Chapter 108

  In the major provinces, counties and cities of Longguo, there are a considerable number of fans of water journals.

  Some of them have known about the existence of the cartoonist Shui Xin before, but more people have never heard of Shui Xin's name.

  The Dragon Star Award is indeed a certain scale award in the Dragon Kingdom comic awards, but how many people are willing to pay attention to such awards?

  It's like everyone watches movies, but how many people like to watch movie awards and selections?

  So when this large group of people saw the three new works serialized on the Water's Edge, although they were interested, they basically read them with a peaceful mind.

  Needless to say, those old comics that have been serialized for a long time and have deep-rooted status on Shuibian are basically watched by fans who would buy this periodical.

  The other works are just selective viewing.

  Three new works.

  Thousand Star Secret Realm.

  Natsume's friend account

  chaotic star.

  Many people just feel pretty good after watching Thousand Star Secret Realm and Random Stars, but they won't be much touched.

  After all, this kind of work, the two comics in the first series, are still in the forefront of the plot, and there is no fame.

  But these people, after reading the two episodes of Natsume's Friends Book serialization along the catalog...

  Basically, they stopped for a while and continued to read the manga later, instead they turned their heads back and changed their previous actions. Because I felt boring, I watched the skipped related plot carefully.

  The story of Natsume's Book of Friends is simple and not complicated at all.

  But they don't understand why after watching this work, they just can't get out of the plot of this work in their hearts.

  Natsume, Madara, Reiko, Rishigaki... In

  two short comics, there are not many characters in the scene, but everyone can clearly remember the names of the characters.

  There is a kind of touch in my heart, but this touch is not strong, but... it does exist and it can make you notice it.

  Although everyone can see it, this work seems to be a comic of a unit drama.

  Moreover, the first and second chapters also tell the first story clearly, but at this time, everyone has an urge to look forward to seeing the content of this work in the next issue.


  Los Angeles is definitely one of the provinces where the sales of this issue of Water Edge journals have skyrocketed.

  After all, this is the base camp of Shuixin. The name of Shuixin is definitely famous throughout the comic book industry in Los Angeles, so many people buy Shuiyuan in order to support Shuixin.

  Among them, many people just thought about it, and regarded it as a new series of Shui Xin's, symbolic support. In the future, they may not buy Shui Yuan. After all, they are just fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance. For Shui Xin Other works of, and can not raise interest.

  It was only after they read the two episodes of Natsume's Friend's Account that they found... it seemed that they had fallen into the pit again.

  In major forums and fan groups, the popularity of Shui Xin's new work Natsume's Friends Account has gradually increased, and most of the comments are basically praised.

  In this case, there is a popular vote about the works on the water, and the number of people who voted for Natsume's friend account is also rapidly increasing.   ...   In the major cartoon clubs of Long Country, after the popularization of the Internet, the popularity and support rate statistics of the comic works have changed from the previous letter delivery to the online voting.   Normally, new comics will attract the attention of many journal fans, so in the first two issues of the serialization, their popularity voting rankings will not be the bottom, but they will not be high either. After all, the comics serialized on the water's edge will rank in popularity. The top ten works are all well-known comic works of the Dragon Kingdom.   Most comics of this level already have the qualifications for animation, with a single sales volume of tens of millions.   It is basically difficult for new comics to catch up with these works in popularity.

  But today, after the release of the new issue of Shuiyuan, Xuangui's back-end data statisticians discovered that the real situation is far from their predictions.

  The readers of Luan Xing voted for ranking 17th, and the readers of Thousand Stars Secret Realm voted for ranking 16th. This is all normal, but why Natsume's Friends Account is only a serialization of the first issue. Why did the real-time ranking hit eleventh?

  Moreover, it is inextricably stalemate with Xia Chuan, who has been ranked tenth in popularity for five consecutive months.

  The difference in the number of votes between the two works is very small.

  Unlike the low-level voting sites made by Cuttlefish, the top 7 popular voting sites of the Magic City can see the real-time rankings. As long as you log in to the internal account, it is clear at a glance where your work is at this moment.

  Obviously, let alone the outside world, even Xuangui's insiders were very surprised by the results of Natsume's Friends Account at this time.

  Twenty works on the edge of the water are basically divided into three grades.

  The bottom five works are basically on the cut list. If the plot is sluggish for a period of time and the popularity is low, the three-month assessment is likely to extend the kacha to this work.

  The bottom five to ten are some works with certain potential. If the follow-up plot is good, the popularity rises, and the top ten, then basically the works will be animated in the future, and the sales of single book releases will skyrocket. It's possible.

  And the works that can stabilize the top ten in the popularity ranking on the water edge are the works that can be regarded as popular in the whole dragon country in the true sense.

  Most of the works have been animated or are on the way to animation.

  It is sparse and common for authors to sell over a million copies each year and the annual income of authors exceeds tens of millions.

  At this time, after real-time voting information about Natsume's friends account was released, the eyes of many people in the comics industry in the entire Magic City were about to fall out.

  Don't look at the two new works of Thousand Stars Mystery and Random Stars, which were serialized with Natsume's Friends' Account, ranked 16th and 17th. It seems that there is not much difference between the eleventh place in Natsume's Friends' Account at this time, only five. .

  But in fact, the number of readers' votes for Natsume's Friends Account is almost two or three times as many.

  They are all new works, how can the gap be so big?

  You must know that the authors of those two works are also the old cartoonists of the magic city. The fan community must have a higher reputation than Chu Yu.

  But in the end, the three works were serialized together, which is actually the result.

  The media and cartoonists who sang the work badly before Natsume's serialization lost their voices for a while.

  Many contributors wrote Hexiamei's manuscripts in advance, but they were also decisively deleted.


  Chu Yu, who has been staying in his own home, naturally also logged into the voting website, paying attention to the voting information of his work.

  But in the afternoon, Chu Yu lost interest.

  After all, this work is only a serialization of the first and second episodes, and there must be a gap between the popularity of the top ten comics that have been serialized for at least a year.

  Therefore, during the day, although the number of popular votes between Natsume's friends account and Natsukawa's popularity is weak during the day, at night, the gap is gradually widened.

  According to this trend, it is estimated that the popularity ranking of the first issue of Natsume's Friends Book is also eleventh.

  "Sure enough, is not that simple!" Chu Yu could also accept this.

  The works in front of Chuyu are basically comics with the famous Long Guoguo, even if he serializes popular works in parallel worlds, but before the plot unfolds, when the number of readers has not developed, he wants to overwhelm those The work is still too difficult.

  So after predicting the result, Chu Yu focused on drawing comics.

  If you compete for the top ten picks, you can only wait for the next issue of the Water Edge series.


  "Eleven..." Li Xi, who had not yet finished work, was also paying attention to Xia Mei's results all day.

  For this result, she had never expected it.

  In her opinion, a 15th pick in the first period is a good start.

  I didn't expect that this work actually gave her such a big surprise.

  Of course, although the results of Natsume's Friends Account surpassed everyone's expectations and made some waves in the magic city comics world, after all, it was just a new work.

  Therefore, Li Xi is not overly happy. She is still waiting and watching. At least after a few serializations, combined with the situation, she can judge the follow-up potential of this work.