Chapter 134

  "Because at the beginning of the popularity selection, I decided that Natsume's Friends Account was the winner of this selection, and the final result was similar to what I expected, so there is really nothing to be happy about." Chu Yu said lightly.

  But to the cartoonist of Qin province who was watching the live broadcast, it was as disgusting as eating a fly.

  That's right, he doesn't know whether he can get the first place in this popular selection.

  But when the final result came out, it was Chu Yu's Natsume's friend account who won.

  So of course Chu Yu can speak so arrogantly in the interview...Two words confirm.

  Not only did it show Chu Yu's confidence, but there was also an invisibly attitude that Chu Yu didn't put spiritual vision in his eyes at all.

  In front of the computer, when he saw the author of Lingshi, Yu Liang, his face flushed, his breathing suddenly became hurried.


  he knew it in his heart.

  This is the comics world. The winner can say any Kyogen, and he can only endure Chu Yu's ridicule, and he can only hope that he will have the opportunity to find this place back in the future.

  He didn't believe it, Chu Yu was just so powerful, and he could think well for the rest of his life. When he was exhausted one day, he would definitely repay today's humiliation.

  It's just that if he knew the true situation of Chu Yu, maybe he would never dare to think like this.

  Yu Liang immediately turned off the computer, and just by looking at Chu Yu's opening remarks, he knew that there must be a lot of similar mockery in the following content, and he was too lazy to read it and worried.

  The other cartoonists in Qin Province did almost the same operation at this moment.

  Originally, the tradition of the Long Kingdom is to stay a line of life.

  After all, if Chu Yu was ridiculing in the interview, then those who support Yu Liang would be more embarrassed. If Chu Yu was more modest in the interview and spoke more politely, the contradiction between the two parties was actually okay. It was just a dispute between achievement and morale. In the future, the possibility of turning the war into a jade silk is not without.

  But now it seems that this possibility was denied by Chu Yu himself.

  Chu Yu didn't care about the hostility of Qin provincial cartoonists towards him.

  "It's okay, some temper, but a big temper is not necessarily a good thing." Ye Chun shook his head.

  See how far you can go if you keep this temper!


  Xue Qing's eyes lit up when he heard Chu Yu's answer.

  The interview is afraid of encountering people who practice Tai Chi, and I don't disclose anything in fact. In that case, the interview is actually very boring.

  "Ms. Suixin is too funny, too? Don't look at him now with a confident look. When his popularity was lagging behind, he added a few dynamic calls to everyone to vote for Natsume's Friends Account... In the end, Lian Lang The comics for the parallel world of the Remembrance of the Ke Jianxin have all come out. Everyone can see that he was guilty at the time. He is so categorically speaking now that he is really thick-skinned!"

  "I'm going, Yu Liang must be furious now, and Natsume's friend had been killed for seven days, and now I was told by Teacher Suixin that it was my expectation to defeat it. I asked what I thought, no. Hahaha!"


  "But as far as I know, the development of things is going. It's not as smooth as Teacher Shui Xin imagined. In the end, the two sides competed not only for the number of fans of their respective works, but also for the relationship between the two sides.... Ms. Shui Xin said just now, which means that even Lingshi behind Many cartoonists, including the popular cartoonist Ye Chun, are also fearless?"   Li Xi's complexion changed when he heard the words, Xue Qing's questions were sharp, and Chu Yu didn't answer a single one, which means he is equal to him. The public belittles Ye Chun. In that case, Ye Chun's fans must have been stationed under Chuyu Weibo and other social platforms for a long time. When Chu Yu is affected, it will be bad for Chu Yu's mentality.   Cyber ​​violence looks simple, but it's terrifying. Don't say you think you are a big heart, but you will definitely be depressed if you are sprayed every day. Over time, it will affect your life and creative inspiration.

  Li Xi once had many cartoonists he knew, but he was sprayed by readers, and his mental state and confidence declined.

  Li Xi looked at Chu Yu, shook his head slightly, and motioned to Chu Yu to go over the question.

  Chu Yu understood what Li Xi meant, but he was not afraid of it at all. After all, it was just an industry dispute. Can the other party find someone to give him a black fist?

  Otherwise, Chu Yu doesn't matter at all.

  When most people mention Ye Chun, they don't know what to do. They must be three-pointed fearful, and they will be greedy when they speak.

  But Chu Yu has the system to be confident, how could he be afraid of him.

  "Director Xue, you are right. Although Ye Chun helped Lingshi canvass votes beyond my expectations, in fact, although I was lagging in popularity at the time, my confidence did not waver."

  "Because, even though friend Natsume There is such a possibility of losing the account to lose this popular selection. It turns out that the possibility of losing is actually zero. But even if I lose, it's just that I lost when I was young, and the number of fans did not accumulate. I don't think I lost to Lingshi and those cartoonists who support Lingshi?" Chu Yu said.

  Xue Qing became excited.

  Various gifts were given in the barrage live broadcast room, and the popularity has grown rapidly, reaching 1.5 million.

  "Is Teacher Shui Xin such a person? Just stubborn Ye Chun?"

  "Wow, I'm a little excited, I feel like Teacher Shui Xin is someone like Jianxin, fearless and full of self-confidence."

  "No, now. Is this young man so arrogant? Directly spray Ye Chun, the difference between the influence of the two in the comics industry is also a bit big!"

  "Although it is a promotional video that has not been heard, come and see how this person is? But it feels like He's so appetizing for me!"

  Not only did Xue Qing like the interviewees who made trouble, the audience also liked watching guests make trouble.

  As for Ye Chun's fans, although some people were curious to watch the live broadcast, after all, a small number of them, even though they started directly, were not proportional to the number of Chu Yu fans in the live broadcast room, and they were quickly submerged in the barrage wave.


  "Haha!" Ye Chun saw this and turned off the computer directly.

  He only felt that he was completely ignored by Shui Xin, and he really had no respect for the senior.

  Seeing this, he obviously wants to fight himself right?

  Maybe you want to make some explosive topics and raise your attention?

  Ye Chun didn't care what the real situation was. Anyway, this person would definitely have a wave of opportunities to make him fall into the bottom.


  "Then Mr. Shuixin can have such fighting spirit in the face of a cartoonist like Ye Chun, then Mrs. Shuixin must be very confident in his own strength? Then in the life plan of Mr. Shuixin, When do you want to achieve Ye Chun's influence?" Xue Qing asked.

  Li Xi looked at Chu Yu's expression, and knew that Chu Yu must be a little unhappy with Ye Chun. UU read the book This is known from the things that Chu Yu did to Song Jiayu at the Dragon Star Award. He was upset. Regardless of the consequences.

  In this case, Li Xi was too lazy to wink Chu Yu, let him go!

  Anyway, it's too late to say anything good about Ye Chun now.

  "I think, maybe there will be hope next year!" Chu Yu said, "Of course, the next year at the latest!"

  Chu Yu thought for a while, still leaving some leeway.

  After all, the lottery is too uncertain, and if you get a piece of work that doesn't fit the market well, it must be unrealistic to want to break Ye Chun's influence in the comics industry.

  "Cough cough cough..." Li Xi couldn't hold back.

  Even Xue Qing was surprised for a while.

  "Teacher Shui Xin is very ambitious..." The

  live broadcast barrage has been turned over.

  This person is too dare to speak.

  Next, Xue Qing also felt unable to ask for more exciting news, and instead focused on Li Xi.


  After half an hour, Li Xi and Chu Yu left
