I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

Thinking that he might have two S-level lottery chances in the near future, Chu Yu's heart burst into enthusiasm.

Moreover, Chu Yu nowadays, the world points he saves are enough for him to redeem a general grade S-level work. When Chu Yu wants to come, no matter how the system engages him, after the initial D and Natsume's friend account serialization ends, If you want to continue to create new comics, it should be no problem.

Moreover, the current plot of the initial D has been serialized in the match between Fujiwara Takumi and Takahashi Ryosuke. After this plot, it will be the next match with the Emperor Racing Team. After that, it is Fujiwara Takumi who joins Takahashi Ryosuke. The team is behind.

   And Chu Yu wanted to end the initial D in this place.

Although from now on, the popularity of the initial D is increasing. In the eyes of most fans, the initial D has been serialized, making Takumi the number one in Gunma, then the number one in the island of Japan, and then the number one in the dragon country First, eventually become a professional driver, show his fists on the world stage, and become the recognized car **** among many racing enthusiasts around the world....

   Many fans think that Shui Xin will draw the initial D according to this schedule, so basically no one is worried about the end of the initial D.

   But for Chu Yu, the situation was completely different. First of all, the original comics didn't have such a long length. Chu Yu had no interest or ability to do original creations by fans.

Secondly, the original comics are actually affected by commercialization. After Fujiwara Takumi joined the Takahashi Ryosuke team, the plot is hard to say. Although it can't be said to be boring, it is compared to the plot when he was riding on the famous autumn mountains. Personally, I think it's a lot worse.

Anyway, Chu Yu is not one of those short-lived cartoonists. Perhaps a popular comic will be remembered in his life, so he will be reluctant to end a comic, even if the plot collapses and the end is unfinished, it is still thick for the benefit. The face continued to be serialized, and was finally disgusted and abandoned by those former iron fans, and then the popularity fell sharply, and the work ended in a cut...

Naturally, it is impossible for Chu Yu to do this. For Chu Yu, even as a robot cartoonist in his life, he may not be able to hollow out the fine cartoons in the system space, so instead of continuing to draw according to the plot of the original comics, Chu Yu felt that it would be better to let the initial D end and join the Qijie team in Takumi.

   Similarly, there is a serial about Natsume's Friends Account, and Chu Yu is also going to find a suitable opportunity to end it.

After all, Natsume's Friends Account has been serialized for nearly two years, and half of the plot of the original comics has been serialized, and Chu Yu still specially selected the wonderful chapters of the original comics for serialization, that is, the remaining unserialized comics. The plot is actually inferior to the previous quality, and the more this phenomenon is serialized, the more obvious it becomes.

   Anyway, Chuyu felt that if the time passed, he should have no shortage of system rewards to redeem outstanding works. Instead of dragging the front line too long, it would be better to simply end the serialization of the new works.

Of course... the premise of all this is based on the fact that Chu Yu has already extracted suitable works to be implemented. Now, if you want to serialize the initial D to the place where Chu Yu wants to end, at least you have to Half a year.

   As for the S-level lottery chance that was just drawn, Chu Yu hesitated, and finally resisted the urge to open it out of the box now.

   Even if he wants to finish the two comics, he must at least greet Xuangui in advance, and Chu Yu feels that... Xuangui should not be so easy to talk about his decision.

After all, there are three popular works in the current Water Margin journals. Chu Yu's Natsume Friends Account and the initial D occupy two of them. If Chu Yu finishes the two works at once, the pair of mysterious turtles and the water The impact of Yuan Periodicals was absolutely great, no matter what the consideration was, Xuan Gui would definitely dissuade Chu Yu's decision.

Therefore, Chu Yu will continue to serialize these two works for at least the next six months, and then in the next few months, it will be the date when the animation of Madoka Magical Girl starts to be produced, Chu Yu There will definitely be considerable energy attracted by this work. Chu Yu has now extracted this S-level work and has no energy to deal with it.

   If a wonderful work is extracted, then Chu Yu must be itching all day long, but Chu Yu will be distracted by this new work...

If you extract any abnormal works, such as black notebooks or something, Chu Yu will be even worse. The rating of this work in the system space is exactly S, and it also shows that this work is in the parallel world of Long Guo. Many unhealthy elements are banned. If the host extracts this work to be serialized, the consequences must be considered!

This system warning made Chu Yu feel very suspicious, because Chu Yu was not sure whether this kind of work would be serialized in Longguo. If it took such a lottery chance to get this kind of work, Then Chu Yu would definitely be upset for a long time.

   Anyway, now, Chu Yu temporarily put the reward aside, and first deal with the matter of the three works now.


   Saturday, close to the evening, T-Bone Animation Company, the dubbing selection meeting for the protagonist Coly of "The Brave Into the Abyss" is in progress.

   And Gu Yan is the audition sequence of ten among the ten people who participated in the audition.

   But compared to the nervousness of voice actors in other seiyuu firms, Gu Yan's expression is much more calm.

   Although the seiyuu who was finally selected by T-Bone Animation Company to participate in this selection are all famous seiyuu who have good strength in the Longguo seiyuu community.

But after all, what they said is to participate in this selection with the belief that they will win, but when they ran, they found that the competitors were all big players in the same industry, and the audition process was quite long, and many people would do it later. Anxious emotions are born.

And Gu Yan's words... she can see it after all. After all, since she started her career, she has participated in the three dubbing works, unheard of the name, the voice of the stars, and the five centimeters per second. The three works are all her own efforts. She had the opportunity to arrive, so she didn't care too much about the audition activities arranged for her by the seiyuu firm, and what she selected.

  , she used to participate in the past with excitement, but without exception, she is not the person who is qualified for dubbing in the end, even if her dubbing effect is much better than those people...

Gu Yan also knows the truth about this. First, the new contract that she signed with the company originally imposed too loose restrictions on her, but she is unwilling to re-sign with the company for those with higher returns~www.mtlnovel.com~ But yes She restricts more demanding contracts, so although she is now well-known, the company does not spend resources privately to help her settle some things, which has caused many opportunities to be missed.

But Gu Yan doesn't regret it. If those contracts are signed..... Then she won't have much say in her future career development, so don't talk about it..... Just say that when he decided to go and dub the Voice of Stars and Five Centimeters Per Second, Gu Yan could decide on the spot... But what about the other nine voice actors who competed with her today? Even if they encounter a work they like, they can only discuss with the agent, and the agent and even the top company executives above can agree, so that they can determine whether they can accept the dubbing of that work.

So for Gu Yan, today's audition is just the idea of ​​coming over to try her luck. If the company does not help her in private, she can be seen by the producer of this work, then it will be better. However, if this is not the case...Anyway, Gu Yan has nothing to do today, so he can just take it out and relax.

   In the end, as the last seiyuu to participate in the selection, she finally entered the venue towards seven o'clock in the evening.

   As soon as I walked in... there were seven or eight people sitting on the table in front of the stage.

   In the middle, behind the table with the producer's label, is a woman in weird clothes.

   She looked at Gu Yan with curiosity and scrutiny.

   "Are you Gu Yan?"