Chapter 114

  "Don't you guys look very angry?"

  "Last week, who said that although Shui Xin is very young, don't bully the young and poor, Shui Xin can catch up with the person that Yu Jing has accumulated over the past ten years in two weeks! How about Shui Xin? In less than a week's time, the popularity of his work has dropped so much?"

  "It seems that Teacher Yu Jing really has a vicious eye..."

  "Why are you panicking after two weeks? The next issue of Natsume's Friends Account will be serialized. After that, its popularity must be in the top ten."

  "That is, you people are too uncomfortable. When the results of the next issue of Natsume's Friends Account are released, your current behavior will become a joke."

  "People with discerning eyes are all jokes. It can be seen that the plot of this episode is laying the groundwork, and it doesn't matter if the popularity declines temporarily. After the next episode, the popularity will definitely skyrocket!" The

  two sides began to spray again, but it is clear that fans of Shuixin Although fighting locally, the confidence is indeed lacking.


  Li Xi sat on the sofa in Chu Yu's house.

  Today, she rarely changed into casual clothes, and she seemed a lot more lively.

  "How? Is there pressure?"

  "Pressure? Why is there pressure?" Chu Yu said.

  "If the popularity of the next issue of Natsume's Friends Account is not as you wish, what should I do if I squeeze into the top ten?" Li Xi asked.

  "What else can I do?" Chu Yu said.

  "But I think that if the plot and quality of the first and second episodes can reach the eleventh point of view when the first issue is published, and there is only a gap of 20,000 votes from the tenth Xia Chuan... then I'd think, the second story reveal God's temple popularity squeezed into the top ten things is not difficult. " "

  the second story, compared to the first story is undoubtedly good on a lot. " "

  this is Indeed!" Li Xi nodded.

  Although she asked Chu Yu this way, in fact she didn't panic at all.

  There was no comparison of similar works before, so before the first issue was published, she didn't know what step Natsume's Friends Account could achieve.

  But as far as the third episode is the whole story, if it is said that more than 200,000 people can vote for it, and the rank can be maintained at the thirteenth, then the fourth episode will be published after the plot.

  In Li Xi's view, it shouldn't be a big problem for the popularity to enter the top ten...

  Nowadays, not only cartoonists are preparing to watch Chu Yu's jokes, but also a group of people in the comic editing world are preparing to watch her jokes.

  Li Xi is silent now, and is also ready to watch those people's jokes.


  But things on the Internet come and go quickly.

  Soon, another week passed.

  The fourth episode of Natsume's Book of Friends was published with the release of this issue.

  "I don't believe it, the teacher Shui Xin who can draw Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance can still be compared to that of Yu Jing who draws the sideball comic?"

  Chen Ke held the new issue of Shuiyuan magazine that he had just bought from the bookstore. An unhappy expression.

  As the owner of the three fan groups of Shui Xin, as a hardcore fan of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, she is very excited about the bad comments about Shui Xin in the magic city comics this week.   What young people are arrogant?   What Jiang Lang is exhausted?   What Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance is the pinnacle of Shuixin.   Isn't it just a series of comics that pave the way for the plot?   Shui Xin is not one of the popular cartoonists who have been famous for many years. Under such circumstances, it is normal for the popularity of his works to decline slightly, right?   These people are too disgusting. Regardless of the actual situation, they just stare at the gap between the first and second series of Water Heart serial results.   Back home, Chen Ke took off his high heels and changed into everyday clothes.

  The whole person threw himself on the bed, first logged onto the website, and voted for the work Natsume's Friends Account, then opened the Shuiyuan periodical and flipped through the serialized part of Natsume's Friends Account.

  [Shrine of Dew God. End]

  The title of this sentence made Chen Ke's eyes move.

  Sure enough, just like the first two episodes in the first issue, are the three or four episodes a plot with two episodes?

  Such works are really rare!

  Focus on the comics... the

  plot continues the previous issue.

  Near the shrine where Lu Shen lived, Natsume met a woman named Hanako again... The

  two chatted about Lu Shen.

  Hanako told Natsume that she had been worshipping Rujin since she was a child.

  Although no one came to worship Lushen anymore, when she was young...when she worshipped Lushen in the shrine, she vaguely saw Lushen sitting on the treetop in front of her. Looking at the bright sky, he said something.

  "It's really a good weather today!"

  That said!

  Hanako almost replied, but she held back because she felt that if she replied, she might not show up again.

  Chen Ke who saw this seemed to understand a little bit.

  Hanako should also be able to see youkai...but not as powerful as Natsume, it seems that she can only see it occasionally.

  In the following plot, the rhythm becomes very fast.

  Natsume finally found the monster whose name and Lujin's name stuck together in the friend's account.

  After a fight, Natsume tore off the friend's account with the names of the two demons and returned the names to the two demons.

  At that moment, the memories of the two monsters and Reiko resurfaced.

  "Sure enough, when the name is returned, the memory of Reiko will emerge." Chen Ke nodded.

  In the first and second episodes, the same was true when Ryogaki's name was returned.

  In memory, Reiko persuaded Lushen to find a shrine again. No one in this place wanted to worship him anymore.

  Over time, Lushen's power will weaken and her existence will disappear.

  "Thank you, Reiko..."

  "However, as long as you have received love, as long as you have given love..."

  "I can never forget it anymore..."

  Holding Hanako in her hand The peaches sent to worship him, Lu Shen said.

  Chen Ke understood at once, what Lushen meant...

  change to a god's residence and accept more people to worship, that's no problem...

  but, after changing a residence ,so what? Even if many people receive worship, will there still be a girl named Hanako among those people?

  Even if people who believe in themselves only have Hanako, their strength is weakened. The size of the body has changed from the size of a normal human body to the size of a teacup. Even because of the weakening of strength, she is about to disappear, but because Hanako will come here to worship him. ...So he would rather disappear than go to shrines with more people and accept more people's worship?

  This is Lushen's choice... it's


  Seeing this, Chen Ke's inexplicable sadness reappeared in his heart.

  This kind of feeling also appeared when reading the account of Natsume's friends in the first and second episodes.

  But this time, it seems even stronger.

  After returning the name of Rujin, Natsume often went to the shrine of Rujin and gave him sacrifices.

  But on this day, Natsume walked to the shrine of Lujin, only to see Lujin becoming smaller and his glowing body...

  what happened?


  Although Lu Shen did not appear for a long time, Chen Ke already liked the monster with an old man's head mask created by Shang Shui Xin.

  "Hanako Hanako died ... she was sick a long time ....."

  "I believe she was the last person, after her death, I will disappear ..."

  With these words , Lushen's glowing body has light spots floating away.

  "I'm here to believe in you..." Natsume said after understanding the situation, in order to prevent her from disappearing.

  "No are my friend..."

  "Just so, let me go with Hanako."

  Natsume stretched out her finger and touched Lujin's hand.

  "Originally...I just kept looking at her..." Lushen said.

  I also recalled when Hanako was young, when she got married, and her growth up to now.

  "But I think now, I can finally touch her..."

  Nothing, Chen Ke couldn't hold back seeing this.

  She was originally a sentimental person. Although Lu Shen and Hanako had never talked once in their lives, Lu Shen would rather disappear than relocate for Huazi and accept more people's faith.

  And Hanako, even though she was seriously ill and dying, did not forget to bring peaches to worship Lushen... Is

  the relationship between the two people friendship, love, or something else?

  Hanako's only regret was that when she first saw Lu Shen, she didn't respond to his sentence.

  "It's really a good weather today!"

  But Natsume knew it, knowing that Hanako had seen Lu Shen's existence.

  "Ms. Hanako once heard your voice, Lushin..."

  Before he was about to disappear, Natsume told Lushin about the matter.

  "Thank you, Natsume-sama."

  "From before to now, human beings...are all cute creatures!" The

  screen flashed, and time seemed to have returned to the past.

  Lu Shen sat on the treetop, looked at the sky, and said that sentence.

  "It's really a good weather today!"

  "That's right!" Hanako when she was a girl didn't hesitate, watching Lushen respond.

  This...maybe it's just a fantasy when one person and one demon are dead.

  But when this fantasy was drawn on paper by the water heart, the emotions accumulated before this sentence finally vented along.

  In my heart, that uncomfortable and moving feeling rose again, but it was much stronger than when Natsume's first issue was serialized.

  In the first issue, Chen Ke could still hold back.

  But the simple and sad feelings and fetters of Lu Shen and Hanako made her extremely uncomfortable.

  Sure enough, the guy Shui Xin...Although he is only a young boy, he must be a much older man in mind than his age.

  Whether it is the Remembrance of Rurouni Kenshin, or Natsume's Friends Account, his works are like this, and they are inadvertently moving.

  The girl next to him must have been fascinated by him, this guy is so understanding...

  Chen Ke's thoughts were fluttering at this time.

  Open the water heart fascination group that you have built.

  Sadness is already in the group.

  is flashing the gods, Hanako, Natsume...

  "I really couldn't hold back, crying..."

  "Two humans and demons who have never said a word in their lives, but in the end I haven't forgotten the other person until I die, you say this is not love?

  "Teacher Suixin, I was wrong. I shouldn't doubt your strength after that article was published in the last issue... I lent all my family's mobile phones to Natsume's friends account and voted to make up for my last issue. There was no voting error."

  "The plot in the first issue has moved me enough. I didn't expect the plot of this issue to make me cry directly. I can't bear it. Such a plot is too lethal for me. "

  I won't say much, I voted for the support first... After all, Ms. Suixin's words have been released, and Natsume's popularity will be squeezed into the top ten of Suiyuan this week."

  "That's right, this What

  can I do if my work is not in the top ten?" "I can't stand the arrogance of Yu Jing fans this week. It's time for those people to see the cohesion of Shui Xin's fans."

  Chen Ke, as the owner of the group . It must be the first to stand out when planting.

  I just speak directly to call on everyone to support Natsume's Friends Account.