Chapter 133

  On January 24th, the headquarters of the new mannet magic capital.

  In any case, it is also a gathering platform for two-dimensional enthusiasts of Longguo NO.1. Although its staff is not very large, its ability to make money is undoubtedly amazing.

  One can imagine the strength of buying half of a building as the headquarters in a place where the capital is very expensive.

  Xue Qing, as the person in charge of this new comic network selection, was waiting for Li Xi and Chu Yu downstairs at the company ten minutes early.

  "Hello, the two are Li Xi, the editor of Xuangui Comics, and Teacher Shui Xin, the author of Natsume's Friends Account, right? Long Yang Long Yang..."

  "I'm Xue Qing, director of the New Comic Network Activity Organization Department !"

  Xue Qing is a man in his early forties. He is a bit blessed in his middle-aged figure, but he has a festive feeling when he smiles, and he speaks directly into the other's eyes instead of looking around.

  After a brief contact, Chu Yu and Li Xi had a good first impression of him.

  "Hello, I'm Li Xi, the editor of Xuangui Comics."

  Li Xi smiled rarely. Of course, Chu Yu also knew that this was a professional smirk.

  Otherwise, Li Xi's somewhat cold personality might not necessarily laugh in front of others once a week.

  "Hello, I'm Chu Yu, under the pen name Shui Xin." Chu Yu also followed suit, putting on a smile.

  The time was 7 o'clock in the afternoon. This interview was broadcast live on, and the time was set at 8 o'clock.

  So Chu Yu and the others came at the right time. After all, there is still machine debugging. Chu Yu will also be brought by the professionals of to make up some makeup, and strive to make the live broadcast effect excellent.

  As for Li Xi, he has experience in participating in such activities, but he is sitting in the dressing room with his legs crossed and looking at Chu Yu with a funny face.


  For this interview, released an announcement on as soon as it learned that Chu Yu and Li Xi were coming to attend the interview. Many people who are curious about the water heart, Natsume Fan, Rurouni Kenshin Fans and even passers-by who are curious about the unheard of the name of the animation that will be on the air in two weeks have already gathered in the official live broadcast room of Xinman.

  "This time I can finally take a closer look at Teacher Shui Xin. Last time the Dragon Star Award presentation site was too dark. It didn't take long for the whole process

  to take a close-up shot of Teacher Shui Xin." What questions to ask Mr. Chu Yu, you know, based on the situation in previous years, the questions asked by are more tricky and embarrassing."

  "I have already charged one hundred Dragon National Coins on, just for the whole process. To send a thousand steps to the teacher Shui Xin, a big pit ratio, Rurouni Kenshin's pit is not ready to fill it again when he looks like this.... It was in vain. I voted when Natsume's friend was behind. With one vote, he thought that he would continue to draw a few chapters of Rurouni Kenshin's comics after winning the game. It has been two days now... It seems that it is out of play!"

  "I don't know why there are so many Rurouni swords. Fans of Xinxin want to scold Mr. Shuixin? I started to enter the pit from Natsume's friends account. Looking at the commentary, is this work by Mr. Shuixin unfinished?"

  "Before, if you haven't seen it, then I am strong. I recommend you to watch this work. It is definitely a super healing comic. The reason why we spit on Teacher Shui Xin here is just that Mr. Shui Xin's work is too short. It's just a habit." There is an attached comment after the comment. Funny face.   Ordinary people know that the actual situation must be reversed when they see this expression, but the person before seems to be a cute new person, and he actually replied below.   "That's it, then I want to ask a friend to borrow a periodical, but a friend has a collection of Rurouni Kenshin Remembrances a full set of periodicals... It's just that I haven't been very interested in it all the time.   " On the other hand, do you guys like Shuixin comics know what kind of work he plays as the unheard name of the play? I saw the trailer and found it to be quite interesting. The male lead is as ordinary as ever. Face, the petite loli of the hostess is my favorite."   "A gentleman was surprised."


  "Unexpectedly, there are people in the same way. If you like this type of work, you can add me the penguin number **********. I have a lot of works in my collection. You can add as friends and discuss common hobbies! "

  .... The

  live broadcast of the interview will begin in fifteen minutes. The popularity of the live broadcast room about this interview has risen rapidly. In the live broadcast room, it is because of various works and reasons that the live broadcast audience gathered together. , The barrage screen is getting faster and faster, and the popularity of the live broadcast room is also growing at an exaggerated rate as the interview start time approaches.

  Soon the popularity will reach more than one million, and it is obvious that this data will continue to rise.

  Although the popularity data in the live broadcast room has always been exaggerated, there are six to seventy thousand people in terms of one million popularity.

  Although this number is relatively small compared to the number of fans that Chu Yu has in Long Country, after all, many fans are silent fans and never pay attention to the author. Xue Qing is very satisfied to have this real number before the broadcast. .


  "Well, the interview begins!" With the adjustment of the machine position completed, all personnel are ready.

  Xue Qing, who was sitting on the main seat, spoke.

  Soon, the computer and mobile phone screens of the fans waiting to watch the interview in the live broadcast room flashed.

  The screen appears.

  In the middle of the picture is Xue Qing, Li Xi and Chu Yu are sitting on the sofas to the left and right of him, and his assistant Cai Qing is next to him.

  "Hello, everyone. This is Xue Qing, the director of Next to me is Cai Qing, the staff member of"

  "Today we are honored to invite the Magic City 2020 held by The first-placed work of the year's new comics popularity selection, the author of Natsume's Friends Account, Ms. Suixin."

  "And in collaboration with Ms. Shuixin, Li Xi, the senior comic editor of Xuangui Comics Club!"

  Xue Qing said as he gestured with his hand. Who are you talking about?

  "Let me go, the staff girl from Xinmanwang is so cute!"

  "But I think the editor on the side looks better! He has a good figure and a temperament."

  "Ms. Shui Xin looks too young in this way. Although he is not very handsome, it feels good to look at!"

  "I don't know if someone like Kenshin or Natsume in reality, if he has such a good personality and a slight lack of appearance, I also recognize it. Teacher Shuixin's comic fan has turned into a transformation."


  "By the way, since the introduction has been completed, then we will go directly to the topic."

  "First of all, I would like to ask Mr. Shuixin about this. What do you think of winning this popular selection this time?" Xue Qing asked. UU Reading

  "What do you think?" Chu Yu really didn't know how to answer when he heard the words.

  His impression of this kind of thing is that he will feel very happy after receiving system rewards.

  But how can this happiness be explained?

  Chu Yu is still not accustomed to talking arbitrarily. Most people have already started to thank their parents, editors, and company. They can't remember to say this for a while.

  "What you think." Chu Yu looked at Li Xi.

  Li Xi motioned him to play freely with his eyes.

  Chu Yu nodded and said.

  "Honestly speaking, I don't have any impression of being ranked first in this popular selection?"

  Li Xi looked at Chu Yu.

  Although it is said that you are free to play, you are too free. How can the organizer answer the conversation when you speak like this?

  "No?" Xue Qing asked puzzled.

  "Is there no feeling of happiness?"

  "After all, after a tragic seven-day fight, the advantage was gained on the last day."

  "No...not at all," Chu Yu said.