New Issue 1 Serial

  On this day, a new issue of Shuiyuan's issue was released.

  Because of the Weibo battle between Shui Xin, the author of Natsume's Friends Book, and Yu Jing, the author of the three sisters next door, in the past week, these two works have received high attention in the past few days!

  Many people became fans of this work because of the first and second episodes serialized in the previous issue of Natsume's Friends Account, but many people also learned of this work because of the Weibo War.

  In general, today, the number of purchasers of Water Edge Periodicals is indeed higher than in the past.

  Many fans of Shui Xin flipped through the pages of Natsume's Friends Book.

  There, the title of the story in this issue is... [Shrine of Dew God].

  Sure enough, is it a unit drama story?

  Many fans also understand this.

  To be honest, many fans of Natsume's Friends Account are looking forward to the one-eyed monster Rishigaki who appeared in the last issue of the series again.

  Just looking at it like this, such an idea should be frustrated.

  The plot of the new story tells that the monitor of Natsume's class wants to organize a courage test meeting for the people in the class, and introduces Natsume's interpersonal relationship in the class.

  Then it was Natsume's daily routine, when he encountered a monster attack in the school and was rescued by Madara.

  In order to disguise himself, Madara has officially become the pet cat kept at the house of Aunt Tazi, who lives in Natsume.

  The story is very ordinary, and readers who see it here have not seen any bright spots.

  But the next picture...

  Beside Natsumi's teacup, a monster about the height of this teacup suddenly appeared.


  here ... Seeing the manmi's eyes lit up, it seems that this is the protagonist of this story.

  A monster named Rujin came to look for Natsume to return the name.

  Because he lives in a shrine, he absorbs the aspirations of others, and if someone enshrines him, he will become stronger and his body will become bigger.

  But as time passed, the people who worshipped him gradually disappeared, so his body became the size of a teacup.

  And the plot of this story only progressed to the page on the friend's account with the name of the goddess and the two pages on the back page with the name of the other monster. They were glued together and could not be separated, in order not to hurt the two. A monster, so when Natsume could only find another monster, he returned the names of the two monsters together...

  When the comic fans continued to turn back the manga, they were shocked to find that the plot of this story is just That's it?

  Where is the other monster?

  And obviously, the character related to Lu Shen's plot is most likely to be the woman named Hanako.

  Now, the only person who still worships God Lu and will take peaches as a sacrifice to God Lu.

  But none of these plots were revealed. Almost all of these words were foreshadowing, and then it was over.

  The other melon-eaters who came to visit Natsume's Friends' Account because of the scolding war between Shui Xin and Yu Jing didn't see anything wonderful. Isn't the plot too plain?

  This Shui Xin vowed to make this work's popularity rank among the top ten in the water's edge within two weeks. Does it depend on this kind of plot and quality?   Many people shook their heads in disappointment.   There is no climax in the two plots, how can people vote?   In the fanfare group of Natsume's Friends Account, everyone is not very active in discussing the plot.   Because it is true that there is nothing to discuss about this remark, a bland start and a bland end.   However, they still believe in the strength of Teacher Suixin, and voted for Natsume's Friends Account on the voting website of the Suiyuan Journal.   But these people are fans who have followed all the way from the time of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, so even if the plot is not exciting for a while, they are still willing to support Shui Xin.

  But those simple journal fans are different. The plot of your work in the current period is wonderful. I think it is good. It is no problem to vote for you. But if the plot of your work in the current period is not good, then even if it is just a vote, give one more work. Tick, but not many people are willing to do this with a small effort.

  So when the poll results of the Water Edge Journal came out that day.

  The number of readers' votes for Natsume's Friends Account is only about 230,000, and its popularity ranks 13th among all works in this issue of Water Edge.

  Compared with the previous issue, the number of votes dropped by seven to eighty thousand, and the ranking dropped by two...After

  the result was disclosed.

  In the magic city comics world that day, there was a ridicule of ridicule...A

  certain cartoonist exchange group.

  There are hundreds of cartoonists of all levels in the magic capital. In the exchange group at this time, everyone is discussing this matter with an attitude of watching jokes.

  "Hey, I laughed so hard at me. I thought it was a genius who was about to rise. I didn't expect it to be an embroidered pillow. A few days ago, I even said that I would be in the top ten of the water in the two periods. Yes.... If this situation continues, the popularity will drop to the half-cut level in the third or fourth period!"

  "So, young people are young people, and draw his Rurouni Kenshin well. Okay? I have to do new works, even if I do new works, I still have to transform to painting this daily unit drama? Once this kind of work is painted, it may not be so good. The painting is not good, because of the characteristics of the unit drama's story and plot. There is no continuity, so readers have no patience, and the popularity will drop very quickly!"

  "I see, this is also a lesson. The cartoonists in the backward areas of the province don't know the sky and the earth. They always think that the magic city is still he used to stay. In those places? It is said that the popularity will be in the top ten in the two periods? This is what you can decide? If you have no strength, keep a low profile. If a senior points out something wrong, just be humble..."

  "Just watch him lose face this time After that, the mentality can't be adjusted..." A

  certain magic city comic editing group.

  "Oh, so I said that at the beginning, this work was not serialized in Xuangui. At the beginning, Shui Xin wanted to deliver it to our orange cat... I remember Shui Xin asked when he opened his mouth. The work of Natsume's Friends Book was serialized on "Cat's Heart", but I didn't agree... because the manuscript he brought with him at the time just ended up with the content of this serialization, although one or two words The plot was not bad, but the third episode was too plain, so I didn't agree to his serialization request. Now that I want to come, my judgment at the time is really correct."

  "Um, he also came to Aoba with this work later . , I think the same as you, I think he may not be able to control this style of comics, and the plot may collapse."

  "Um, at that time this work also brought us Qiye, although I think this work is a bit interesting , But there is no similar on the market before, and Shui Xin is also very demanding, and ordinary journals are reluctant to serialize, so I don't talk about it..."

  "Fortunately, you didn't agree at the time, Otherwise, a work will open higher in the first phase, and go low in the second phase. That will have a big impact on the evaluation of comic editors and their performance."

  "It's a pity that Xuangui's Li Xi, for so many years. I didn't look away, I didn't expect..."

  "But this issue is obviously a plot, and low popularity is normal!"

  "But even if it is a pavement, there must be something to watch! I don't believe it anyway. The story of this work can be directly from the current thirteenth to the top ten, but there is a gap of almost 100,000 votes!"

  Human nature is like this, high praise, low step, Li Xi and Shui Xin, their respective careers have gone too smoothly, and it is inevitable that many people are jealous and jealous. Now they are taking advantage of the momentum, but these people have all emerged.

  Yu Jing, who had been watching Shui Xin, breathed a sigh of relief, her face bloomed with a smile.

  In response to Weibo's reposting, he liked a piece of popular polls for works in this issue of the Water Edge Journal disclosed by relevant people in the comics industry.

  The yin and yang are strangely matched with a shaking head expression at the end.

  Suddenly, Yu Jing's fans finally found a reason to counterattack, and ran to Chu Yu Weixin's comment area for various ridicules.