Chapter 107

 Obviously, this chased boy is the protagonist.

  After all, it looks exactly like the poster.

  Liu Jin continued to watch.

  After meeting his classmates while being chased, this young

  man actually wanted to pretend to be nonchalant... Generally speaking, if he encountered a bad person, shouldn't he ask for help from an acquaintance?

  After having a few polite words with his classmates, the boy asked about the location of the nearby shrine, and he rushed to that place.....

  Next, the screen changed... the

  boy was in Running ahead, behind, a huge one-eyed monster followed closely.

  The narration beside the comic tells the reason of the matter.

  Natsume, who lived with relatives because of his parents' early death, was treated as an alien by the people around him because he could see things that ordinary people couldn't see.

  In order not to cause trouble to others and to prevent him from continuing to be regarded as an alien, he is often attacked by monsters...

  Oh, is it this kind of comic?

  Liu Jin's eyes moved. There are a lot of comics for this kind of opening. What can you see monsters, ghosts, elves, monsters, etc. After the opening, either the protagonist has some great potential, blood, and treasures that make him turn into auspiciousness, or It is to meet a powerful supporting role to save the protagonist, and then lead the protagonist to realize a new world.

  Is Shui Xin going to draw a comic about bloody fighting monsters?

  Thinking of this, Liu Jin was a little disappointed. It's not that he doubts Shui Xin's strength, but there are too many manga monsters of this type. Even Shui Xin is a talented cartoonist, but he doesn't think Shui Xin can. Created a classic comic in a similar style that surpassed the sage comic artists.

  If Shui Xin's new work is such a cartoon, then Liu Jin would rather Shui Xin return to Luosheng to draw Rurouni Jianxin.

  In the following plot, Natsume damaged the barrier of the shrine and released the sealed monster...

  Liu Jin sighed. He always felt that this plot was inseparable from what he had guessed.

  But I kept watching.

  After a rather imposing opening dialogue, the sealed monster appeared...

  a cat that looked plump and cute...


  Can't hold back all of a sudden.

  Liu Jin smiled. He thought it was a mighty and domineering monster, but he didn't expect it to be a fat cat.

  But the next comic plot began to point.

  Natsume's grandmother Reiko, like Natsume, was treated as an outlier because she could see monsters. Because no humans wanted to play with her, she liked to play and communicate with monsters. For this, she also made a book... .Friends' account.

  Liu Jin felt that something was wrong. Originally, he thought that the plot of the comic should be that the cat demon appeared on the stage to repel the monster that attacked Natsumi, and then the male protagonist awakened his power or something...

  Why did Natsume come from unknown The cat demon started to talk, and in just a few pages of comics, he mentioned the account of his friends, and at the same time, he contacted the hero's surname as Natsume.

  The two parts of the name of the entire comic have appeared.   Obviously, the friend's account made by Natsume's grandmother Reiko is the most important thing throughout this manga.   In the following plot, Natsume, who was looking for the relic at home, finally found the friend's account left by his grandmother.   At the same time, the cat demon who had been hiding behind him also appeared again.   Through the conversation of one person and one cat, the setting of this comic is unfolded one by one.   Natsume, the male protagonist who moved to the home of relatives in his grandmother's hometown only last month.   Many monsters whose names were written in the accounts of friends after being defeated by grandma Reiko.   You can order the monsters whose names are written on your friend's account by holding your friend's account....   Natsume, who is looked at by the monsters because he looks similar to her grandmother Reiko.

  The monsters who want to get a friend's account in order to regain their name.

  And in return for Natsume's rescue, he voluntarily promised to protect Natsume's fat cat demon.

  Liu Jin gradually felt...This work seems to be different from what he thought.

  At least, after reading this comic now, he also realizes that this simple and clean picture is indeed not suitable for that kind of hot-blooded fighting comics.

  Even though he stayed at home, he was still called by the monster.

  Natsume and the fat cat demon fled the house together.

  After some quarrel.

  Faced with the cat demon who revealed his real body, Natsume said his thoughts.

  He...want to replace the grandmother and return the names of the monsters to them.

  If he dies in the process, then the friend's account will belong to the cat demon.

  Seeing this, Liu Jin can be considered to understand what kind of work this comic is.

  It doesn't seem to be the same as the hot-blooded fighting comics he first guessed.

  Obviously, the main plot of this comic should be the male lead Natsume returning the name to the monsters and what happened in the process.


  What's so good about such comics?

  Thinking of this, Liu Jindun felt bored and didn't want to read it anymore.

  He turned on the phone, ready to express his disappointed thoughts in the fan group of Teacher Shuixin he added.

  But once opened the penguin group.

  Because Shui Xin didn't serialize comics for half a year, the group that seemed a bit deserted on weekdays was full of discussions.

  "Really, not bad! Shui Xin's new work..."

  "It seemed a bit boring at first, but I didn't expect that the last dozen pages of comics actually made me feel a little teary after reading it. "

  "Sure enough, I am Shui Xin teacher, although I still prefer Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, but there is no doubt that this work is also very appetizing to me."

  "The memory of returning the name touched me, and at first it was I think the one-eyed monster is very ugly. I didn't expect to feel sorry for her after reading it."


  what happened?

  Liu Jin blinked.

  It seems that everyone's response is pretty good!

  Why do I look so boring?


  Is there a reversal?

  After carefully reading the group's speech, Liu Jin moved his phone away, and continued to pick up the journal Shuiyuan, and flipped through the place he had seen before.

  The two monsters, the cat monster named Madara, dealt with one of them alone, and at the request of Natsume, Madara also told Natsume how to return the name to the monsters.

  In the process of being chased by the one-eyed monster, Natsume imagined the other party's information, and the friend's account in his hand opened page after page, and finally one page stood up without being affected by gravity.

  Natsume tore off the page with the name of the one-eyed monster, folded it, and pressed his lips together.

  Put your hands together and concentrate.

  Then breathe out gently...

  The ink on this page with the name of the one-eyed monster floated from the paper and rushed to the one-eyed monster.

  At the same time, some memories appeared in Natsumi's mind...

  Some one-eyed monsters had memories of his grandmother Reiko.

  A monster wandering alone and lonely, one day met a girl named Reiko.

  "You have a fight with me! If you win, I will ask you to eat Nanatsujiya's bean paste buns!" Reiko said to it when she encountered it.

  It easily lost to Reiko and gave her name to Reiko.

  " are my subordinate."

  "Since you have become my subordinate, then I call your name and you have to fly over!"

  "What's your name?" One-eyed monster Look at the girl.


  "Then, goodbye!" Before leaving, Reiko smiled and waved at it.

  Perhaps, for Reiko, this is just an episode in one afternoon, a game to kill time.

  But for the one-eyed monster... Reiko said goodbye when she left, and said her name.

  Spring comes, summer solstice, autumn goes, winter silence, no matter how you wait, that person never calls it by name.

  One year...

  Two years...

  ten years...

  Decades have passed...


  "Today , Didn't you call me..." The

  comics are like this. Maybe there are more than 30 pages of plots in front of them. Those plots will be very boring, but when the emotions of a certain page of comics erupt, it will be boring. At that moment, it will be as moved as Liu Jin is at this time.

  It only took a few minutes, and Liu Jin was completely caught in the plot at this time.

  "So lonely..."

  " Lonesome than before!"

  "Give me back, give me my name..."

  "Since I haven't been called by my name no matter how long you wait, then give it your name. Give it back to me!" At

  this moment, Natsume opened his eyes.

  The name floating on the paper melted into the body of the one-eyed monster in front of him.

  " Higaki !"

  Natsume said the name of the monster.

  "Reiko, are you okay?"

  "Even if you are lonely, aren't you afraid?"

  Rishigaki asked as he left.

  "Grandma, you must not be lonely."

  "Thank you, Hishigaki."

  "Good-hearted, grandma's friend!"

  Natsume finally looked at Hishigaki.

  Two comics, the final end here.

  Liu Jin was stunned for a while before waking up from the plot.

  But for Liu Jin, at this time, he only felt that his meaning was still unfinished, and there was a feeling of blocking in his chest.

  Not uncomfortable, but there is an urge to tears.

  Indeed, the memories of Ryigaki and Reiko touched his heart in the end!

  Natsume's Friends Account...

  Liu Jin looked at the name of this work.

  Then the body is also very honest, participating in a new round of bragging about the water heart in the penguin group.