Chapter 96

  "Isn't that if I want to, during the Xuangui serialization period, my other works can be submitted to other comics agencies?"

  "Of course it is no problem, as long as the other comics agency agrees that you can cooperate with Xuangui at the same time. Just cooperate!" Li Xi nodded.

  "At the beginning, Xuangui was able to develop and become one of the seven major magic capitals. It is also related to a system like it. Those talents who were buried by other comic clubs found new opportunities in Xuangui and finally rose with Xuangui!"

  "So after the rise of Xuangui, this system was not abolished, and it became a company with serious internal nepotism like other comic companies."

  "And such a system is not only aimed at cartoonists, but also on the business card I gave you. Words like first-level editor!" Li Xi said.

  "For editors, such a system also exists."

  That's it!

  Chu Yu was silent for a long time.

  "Then I haven't heard of Huaming's work!" Chu Yu asked.

  Since seeing the two works, Li Xi has never mentioned the existence of this work.

  "This work..." Li Xi said.

  "I can feel it, this work should be relatively slow and hot!"

  "Yes, behind it is a story about the intersection of friendship and love. I personally think it is a very touching work!" Chu Yu nodded. nod.

  Through Li Xi's words, Chu Yu also understood that in a comic agency like Xuangui, what you want is the kind of fast-paced comics. After a little bit of slowness, readers will not respond well, maybe it will come with a big knife.

  The unit drama works like Natsume's Friends Account are fine. As long as the unit dramas are of good quality, there will be no such troubles.

  Chu Yu is also entangled now. Unheard of the name of the work, this work is undoubtedly an excellent work, but its excellence is seen from the overall perspective. In the end, Yayizi and everyone said goodbye to each other, expressing each other's feelings, and the grudge between friends Elimination, this is where this work can move people.

  After three months of serialization, this work is still in the forefront of the plot. When the time comes, readers will not respond well when they are bored.

  Moreover, one work is okay to say that if two works want to be serialized on the edge of the water at the same time, it is indeed...a bit difficult for Li Xi.

  Chu Yu could also think of this.

  "Touching? Love, friendship?"

  Li Xi frowned and thought for a while. She didn't say anything for a long time before she said.

  "I don't know what the follow-up plot of Unheard Flower Name will be."

  "But the reason why I was able to talk to you so much today is entirely because of Su Lu's respect for you, if her evaluation of you is correct. , Then I believe that you can give up the serialization of Rurouni Kenshin's work, and the quality of these two new works must not be bad. Indeed, if you must let Unheard Flower Name also appear at the Water Edge Serial Conference I can also submit it together, but I don't think the chance is great!"

  Li Xi said.

  "But if you ask you to serialize this work in a lower-level journal, I am afraid you are not willing!"

  "After listening to your self-recommendation just now, I have an idea here!" Li Xi stared at Chu Yu and said solemnly.   "Recently, a friend of mine I know is a planner and person in charge of an animation production company. They are planning to make an animation, but they don't want to make some comic animations, but want to directly invite some cartoonists or light novelists. Our original plot."   "Now   calling for contributions..." "The element composition of the work you just mentioned is very similar to their requirements."   "I think you can name the unheard The names of the follow-up plots of this work are drawn, I will help you submit it to him, if it can pass..."   "Then this work has a better status than serialization on the edge of the water. Many, just animate it! "   Huh?   Chu Yu was dizzy.

  Why can he still encounter this kind of thing when he comes to submit a manuscript?

  Manga is animated, and it's not a manga, I just provide the script directly and then animate it!

  "Is this true?" Chu Yu asked somewhat unconfirmed.

  "Don't be too happy too early, this news is not only known to me!" Li Xi said.

  "Many of the outstanding cartoonists in comics clubs and novelists who are active in the novel industry are very interested in this."

  "If you are not the author of a Dragon Star Award winner, your contributors may not be someone else. I will care!"

  "And even if the submission is over, people may not choose your work. If the submission is unsuccessful, you can put this comic on Xuangui for serialization at that time. It's just the case of the Water Edge Journal. Probably nothing!" For

  a while, both of them in the office were silent.

  "You...Why did you help me like this?" After Chu Yu took a few deep breaths, his emotions gradually calmed down.

  Up to now, Chu Yu also found something wrong. Li Xi's behavior was too weird. Not only was he preparing to put his work on the serial conference at the edge of the water, but it also provided him with another excellent opportunity for another work.

  You know that he and Li Xi have only met twice so far.

  "No, it's just watching you help Su Lu's face, I'll just help it." Li Xi said calmly.

  "It's not just Su Lu who is disgusted by the person who was airborne by Phoenix to Cuttlefish. My situation back then was similar to Su Lu's. When I left Cuttlefish, Pang Feng and Su Lu also helped me speak. Two people, I have always attached great importance to..."

  "Although I have no hatred with Song Jiayu , I have never been accustomed to his dad who has been going to the Cuttlefish Cypriot. Therefore, what you did on the Dragon Star Award What I did, not only helped my friend Su Lu, but also my appetite for this matter!"

  "Furthermore..." Li Xi looked at Chu Yu.

  "After one of my cartoonists heard the truth about your Dragon Star Award awards, and your silence for half a year, but often told me that if you come to Cuttlefish, try to attract you, you can do whatever you want. Help you more!"

  "That guy, but your loyal fan..."

  "All things considered, you don't have to worry about my intentions against you. I don't like Xiaoxianrou, and Xiaoxianrou In these three words, you

  have nothing to do with you except for the small ones!" "Anyway, I just provide an opportunity. Whether you can achieve what you can achieve depends on your own strength!"

  Chu Yu heard the words, and his heart rose. Suspense was slightly put down.

  As for a certain cartoonist Li Xi said?

  Chu Yu thought of Tang Xin for the first time.

  "Okay, let's put the work of Natsume's Friends Account here!"

  "At the serialization conference in two weeks, I will try my best to help you get serialization opportunities!" Li Xi said.

  "There is also the work of Unheard Flower Name. If you are interested in my proposal, whether it is in the form of script, name, or novel, as long as it can fully reflect the story of this work, you can do it. Come out, then I'll help you submit a paper to that friend!"

  "That's all for today's conversation!" Li Xi said. U U Reading

  "In two weeks, if the matter is done, we will discuss the contract! If it fails, if you are willing to serialize in other non-water journals of our agency, I can give you an answer here. There is no problem!"

  "Understood!" Chu Yu nodded, got up and left.

  After leaving Xuangui, he let out a long sigh.

  "It's okay, at least there is a chance."

  One work has the opportunity to be serialized on the edge of the water, and one work has the opportunity to submit to an animation production company to make an animation.

  After thinking about it, Chu Yu was happy and speechless again.

  Two works that have great popularity in the world of different dimensions, it is so difficult in my own hands.

  This is reality!

  It's not that these two works are not good, but that Chu Yu's influence is insufficient now.

  However, Chu Yu believes that this situation will soon change. After a few years, when Chu Yu wants to serialize new works, it will never be as difficult as it is today!

  Perhaps by that time, he drew a few blacked-out manuscript papers, accompanied by a few lines, and they could also be published in these journals!