Chapter 211

  In the trailer, the screen flickers, and the time span seems to be very long. The heroes and heroines of junior high school, high school, and even college.

  With the music that sounded in the trailer, a faint sentimental atmosphere was brewing.

  But no matter which screen flashes, the quality of the picture makes people feel like it is bright. The picture is really beautiful. It feels that every picture can be taken as a mobile phone or computer desktop.

  The trailer is only a short minute, but within this minute, the audience knows that the story is very long, spanning the protagonist's series of youth and romances after graduating from junior high school, high school, and even college.

  The hero and the heroine in the story seem to be separated because of the transfer of schools, but they seem to have gathered in a city because they both work as adults.

  The final scene of the trailer pauses until the adult male and female protagonists are preparing to walk across the railway on both sides of the railway.

  The trailer ends here....

  What follows is a line of words.

  "If the cherry blossoms fall at a speed of five centimeters per second, how long does it take for the two hearts to get closer? January 2nd, the whole network will be broadcast!"

  Zhou Xin finally understood why the Shuixin fan group today suddenly It exploded.

  Although just watching the trailer, I can't tell what this work is about.

  But with this refreshing music and picture quality, Zhou Xin is willing to spend that few dollars to watch this work.

  Nowadays, the Dragon Kingdom animation industry sells cuteness and rottenness, and there are too many different-dimensional dragon Aotian-style animations. As much as Zhou Xin now watches animation, it is rarely the same as before.

  As for the trailer, production, music, and graphics of Second Five, Zhou Xin couldn't find anything wrong with it. She could only sigh that    is

  indeed the conscience teacher of the industry! Whether it's an unknown flower name or a speed of five centimeters per second, it's not the kind of person who relies on selling people to set up boring things like harems, base rot and so on to gather fan popularity, and then sell the surrounding money for money.

  Whether it is anime or manga, his works are all about telling stories seriously.

  In Zhou Xin's heart, the respect for Shui Xin deepened.

  It's just that if Chu Yu knew the misunderstanding of her in her heart, she would be embarrassed if she had a thick skin like him.

  He wanted to do that, to make money for an animation, but the system did not give him this opportunity. If the system gave him works such as Blue Fatty Eva and Gundam, he would not only vigorously sell the peripherals, but also every year.

  Coming out a movie for making money... In short, after watching the trailer, Zhou Xin is now holding high expectations for the work of Second Five, and once again opened up the fan base of Shui Xin. At this time, the style of painting in the group had changed in just ten minutes.

  Everyone is not discussing the picture quality of Second Five, but wants to speculate on the plot of this work based on this short one-minute trailer.

  "Sure enough, this work is another common melancholic work by Shui Xin. When the music is played, it feels very sad. I don't know what the name is?"

  "Someone asked this question on the official blog of Mianwu. Huang Ming, the manager of the official blog, also answered this question. The pure music seems to be called , but it hasn't been broadcasted at a speed of five centimeters per second. It will be on the shelves when it is broadcast. The music playing apps are on!"

  "I just don't agree with the previous ones. I don't think this work is a melancholy. You see, in the trailer, we can see from the words and pictures. The male and female leaders had a good relationship when they were young, but later it seemed that the relationship became unfamiliar because they lost contact. In the end, the adult male and female leaders met on both sides of the railway. Isn't this a sign of the two restarting? It seems that this work should mainly be a story about separation and encounter, just like many people who graduated from college and asked junior high school students to get married. The work of Teacher Shui Xin should be a similar theme, but the process may be more worrying. ! "   " upstairs, you type more, you have a point! "   " +1! "

  "I also think the above statement makes sense. After all, it is only a 60-minute work. It should be impossible to achieve the melancholic effect like the unheard of the name! The eleven episodes of the unheard of the name are like this. Healing has a lot to do with the foreshadowing of the previous ten episodes. The second five is such a paragraph, and the plot is endless. If you force the cure, it will look embarrassing if you don't do it well. It's better to have a happy ending to make it even more. Pleasant. I don't think Mr. Shuixin would make such a mistake!"

  "I just think, if it's such a work, would it be more clichéd?"

  "Cichoke? What is not cliché? Is it the love animation male and female lead? Mutual betrayal, battle, comic villains dominate the world, and stories about weirdos defeating heroes are not clichés? It doesn't matter at all to see the endings of these anime works, what matters is the process. Have you seen how many anime works the protagonist ends in tragedy?

  "Yes! All the works of Ms. Suishin, except for the works in the initial D and Natsume serialization, the other works are either the heroine died or the heroine separates..."

  "... ..."


  "....." The

  group was silent for a few seconds.

  "In short, there are exceptions to everything. Ms. Shui Xin has changed from the previous partial romance style to the combat passionate style of initial D. Second Five must also be a transformational work."

  "I think so, otherwise a short animation work will be repeated." To what extent can depression cause depression? Of course...After the death of Xuedaiba in the heart of Shuixin and the disappearance of Meako Urimoto in the unheard of the name, I now have experience with this kind of tear-gas healing works. A very high antibody! Even if Mr. Shui Xin does this kind of work again, I can smile and look at it!"

  "Anyway, it will be broadcast on January 2nd. It will not take long. I will know what it is by then. That kind of work! Now it's useless to say more here!"


  The trailer information at the speed of five centimeters per second spreads at a rapid speed among Chu Yu's fans, but for the majority of Dragonland animation fans, and the voice of the stars are like this. Small investment animation is unheard of by most people.

  It's just a brief mention in the introduction of animations to be broadcast in January next year on major video websites.

  Nowadays, in major video websites and animation forums, among the discussions about the animation to be broadcast in January next year, the most popular is basically the frozen witch, Xia Cheng, I am kneeling on the washboard in another world, a businessman in another world These are either bloody battles, base rot, spoofs, or harem animation.

  After all, the investment in these works is large, the production company has the strength, and it is only natural to attract attention.

  As for the two works of Five Centimeters Per Second and The Voice of Stars, major websites and media have basically shown unfavorable attitudes.

  If Huang Ming and Chu Yu continue to collaborate on a season-broadcast animation, there may be some value that is worth looking forward to. The two short animations will only be divided into four episodes. Obviously, in the battle for hegemony in the spring next year, this The two works have been out early.

  Many animation critics even laughed at Chu Yu and Huang Ming on the show because they wanted to broadcast under the unheard of names for a long time, and the enthusiasm has not dissipated. I want to take the opportunity to pull out the flags of the unfamiliar original team, and then invest in two animations to make money, but the fans are not fools, and the unsightly works will certainly not be blind, asserting that Chu Yu and Huang Ming are two people. Perhaps even half of the five million investment will not be recovered.
