Chapter 97

  The two days of running on the weekend made Chu Yu feel a little tired, not physically, but psychologically tired.

  But finally, the hard work of the past month was not in vain.

  However, in the next two weeks, Chu Yu could not just wait for the results of Li Xi's serial meeting.

  At least, in these two weeks, he has to complete the storytelling name with more than 20 words about the unknown flower name alone.

  The sooner this kind of thing, the better, otherwise, if someone finds a relatively suitable script all at once, they may not accept the new script directly.

  Although name wants to be much simpler than the manuscript of the manga, and Chu Yu is a direct copy of the original work given by the system in his brain, more than twenty words are not a small number.

  In the next two weeks that can be expected, Chu Yu's life will improve compared with the busyness of the previous month, but overall it will not be much better.

  But at least, Chu Yu finally had time to go to school.

  If he stopped showing up and continued to skip class, Chu Yu estimated that he would be sent home from the school.

  "Huang Ming!"


  Here !" "Wang Yu !" "Here!"


  Chu Yu!"

  "Here!" After two weeks, Chu Yu was still very excited and his voice became louder and louder when he took the math class again after two weeks. .

  However, his voice suddenly made the whole class look at him, including Teacher Gaoshu who is already in his fifties. With his eyes raised, he looked in the direction Chu Yu was speaking, and called the name again.

  "Chu Yu!"


  Here ." "Well, it's strange, student Chu Yu finally came today! Just to remind you, according to my rules, if you skip three more classes, your usual points will be deducted, unless the end of the term In the course of high mathematics, you can get a score of 90 or more on the test, otherwise you will be hung up on my course...It will be useless to find anyone if you can't finish your senior year!"

  After all, the teacher couldn't waste too much time on this kind of things during class time, but after talking about the consequences to Chu Yu, he continued to roll his name.

  Other classmates are either curious, contemptuous, or gloating...

  For Chu Yu, the great god of skipping classes, everyone in the class has heard of his name in the past few weeks and has not seen him.

  But everyone is learning, and Chu Yu is letting herself go. This will naturally arouse dissatisfaction among many people. Even if Chu Yu avoids class, it has nothing to do with them.

  Chu Yu himself was a little embarrassed, and finally thought about coming to the last class, but he didn't expect this kind of result.

  But there is no way to do it. If you have something, you must think about it.

  Chu Yu was in the critical period of the birth of his new work during this period, and Chu Yu had to choose one of his studies and comics!

  It seems that by now, the whole class is in small groups, with the dormitory as a unit, but what about Chu Yu? Sitting here alone, no one greeted him.

  He did have roommates, but he didn't go back to the dormitory to rest even after the military training. The relationship between each other was not good, it could only be said that they knew each other.

  Chu Yu saw that the three of them had formed a small group of their own, so he couldn't forcefully squeeze in.   He is also ready to be a lone ranger in college for another four years.   However, if the follow-up serialization of the new work goes well, Chu Yu will have to find a new manga assistant at that time. At that time, this situation may improve a little!   ....At   night, in a certain community of Magic City.   "Li Xi, is it true? Shui Xin has come to the magic capital, and is still bringing new works?"   Tang Xin's room was still messy, Li Xi was talking to her while tidying the house.   "Yes, I only met him yesterday!"   "What is the new work? Rurouni Kenshin's new chapter?"

  Tang Xin wore a blue dress, folded her hands on her knees, and squatted on a revolving chair. She was originally petite, but in this posture she seemed to be even smaller.

  "Rurouni Kenshin a new chapter?" Li Xi smiled.

  "How is it possible?"

  "Unless he reconciles with Cuttlefish and Song Jiayu from Phoenix, otherwise this work will not have a new chapter in this life! The copyright is held by both parties, and it is impossible for any party to make small moves! "

  Eh..." Tang Xin's interest dissipated in half.

  "Then Li Xi, can you persuade him to reconcile with Phoenix? I really want to see the plot behind Rurouni Kenshin..."

  "Are you a fool? As an editor of Xuangui Comics, I Why do you want to intervene in the affairs of other comic companies? Moreover, if the two parties have the intention of reconciliation, they have already acted. Why should I take the turn to interrupt?"

  "But this time he came to the magic city and brought two new works."

  "New work? How is it, is it good-looking?" Tang Xin came to the spirit.

  "It's okay! It's just too little space to see too much."

  "But I'm ready to submit one of the works to the Shuiyuan serial conference two weeks later. I feel that the work is okay, the subject matter. It's quite novel, and the plot is also very good. I personally like it better..."

  "What about the other work?" Tang Xin stared at Li Xi.

  "As for the new project of Jiuxing Animation Production Company, I think he seems to be very confident in his two works, and you and my good friend Su Lu are also very confident in his daily chats, then let Let him try it!"

  "Maybe he is lucky, not only will he compete on the same stage with you on the same comic, but in a few months, his other work will be directly animated. Maybe?"

  "Serialized on the edge of the water with Shui Xin..." Tang Xin's expression on his face immediately became excited.

  "Although I like Teacher Shuixin very much, if he were to be my opponent, I would not lose."

  "But...Li Xi, I have one more request!" Tang Xin rolled his eyes and looked at Li Xi with a smile.

  "Is it impossible? I will never disclose the unserialized works to anyone. If the serialization meeting goes well in two weeks, you will be able to see Chu Yu's new works in his own journal in a month!" Li Xihe Tang Xin has worked together for many years, and only by looking at her expression, he knew what this guy was making, and decisively rejected her.


  "Whatever you say! And remember, the deadline is three days later. If you don't draw it by that time, don't think of this room next week!"

  . ....

  Two weeks passed in a flash.

  In the past two weeks, Chu Yu finally maintained the basic class rhythm, did not skip class, and also drew the name of the remaining nineteen chapters that were unheard of.

  Chu Yu wasn't afraid that the other party seemed to be confused.

  Since it is an animation production company, there must be quite a wealth of experience in manga, or novel to animation.

  And at the end, Chu Yu also attached the persona drawings of the relevant characters, plus the realistic manuscripts of the first three stories, Chu Yu believes that if the other party is professional enough, he will be able to see the brilliance of this work.


  Xuangui Comics Company.

  meeting room.

  At this time, the whole conference room was noisy.

  "No... I still feel that the "Thousand Stars Secret Realm" of Mr. Coffee Bean is more attractive to me than other works. Those who are selected in this space can freely exchange everything they own... .... Knowledge, longevity, luck, IQ, EQ... I personally think that if it is serialized, the popularity is definitely not low!"

  "No, I don't think so, I am more optimistic about the "Natsume Friends Account" proposed by Li Xi "I think the plot is very novel. To be honest, the monsters, the accounts of friends, and the return of the names. I think these elements are in line with the market if they are launched. If the quality can be maintained in the follow-up, the market will definitely have a lot of response."

  "But the "Magic Paradise" proposed by Huang Jin for serialization is not bad. For those fans who like bloody and curious style, UU reading will definitely attract them."

  ..... ...At

  this meeting, the editors of the Xuangui Comics Club proposed a total of 49 works for serialization.

  The authors of these works are not new cartoonists, but old cartoonists from Xuangui in the past, or famous local cartoonists who came to the magic city to develop in other provinces.

  But an hour later, after discussion.

  Forty-nine works are still in the scope of everyone's discussion, and only 13 are left.

  Two hours after the meeting began, the scope was reduced to five.

  Indeed, works that have not been eliminated today have their merits.

  Although the works that Chu Yu produced are fireworks that have been verified by the market in parallel spaces, the level of comics on the plane of the Dragon Kingdom is not too low.

  After all, Chu Yu only drew the manuscript of the three-character comics. The plot of the overall work has not been expanded too much. There is also a cat teacher in the supporting role. The character is also single, and it does not show any advantages for a time. These works are really quarrelsome Inexplicable.

  Li Xi, and several other first-level editors of Xuangui Comics, lashed out at each other and attacked each other's deficiencies in their works.