  Of course the answer is no!

  Whether it is for his personal emotions or for the interests of the comics club, how could this kind of thing be exposed at the Dragon Star Award ceremony?

  Looking at Zhao Qinyin, whose pace had not changed from beginning to end, Pang Feng looked back at Song Jiayu.

  It just happened to see the scene where he himself sat down.