Chapter 210

  When Chu Yu focused on five centimeters per second and the voice of the stars, in the plot of the initial D, the match between Fujiwara Takumi and Nakaritsu also officially ended.

  Although he lost the game, he was upright and upright. After losing, he simply didn't make an excuse for his failure. He even said the phrase "I didn't lose 32, but I lost. 32 is impossible to lose to 86!" Zhong Liyi still won the love of many readers.

  The initial D has gone through the fire of the first story and Takahashi Keisuke's match, and finally stabilized with Zhongliyi's plot. Now, its popularity has completely stabilized.

  Basically, after the original number one pillar on the water edge of Crimson Abyss ended, the four works of Dream World, Initial D, Natsume's Friends' Account, and Dragon Soul are now in the water edge journal under the vigorous propaganda of Xuangui. New countertop comics.

  Among the four works, the author of the two works, Shui Xin, has also formally separated from words such as newcomer cartoonists. In the world of magic comics, although the influence of Chu Yu is still far from those of the leading cartoonists of various cartoon clubs, But after removing the top cartoonists, Chu Yu now basically belongs to the most popular group of cartoonists.

  In particular, Natsume's excellent results after the release of the bill book made commentators who disagree with it shut up and acknowledged Chu Yu's influence.

  After all, there are too many interference factors in the internal popularity statistics of the comics, which can only be used as a reference for the strength of the comics, but the sales of comic booklets cannot be deceived.

  At this time, many media people thought of the conflict between Chu Yu and Ye Chun more than half a year ago. At that time, Chu Yu said that he would surpass Ye Chun in one or two years. Many people felt that Chu Yu was talking big, but now it is seen. In the future, Chao Chao did not dare to pack the votes, but judging from the development trend of the two works of Initial D and Natsume's Friends Account, at least during the serialization of Initial D, Chu Yu reached Ye Chun's position in the comics industry.


  In the initial D entered a new chapter, the second character of Night Kids appeared, and the dangerous driving almost caused Shen Wu to appear in a car accident in Ikeya, so that a group of initial D fans collectively condemned this role. Simultaneously.

  Huang Ming finally released a trailer with a speed of five centimeters per second on the Internet.

  In the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, perhaps this kind of information can't make any waves.

  But among Shuixin's fan community, many people became excited all at once.

  After all, from his debut to the present, Shui Xin said that no matter whether his works are animations or comics, none of the works is unsightly.

  Even the Garden of Words created in Los Angeles that year, after Shui Xin became famous, many people saw it and found it to be remarkable, thinking that it was a pity to publish in Los Angeles.

  Because of this, the fans of Shuixin nowadays have a blind faith in the products of Shuixin, which must be a boutique.

  Especially the animation fans of Shuixin, because they have not heard of the name of the flower, they were looking forward to it after they learned that Shuixin will continue to cooperate with Huang Ming to launch new animations.

  Some time ago, I even found the voice actor Gu Yan of Yayizi and replaced the original Xiao Ling and Li Nan. This made their group more satisfied. They were all the original crew. How could this work be so bad?

  So when I learned that the trailer of 5cm per second was launched today, this group of Shuixin animation fans first flocked to major websites to watch.

  And Zhou Xin, as a fan of Shuixin 's comics and anime amphibians, was surprised by the amount of speech that was several times more than usual in the fan base he opened up as usual today.   what happened?   Click into the group...   "I'm going, although I don't know what plot this work is about...but the style in the trailer is so beautiful! There are also episodes, which are also surprising nicely! " "   really can not think, it really is five million investment to engage works out? that before we see those two or three million of investment appears to have no animation Why this feeling? " "   front, This is not a work made by a five million investment. This is one of two works made by a five million investment."

  "It is said that this work was produced by Huang Ming, the producer, who had hired some former animation professionals in the magic capital animation industry and formed a temporary team for production. The salary proposed by these people is not high on Huang Ming's face. , And it seems that the soundtrack or something was created by Mr. Shuixin himself, without spending money on it, and the cost of the script is provided by Mr. Shuixin for free. The voice actors are also cheap to reduce all costs. , Invested all the funds in the animation production, so five million only produced such an effect!"

  "Before, there is one more sentence you forgot to say, if you just spend money, you can only make animation. The picture becomes more refined and delicate, but why are you touched like that after watching the trailer? The main reason is that the picture is not only exquisite in production, but also rich in imagination to form such a beautiful picture. It is said that this In the animation, for some important and beautiful scenes, Shui Xin or the teacher drew the pictures, or guided and explained with the original artist, only those pictures will be available under such circumstances. Otherwise, the picture effect may be afraid. It's going to be a big discount!"

  "Anyway, let's just use the trailer screen. I will definitely watch this work when the time comes. Even if the plot is bad, it doesn't matter if the plot is bad. Just watch this screen and listen to bgm!"

  .. .....

  Zhou Xin could see it in the clouds, but one thing she figured out was that a trailer with a speed of five centimeters per second came out.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't wait to open the video app and found the animation section.

  It's just that the promotional image of the frozen witch that the system subtly popped up made her very upset.

  Whenever there is such a publicity for Mr. Shuixin's work, I'll just click on the picture to enter, and I don't have to search to find an animation page with a speed of 5 centimeters per second!

  Soon, Zhou Xin searched for an animated page with a speed of five centimeters per second, clicked it in and took a look, and sure enough, there was a new trailer.

  After hesitating for a while, Zhou Xin clicked to play...

  "The day we agreed with him..."

  "It started to snow in the afternoon!"

  A woman and a man told each other. Although the tone, emotion and rhythm of UU Reading have changed a lot, Zhou Xin still heard Gu Yan's voice directly from the female voice.

  The pictures of two teenage girls flashed.

  This should be the hero and heroine!

  When Zhou Xin was still holding this idea, the picture flashed.

  A ramp, the sun is shining...On the

  ramp, there are cherry blossom petals all over the ground, and there is a shower of cherry blossom petals in the sky...The

  teenager and the girl quickly passed through this ramp, Bring up cherry blossoms all over the floor.

  I'm going, what kind of fairy picture is this?

  Zhou Xin, who was accustomed to watching Long Guo's daily collapse of animation works, had static pictures in the background except for the main characters. When he saw this picture, he was stunned.

  Although in many cases, the size of the investment does not necessarily mean the quality of the work, but for a work with an investment of only 5 million, such a picture really exceeds Zhou Xin's expectations.

  At the same time, in the trailer, which was influenced by the original classic bgm sounded, instantly pulled Zhou Xin's emotions into the trailer.

  The next preview screen is different from the previous one. Accompanied by the lines of the male and female lead, it seems that the two are going to be separated because of the transfer, and the male lead... seems to be going to find her!