Chapter 132

  "Come!" Li Xi has been paying attention to the progress of the situation.

  Sure enough, Tang Xin's canvassing effect was really obvious.

  In just 20 minutes, the number of votes in Natsume's Friends Account increased by 20,000 votes.

  After all, not everyone uses Weibo for everything, and many Tang Xin fans haven't noticed this post by her.

  But as time goes by, more and more people will be summoned by Tang Xin's canvassing.

  "I mean, did you get up early in the morning to draw comics?" Li Xi paid attention for a while, then put down his phone.

  He looked at Chu Yu's comic table, where various tools were placed, and there seemed to be a page of unfinished comics.

  Li Xi walked over, his eyes moved.

  "This is?"

  "It's also helpless!" Chu Yu scratched his head.

  "I didn't know that Tang Xin would help me before, so after thinking about it, I tried my best to call on my fans as much as possible."

  "But now, with Tang Xin's help, I feel that in the end, Natsume's friends will be accounted for.   Whoever wins the two works of Lingshi may be the key to this page of comics."

  ... In the

last two days of the popular selection, no one would have thought that Ye Chun came to support Lingshi the day before. On Japan, Tang Xin also ended up supporting Natsume's Friends Account.

  At this time, the popular selection of comics, which was originally very ordinary, was full of gunpowder.

  Tang Xin just canvassed Natsume's friends account at ten o'clock in the morning, but at night, the gap of 900,000 votes between the two works at the beginning of today was almost overtaken.

  The difference in the number of votes between each other is very close, only hovering between two or three thousand votes. Maybe five minutes ago you still saw Lingshi leading, and five minutes later, Natsume's friends account was leading.

  By now, the various relationships between the two sides have been exhausted, and in this competition for victory, there is no bottom line for who can win.


  "Is this Shui Xin really a cartoonist who has only been in the magic city for half a year? Why are so many people helping him?" Yu Liang is not well.

  It is conceivable that if the two works didn't smell so much gunpowder at the beginning, and didn't use so many methods, it wouldn't matter if Lingshi was second. No one laughed at him. After all, the strength gap is here.

  But now, if he loses this selection, he will definitely be a joke when he talks about him in the world of magic comics.

  What's more, in the past two days, he thought he had a chance to win, and he mocked a wave of fans in his comment area. If he lost then, then he would be really ashamed.


  "Brother Ye, what do you say? Do you want to call on fans to support Lingshi?" Ye Chun's assistant asked.

  "No need, the first time this kind of thing is effective, the second time is very general, and if we do that, Tang Xin will definitely follow along. In fact, there will be no change in the situation of both parties by that time! "Ye Chun said.

  "We have done enough to help Yu Liang. The next situation depends on God's will."


  God's will, Chu Yu never pinned his hopes on that kind of thing.   Chu Yu knew in his heart that his fan base was mainly composed of two major parts.   Part of them are fans of Natsume's Book of Friends, and part of them are fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.   In this selection, it is obvious that among the fan groups who will vote for Natsume's Friends Account, there are relatively few fans about Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance.   So Chu Yu thought about it, thinking about how to summon the group of people.   Because of this, Chu Yu got up this morning and began to draw that page of comics.   Soon, Chu Yu took a picture of the comic manuscript.   Then clicked on Weibo on the phone!   Post a news.   "Dear Kenshin fans, vote for Natsume's Friends Account!"

  At the end, I uploaded the manga page.

  At the bottom, the voting page is attached.


  As a loyal fan of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, Shu Ming has always been paying attention to Shuixin's Weibo, but hopes that one day, Shuixin can draw other chapters of Rurouni Kenshin.

  He has watched several issues of Suixin's new work Natsume's Friends' Book, but for him who is keen on bloody battles, Natsume's Friends' Book is really not to his appetite.

  So even though he has always known the popular vote of Natsume's Friends Account, he does not bother to move his fingers.

  However, when he opened Weibo in the middle of the night, the Shui Xin that he was concerned about immediately popped up in the message and published a dynamic.

  Are you canvassing for Natsume's friend account again?

  Although Shu Ming clicked on the news, he was not ready to really vote for Natsume's Friends Account.

  However, when he clicked into this dynamic, all of a sudden, his eyes widened.

  Shui Xin's canvassing announcement is the point...The

  point is, the manga manuscript below.

  In the manga, there are two free people, Jianxin and Xuedaiba.

  The two held hands and walked under the cherry trees.

  With the cherry blossoms falling all over the sky, Jianxin looked forward, and Xuedaiba looked at Jianxin's profile, with a slight smile on his face.

  At the bottom of the manga, there is a line of words.

  "A certain parallel world, Jianxin and Xuedaiba's secluded daily life!"

  Parallel world?

  There are parallel worlds in the comics?

  Shu Ming understood at once.

  Shui Xin, you are too shameless. In order to canvass votes, Xuedaiba was resurrected in the parallel comic space.

  With such thoughts, don't draw Xuedaiba in the comic ending at the beginning.

  If the ending of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, Xuedaiba hadn't died, it would be so good to live in seclusion with Kenshin.

  For a while, Shu Ming remembered the touch that this work had brought him. Although he knew that this was the bait that Shui Xin gave to their fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, it was really fragrant.

  Shu Ming thought for a while, maybe after Shui Xin's Da Keng Bizhen won the championship, he would put out a few more comic manuscripts when he was happy?

  In the end, he clicked the voting link below to vote for Natsume's Friends Account.

  ....In the middle of the

  night, there were not many people who were still brushing Weibo, but the person who brushed Chuyu this dynamic suddenly exploded the pot.

  "It's been a year, and Shui Xin is finally willing to release the news of Rurouni Kenshin. Although it is only a page of manga, it made me cry all of a sudden."

  "Mr. Shui Xin, you are shameless, but can you? More shameless, put a few more pictures in the parallel comics world where Xuedaiba is not dead, she and Kenshin live in seclusion everyday! In that case, I will definitely vote for your new Natsume Friends Account!"

  "I'm going, I can't bear it anymore. Although I am ashamed of Shui Xin's unscrupulous behavior, I still ran to vote for Natsume's friends account. This is not because of Shui Xin's face, but I am completely at Xuedaiba's face! Seeing how hard I work. For the sake of this, Mr. Shui Xin put a few more chapters of Xuedaiba and Jianxin's daily manga manuscripts."

  ... the

  next morning, after Yu Liang got up to pay attention to the votes for the two works.

  For a while, the situation made him dumbfounded.

  what happened?

  Why did Natsume's friends account exceed 200,000 votes from Lingshi?

  Two hundred thousand votes are insignificant compared to the total number of votes for the two works. However, for the two works today, the daily increase in the number of votes is almost the same. These two hundred thousand votes seem to be not many, but in fact they are Yu Liang's heart was refreshing.

  This vote will end tomorrow, how can I chase it?

  Also, why did Natsume's friends account suddenly get 200,000 more votes?

  Which cartoonist came out to help Shui Xin canvassing votes?

  Yu Liang, who was puzzled by the matter, searched the Internet for this time.

  A few minutes later!

  Yu Liang was stunned.

  What the hell?

  The guy Shui Xin got so many votes for himself by relying on a comic manuscript?

  Are you silly fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance? At the beginning, Shui Xin was not indifferent when you were drawing tickets at Weibo. How could you have no bottom line when you behave like this? As a fan of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, come and vote for Natsume's friend account!

  Yu Liang's heart gradually sank.

  Now he has no choice but to go to his major social platforms to call on fans to vote for himself, and by the way, let many of his friends help him to canvass for votes.

  Unfortunately, the effect is minimal.

  Those who are willing to vote for him are already supporting him.

  Those who don't want to vote for him, it's useless to say more.

  It's as if Chu Yu didn't have that comic manuscript to pave the way, fans of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrance, even if he called for a hundred times on Weibo, they would not be willing to move their fingers.


  "It looks like you have lost!" Ye Chun looked calm.

  Although this result makes him unhappy, it is not that he has not considered this possibility.

  Nowadays, there is a group of cartoonists behind the two works. In this regard, in fact, the power of their Qin Provincial group is slightly greater.

  After all, the quality of the two works is obviously that Natsume's friends account is much better, and the popularity is much higher. However, since the votes of the two works in the past two days are at odds, it also means that among the two major groups, Qin Province is on the spiritual side. Depending on the help intensity will be greater.

  But even in this case, Lingshi was already defeated, and Shui Xin didn't go to another manga industry tycoon to help him canvass for votes, but instead called on fans of her other works to support Natsume's Friends Account.

  Yu Liang couldn't find any reason even if he lost this time.

  "That's it, that's it!"

  "The ancients said that they want to make things happen, the time and place are good, and the people must be occupied. This Yu Liang is not up to date, and he can't blame anyone!"


  At night, Natsume's friend's account won the vote The number surpassed Lingshi by nearly 400,000 votes.

  In the early hours of the next morning, the gap came to 650,000 votes.

  Finally, when this selection is over.

  Natsume's Friends Book ranked first in this popular selection with a total of 6.27 million votes.

  Lingshi ranked second with 5.32 million votes.

  As for the third place Iron Heart, it ranked third with 860,000 votes.

  The author of this work is also very speechless.

  At the beginning of the event, he thought that the first place must be Natsume's Friends Account, and the second place was between him and Yu Liang.

  But how can I not think that the final situation is like this?

  But as far as this result is concerned, it makes him and many cartoonists secretly refreshed.

  What about it? Everyone can recruit people to help themselves to canvass votes. In the end, isn't it based on strength to speak?

  For the final result, those cartoonists who helped Chu Yu were very happy, while those from Qin Province who helped Yu Liang looked a little ugly.

  Yu Liang's whole body was on the handle, and he didn't want to contact others for the time being, because it was really shameful.

  As for Chu Yu, when he learned that he had indeed won the first place in the popular selection of new comics.

  Sure enough, the familiar voice of the system remembered.

  "Congratulations to the host, I won the first place in the 2020 New Manga Manga Popularity Selection, and rewarded the host with an A-level lottery."

  Chu Yu heard this, and was happy!

  Sure enough, even if you get good results in this unofficial evaluation, the system will give rewards.

  Moreover, he actually gave an A-level lottery prize.

  When I thought I was the most popular in Cuttlefish, I also got a B-level reward.

  But Chu Yu thought for a while... Indeed, the cuttlefish's level is too low, and even the eleventh most popular Lingshi in the Nirvana period has been defeated. The gold content and attention of the two are almost on the same level.

  It seems that the system will still consider these external circumstances when issuing rewards?

  Chu Yu thoughtfully.


  The phone rang.

  "Congratulations, you won first place!" Li Xi's voice came out over the phone.

  "It's Li Xi that you help me get the votes. Otherwise, I'll rely on myself and it will definitely be scumbag." Chu Yu said.

  "Don't be too humble."

  "As far as the situation is concerned, the canvassing rates for both of Natsume's Friends Account and Lingshi's works are about the same, and even Natsume's Friends Account is still behind. In the end, it can be a gap of 800,000 votes. To win the first place in this vote, it was the last two days that you called Rurouni Kenshin's fans. UU Reading"

  "However, this work of Rurouni Kenshin is indeed a pity, both It's been over a year, and you can still have such appealing power with just one page of manga..."

  "Forget it , let's not talk about it!" Li Xi said.

  "Not long after you won the first place in this selection, the person in charge of called me and they wanted to invite you to participate in the interview they held about the winner. Don't you know if you want to? "

  Interview? No!" Chu Yu now has all the rewards, so naturally he is not interested in this kind of interview.

  "Not going?" Li Xi was a little surprised when he heard this.

  She asked Chu Yu whether she was going or not, but it was only a polite way of saying that she had never thought that Chu Yu would answer like this.

  "Then what have you been so caring about this selection during this time?"

  "The interview videos and Natsume's Book of Friends propaganda newspaper hung in the new Home diffuse propaganda and a half months, you sure do not?"

  "Means that the amount of ... give up popular Natsume's Book of Friends?"

  "I did not Wrong!"

  "Then I will go!"

  "..." Li Xi.