I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

A western restaurant in the center of Magic City.

   Gu Yan followed the address Xia Yin gave her and found it here.

   Since this time, Gu Yan has been deliberately avoiding Xia Yin, because she really doesn't know whether Xia Yin's enthusiasm for her is because she is grateful to her that Gu Yan saved her, or because she has other ideas for her.

But in any case, Xia Yin is still the producer of the animation production team she participated in, and she was invited three times this week in the name of gratitude to invite her to dinner... Although Gu I wasn't very willing, but I really couldn't find a reason to postpone it, so... I still bite the bullet.

   Entering the restaurant, a melodious music burst into his ears. Gu Yan looked around and found Xia Yin's table easily.

   But... Gu Yan thought it was a dinner between Xia Yin and her, but Gu Yanzhen came to find that... There was a man sitting next to her.

   A man in his twenties, tall and handsome.

"Gu Yan, let me introduce you... This is my boyfriend, Lin Xu. He works in the imperial capital all the year round. He and I only met once every few months. Before he knew about you After helping me, I kept saying that I would see you and thank you in person." Xia Yin looked at Gu Yan and said with a smile.

   "Hello, Gu Yan!" The man stood up and stretched out his hand to Gu Yan.

   "Hello." Gu Yan shook hands with "Lin Xu" in a daze.

what's the situation?

   Hasn't it been rumored that Xia Yin is curved? Why did a boyfriend pop up suddenly?

   But this is not the time to ask about this topic. Gu Yan came, and the three of them officially started to eat.

Gu Yan ate a meal inexplicably, but it was true that Xia Yin and her boyfriend stared at each other at the dinner table and kept talking, making Gu Yan eat a large bowl of dog food, thinking about it at this moment. People who play games feel sour all at once.

   But halfway through the meal, Xia Yin's boyfriend had left beforehand. Before leaving, he reluctantly hugged Xia Yin before leaving. Gu Yan looked very uncomfortable anyway.

   "How about? My boyfriend is okay!" Xia Yin smiled and looked at Gu Yan.

   "But... of course you can!" Gu Yan recovered from the daze and said with a smile.

   "Producer Xia's male...boyfriend is so good, and he can't match Xia Producer..."

   But when Gu Yan was half talking, Xia Yin interrupted her.

   "You come here less...I can guess what you are thinking?" Xia Yin smiled.

   "What you are thinking in your heart must be... how can I have a boyfriend, and how can I be a girlfriend anyway!"


   "Forget it, don't explain, I also know what the outside world is about rumors about me, but I have never been a person who cares about rumors, so I have never refuted rumors before."


   Xia Yin's eyes turned, looking at Gu Yan.

   "But...at least, I don't want to be misunderstood by your good friend who saved me."

   "Misunderstanding?" Gu Yan looked at Xia Yin suspiciously.

   half an hour later...

   Gu Yan finally understood a little dizzy.

"You mean... the reason why you like to show up as a boy on weekdays is because you are worried that you are a woman who will be the producer of T-bone animation company and others will not be too convinced, so you like to be deliberately masculine in your dress. Some. And because of this, a competitor in the company used to spread your rumors to maliciously slander you, saying that you like women, and then although the opponent eventually left the T-bone, the rumor was eventually saved... ..."

   "That's right!" Xia Yin nodded.

   "What happened to the man who attacked you that day? He kept saying that you used to be with his wife..."

   "So this is a misunderstanding!" Xia Yin opened her eyes.

   "I was just a close friend with his wife before, but it was because of these rumors about me... that caused her and I to be misunderstood."

   "Think about it for yourself, if her wife and I have been together, how could her wife marry him? It is normal for her wife to find another girlfriend!"

"So I... I was really wronged that day, and I was attacked by a misunderstanding inexplicably...If it wasn't for Gu Yan, you were nearby..." Xia Yin As he spoke, his eyes reddened.

   "The reason why I told you this is that I don't want you to misunderstand me... I don't want you to hide from me like a poisonous beast in the company."

   There seems to be some truth...

   "No, I'm sorry, Producer Xia...I don't have..."

   Although Gu Yan still felt weird in his heart, but seeing Xia Yin like this, he didn't go to Xia Yin for a while. After all, it seemed that Xia Yin was indeed a little weak in heart, and it would be bad if she cried out in this restaurant.

   "If you consider me a friend, just call me Xia Yin." Xia Yin looked at Gu Yan with anticipation in her eyes.

"Then...Xia, Xia Yin, I did misunderstand you before, but now I understand the whole story...I'm sorry." Gu Yan took a deep breath. Tone, apologizing.

   "Okay, just resolve the misunderstanding." Xia Yin suddenly smiled on her face.

   directly changed seats, sat next to Gu Yan, even stopped Gu Yan's waist with his hand, and leaned his head on Gu Yan's shoulder.

   Gu Yan's body stiffened and subconsciously wanted to dodge, but in the end he held back.

   After all, only said those things to others, and it is not good to have any obvious avoidance behavior.

"However, Xia produced......Xia Yin, you look so beautiful, but it's a pity that you look like a boy all day long. With your talents, even if you don't pretend to be a man, there will be many people. Support you."

   Gu Yan looked at Xia Yin, and felt that the reason why he believed "rumors" so easily was also because Xia Yin's dress and manners were too confusing, and it was just a timely reminder.

   "Really? Don't you like my boy's outfit?" Xia Yin looked at Gu Yan and said, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"Hmm... Honestly... I don't like it very much. To be precise... I don't really like to deal with boys, after all, I feel that those people always use strange things. My eyes slapped you, I really hate that feeling." Gu Yan said.

   "Then how can you still like that guy Chu Yu...he is also a man." Xia Yin said in confusion.

   Xia Yin doesn't like dealing with boys either. She feels the same way about what Gu Yan said. Maybe they are actually the same kind of people.

   "Well... there are many reasons!" When Gu Yan mentioned Chu Yu's topic, he immediately became interested.

   "In the beginning, because I was helped by him, I remembered him..."

"After that, because I want to get acquainted with him so that my work and career can have a new development, so I have been getting to know him through various channels for a while, and then... it seems too much. Attentive and focused."

   "I just like him when I find out."

"Anyway, it always feels very interesting to be with him... Just like what I told you before, ordinary men always look at me strangely because of my looks. I really hate....."

"But Chu Yu won't... From knowing him until now, he has never paid attention to my external appearance. He has always paid attention to other characteristics of me... .For example, the ability to serve as a seiyuu, or...others."

   Looking at the light in Gu Yan's eyes when he talked about Chu Yushi, Xia Yin's expression collapsed all at once. How can she pull this kind of girl who has fallen into it?

"But Gu Yan, he obviously has no feeling for you. Why do you hang yourself on a tree...Look at the world around you more, maybe you will see more interesting people?" Xia Yin said.

   "But... he treats everyone like this. Although he doesn't like me, he doesn't like other people either!" Gu Yan smiled.

   "From this point of view...At least, I am the woman closest to him nowadays!"

"I think I just didn't find a way. From Chu Yu's works and the works he likes to see, he is very clear that he is interested in the women in them. It doesn't make sense that he will be so indifferent to the girls in reality, as long as he finds In the right way, I think...I can attack him."

   "Strategy?" Xia Yin was taken aback when he heard the words.

   "What do you mean?"

"It means it literally, just like the boss in the gal game on the island of Japan and the boss in the game copy, Chu Yu is the boss, the final character in the gal game..... After he has captured his game, he will pass the level. And I... can also get the romance I want, so... I am very patient, and I must be patient."

   Xia Yin looked at Gu Yan's expression, and her heart sank. This is how you attacked the other people, it is clearly that you have been attacked, okay!

   But Xia Yin's eyes rolled...

   "That... Gu Yan, if you don't mind... Actually, I can discuss with you about love issues like this, and even help you make suggestions."

   "Anyway, I am a person who has experience in love, I think I can help you that... attack, attack him..."

   "This... is unnecessary!" Gu Yan shook his head.

   "It's necessary," Xia Yin said.

"Gu Yan, you don't know how many girls around Chu Yu are staring at him. You must have a sense of urgency~www.mtlnovel.com~ in case... others have found the key to customs clearance first. What?"

   "At this time, the wisdom of two people must be greater than one person."

"Don't worry... if you have any doubts about love in the future, please come to me... I will help you analyze the situation and guarantee you will win him in three months! I chased him back then. It only took a month for my boyfriend! After all, you saved me, so I will be your ally, and I will do my best to help you take down Chu Yu, which is a reward for you."

   Three months?

so smart?

   Gu Yan looked at Xia Yin, his eyes lit up.

   Although she doesn't really believe that Xia Yin can do anything good, but...a dead horse can also try as a living horse doctor, anyway, it won't hurt.

   And Xia Yin has a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth.

   How could you stay together for three months? I came here to destroy it.


   Soon, Gu Yan and Xia Yin left the restaurant and went home separately.

   Xia Yin turned on Weixin's mobile phone while walking, and transferred money to a friend whose profile picture was her "boyfriend Lin Xu".

   sent a message by the way.

   "A good performance, I will come to you next time if I need it."

   And the other party returned an ok gesture.
