I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

"But this is too unreal! That Chu Yu who skipped class all day playing games on the Internet, how can he be the big cartoonist and animation screenwriter Shui Xin... I was crying when I saw the speed of five centimeters per second. It's so smashing, it turned out to be like this in the end..."

"Still skipping class and playing games? It's true that skipping classes, but playing games is impossible? I won't say that I have serialized two comics at the same time. There is still time to do anime...How can I still play games? Get up, the time when Chu Yu loved to skip classes was also the critical moment when his works were serialized...I am afraid he made a trade-off between his studies and career...... ."

"Then why he never explained his situation. When the class meeting was held before, the counselor used him as a negative example in front of the class, and he didn't say a word... Yes, as a student majoring in animation, he produced a number of popular Long Country animations during his time at school. Not to mention that he was almost dismissed because of too much absenteeism before. I am afraid that he is mixed with a three-good student. The national scholarship is not a problem! If he tells the actual situation, our school students have this kind of achievement......that would make our school a face."

"Forget it, pay for the national scholarship. Do you know how profitable the animations and comics this guy has produced now? Just the millions of single-page sales of Natsume's friends account, five centimeters per second, and the entire network broadcast volume of Star Voice , It's less than 30 to 40 million in a year.......The time to fill out the form to apply for the scholarship is worth more than the scholarship itself."

"Anyway, I really didn't think that Chu Yu was actually Shui Xin. I've been chasing the comic title D for half a year, but I haven't really thought of searching for pictures of Shui Xin on the Internet. It's not that someone in the class group has reported this news in the past two days...I really didn't expect it."

   "Huh? By the way, who in our class got the news first!"

"I remember it was Jia Xi. It seems that Jia Xi attended a friend's birthday party. She saw Chu Yu appear at the birthday party, and everyone at the meeting knew Chu Yu's true identity... .. So Jia Xi also passed the news to the class group..."

   "Then why are there so many outsiders downstairs who know this news?"

   "This is not clear. It may be that people in our class and other people are bragging about this matter, and then as soon as the news spreads, it becomes like this. After all, in the Internet age, it is normal for news to spread quickly."

  The people in the class are all talking about Chu Yu.

   But all of this, after Chu Yu walked into the classroom, everyone was quiet for a while.

   Chuyu stood at the door and looked at the situation in the classroom.

   The whole class fell silent, and then dozens of pairs of eyes looked at Chu Yu directly.

   Chu Yu blinked, didn't know what to say, took a deep breath, or walked into the back corner of the classroom and sat down as before.

   But Chu Yu also knew in his heart that her stable life on campus was over...

   He looked at Gu Yun, and the other party could only respond to him with an apologetic look.

   And Chu Yu looked at Jia Xi and Yuan Min, and the eyes of the two suddenly avoided. They did not expect that Chu Yu was so famous now that the school building was surrounded by unrelated people outside the school.

   There really is a gap between people.

   Chu Yu sighed, Gu Yun has kept this secret for more than half a year, and no one has disclosed it. However, Jia Xi and Yuan Min both made the matter known to everyone around them in just two days.

   Although Chu Yu was upset, but fortunately he had a strong psychological adjustment ability and quickly accepted this situation.

   In the class, there are also a few Chu Yu classmates who are usually unfamiliar with Chu Yu who come to ask Chu Yu for autographs, and even take photos with Chu Yu, and some female classmates want Chu Yu to help them draw comics!

In this situation, classes started not long after, but what Chu Yu didn't expect was... Even the teacher who has been screaming that Chu Yu is not motivated in school, changed his normal today and looked at Chu Yu. There are many more smiles on his face.

   After all, the academy had just learned of this news and confirmed its authenticity.

A school's animation production major has a student who is a big cartoonist and top animation screenwriter. Although the teachers are shocked, they are surprised. Although Chu Yu's achievements and majors are not very corresponding, they are always in touch. .

There are such students not only as teachers, but even the college can use it as a teaching performance, and later use it to promote the strength of the school's animation major. Anyway, the leaders in the college are said to have been considering the college entrance examination in a few months to let the school. Help tie Shui Xin and the college together to promote...

   In short, Chu Yu felt strange all day today, as if the students and teachers around him were inexplicably friendly to him.

   Even the counselor actually called for an unprecedented number of times to ask him if there was any trouble in his daily life outside of school, and whether he would like the school to help solve it.

   However, Chu Yu is really not interested in the sudden concern and enthusiasm of such classmates and teachers. On the contrary, it is a headache for his fans who come from all over the magic capital and even outside the magic capital.

   And one afternoon, the news that Shuixin is an animation major in a certain university in the magic city also went viral under Shuixin's fan base and Weibo.

   At this point, Chu Yu can only sigh, but he can see clearly.

   After all, what should come will come. I rely on the animation industry to obtain so much, and naturally I have to bear the troubles that I have to endure as a top practitioner in this industry. It is not bad that I can hide things that I am a water heart for two years. .

   Compared with that, Chu Yu is much better than the top celebrities of the same level in the entertainment industry.

   Chuyu is at best just being watched by people on daily commute to and from school, at least no paparazzi come to his home to spy on his privacy.

And the next day, when Chu Yu went to class again, although there were still many people onlookers asking for autographs and taking photos, some cartoonists even rushed over to ask the teacher to rub the relationship... However, compared to the day before It's been many years.

   But on this day, Chu Yu was not particularly concerned about these things. What he cared most was the popularity statistics of the latest issue of the Water Edge Journal.

After all, the gap between his two works and the Dream World in the last issue is almost negligible. Recently, it happened that the plot of Dream World had just finished playing a small boss, and it was in a transitional stage. However, Natsume's Friends Account and the initial D, an animation It's on the air, a man who is in a fiery battle with Takahashi Ryosuke, let alone Chu Yu, even the entire mysterious turtle, including Li Xi, think that the first-name comics in this issue of Water Edge may have Replaced.

However, even though Tang Xin's fans know that his own has a good relationship with Shui Xin, and with Shui Xin's current strength, he is also eligible to reach the top of Shuiyuan, but they are not ready to easily give up the first position, and they still try their best to call on the dream. Fans of the world vote for Dream World.

And fans of Natsume's Friends Account and Initial D are naturally also happy to see their favorite works reach the top on the water's edge. The main fan groups are full of group owners calling on members not to be lazy and not to dive. Hurry up and log on to the water's official website. Vote on the work.

   For a time, the number of people online in the backstage voting statistics system of Shuiyuan's official website rose sharply.

   However, it is obvious that in the competition between these three works, it is more advantageous for Natsume's friend account and the initial D.

   After all, many fans of Initial D and Natsume's Friends Book will vote for Shui Xin's other work.

  In the end, by midnight, the popularity statistics of the serial works of this issue of the Water Edge Journal finally came out......

On the final backstage of the Shuiyuan official website, Natsume's Friends Account ranked first in this period with 2.2 million votes, and the initial D was temporarily listed with 2.21 million votes. Second, Tang Xin's Dream World ranked third with a few hundred votes less than the initial D.

   At the same time, the voice of the system that hadn't been heard for a few weeks rang in Chu Yu's ears.

   "Congratulations to the host, for winning the honor of No. 1 Popularity in the Water Edge Journal, and winning the S-level lottery prize once. Hope the host will continue to work hard!"

   This time the system is giving out rewards, and it's a bit more talkative.

   Chu Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief at this moment.

I came to the Magic City for two years. From the time I was not optimistic, to the current achievement, although it cannot be described as bumpy, it is not easy. After all, Chu Yu has also sacrificed a lot, not to mention anything else. When his classmates play, fall in love, and have nothing to do, he basically draws cartoons, and at most, plays games occasionally. This is Chu Yu's entire entertainment life.

It's not a big deal for one or two days. For one or two years, it's really not that anyone can persevere after acquiring the system. Most people should go for fun after making some money. UU Reading www.uukānshu. How can com be so dedicated.

   Maybe this is one of the reasons why the system chose Chu Yu as the host!

   But... S-level lottery chance.

   Although Chu Yu had guessed for a long time that the reward for reaching the top of Shuiyuan might be this, but when the facts were in front of him, Chu Yu was unavoidably hot and excited.

   And, the most important thing is that this lottery opportunity was won by Natsume's friends account, which is especially important.

After all, Chu Yu is not worried about the performance of Initial D. It will be able to reach the top of the water sooner or later because of its potential. However, due to audience reasons, the popularity of Natsume Friends has already passed the period of rapid growth. If you don't take advantage of this animation If you have a chance to fight for it.

   After waiting, I'm afraid Natsume's Friends Account will have difficulty reaching the top of the Water Edge Journal.

   Fortunately, the female fans of Natsume's Friends' Account are really awesome, and Natsume's Friends' Account has reached the top of the water in one fell swoop.

   And this means that when the initial D reaches the top of the water's edge soon, the system will give Chu Yu an S-level lottery reward.

   At that time, Chu Yu will have two S-level lottery prizes at the same time...

   is only in Xuangui. It is certainly not Chu Yu's ultimate goal to reach the top on the edge of the water. Even in the animation industry, Chu Yu is not only the pursuit of making a spring champion.

   And Chu Yu's greater goals and pursuits may fall on these two S-level lottery opportunitie