I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

In late July, the wave caused by the news that the two comics with initial D and Natsume's Friends Account was about to end finally calmed down.

Both fans and Hyungui have accepted this fact, but compared with it... Hyungui's manga editorial department focused on persuading Chu Yu not to end the two works. I asked Chu Yu about the work..... Is there any idea for serialization of a new work?

   Although the relationship between Chu Yu and Xuangui's editor-in-chief Liu Ling was not very good through the previous small friction, this is just a difference in the concepts between the two, and it will not affect the cooperative relationship between Chuyu and Xuangui.

   Therefore, Chu Yu did not directly reply to Xuangui's question at the time, but said that he could not give an answer until about the same time.

For this, Xuangui is naturally a little disappointed, because if Chu Yu finishes the two comics, if he can immediately serialize the new work to fill the vacancy, it will undoubtedly reduce the loss caused by the end of the two comics to The lowest, but Chu Yu said that there was no way.

   Xuangui must consider the issue of vacancies after the serialization of the two comics.

For the periodical vacancies resulting from the end of the comic series of Natsume's Friends Account and Initial D, it is different from the previous call for papers. The previous call for papers was held specifically for some works that were cut in half or had poor grades. Serial meeting.

But for comics like Natsume's Friends Account and Initial D, if you are finished using this method, if you solicit two comic works of very average quality for serialization... then you must be a fan. The speed is not fast enough.

   Generally speaking, after the end of the popular works, the manga agency also adopts the method of soliciting contributions to fill the vacancies, but unlike the former, the objects to fill the vacancies are different.

   At least it must be a contribution from a well-known cartoonist to be eligible to participate in the serialization conference. Even the Xuangui editorial department will meet well-known cartoonists who are idle in advance to encourage them to contribute.

   The same goes for the serial meeting where Chu Yu submitted the initial D before, and Xuangui also invited many cartoonists to contribute.

It's just that..... Nowadays, in the Dragon Kingdom comics world, comics like Chu Yu's ranks or a slightly less idling comic family are really rare, and Xuangui couldn't find anyone to turn to for a while. Only by soliciting manga artists can the vacancies created by Chu Yu's finished work be filled, and there are two...

   Although Chu Yu was unhappy in her heart, Liu Ling could only hope that Chu Yu would have some inspiration in the near future, so she wouldn't be so annoyed.

   But Chu Yu's words, at this time, he was in a passionate blackmail with Gu Yan.

   After winning for a day, Chu Yu also felt a little tired. Looking at Rui Mengmeng's carrot skin on the loading screen of the game, Chu Yu subconsciously said a word.

   "Rui Mengmeng...It's really big!"

   "Ah, what?" Gu Yan and Chu Yu Lianmai asked back.

   "Big? What big?"

   "Uh, ah......nothing!"

  Chuyu realized that he was still in the dark with Gu Yan, and it was really boring to discuss this topic with a girl.

   But on the other side, Gu Yan, who was wearing headphones and pajamas in the bedroom, looked carefully at the hero screen on the loading screen......

   Rui Mengmeng is clear at a glance.

   Gu Yan's face is red, but then she feels a bit disappointed again. You don't pay attention to me as a living person by your side. You actually pay attention to a game character.

   Besides, it doesn't seem to be too big. Gu Yan lowered his head and looked at himself, but the confidence on his face was restored.

   But then... Gu Yan was stunned for a moment, with thoughts in his eyes...


   The next day, Gu Yan ran to the T-bone animation production company early in the morning.

   After all, it is only two months before the animation starts in October, and the entire animation production team is very busy.

   Among them, Xia Yin, who is also responsible for T-Bone Animation's annual masterpiece "The Brave into the Abyss" this year, and the new year's comic animation masterpiece "Initial D", is undoubtedly very busy.

   But today's Xia Yin, even in her busy schedule, still took a lot of time to make changes for herself.

   As soon as he walked into the company, all the way, regardless of whether the men and women saw her, their expressions were exaggerated and their eyes were full of shock.

   And she came to the dubbing room with ease...

   As expected, the person she was looking for was there.

   "Gu Yan...come so early today?"

   "Yes! After all..."

   Gu Yan said, pulling his gaze out of the script in front of him.

   But when she looked at Xia Yin, Gu Yan's expression was the same as that of the people outside, and she was also stunned for a few seconds.

   Entering Xia Yin, she is completely different from the usual dress of men's suits, leather shoes, and two fake beards.

   Today's Xia Yin wears a white shirt on her upper body, a black-gray skirt on her lower body, and a pair of white and slender legs on top of the white sneakers. She looks youthful and beautiful with her beautiful face and short neck-length hair.

   "Xia...Xia Yin, what are you doing today..." Gu Yan asked after standing up and looking at Xia Yin.

   "I was originally a girl, so it's normal to go back to being a woman in dress!" Xia Yin smiled and stared at Gu Yan.

   "Also, what you said before is correct...why does a strong producer like me rely on pretending to be a man to convince people around me?"

   Xia Yin stepped forward and took Gu Yan's arm.

   "You probably haven't eaten breakfast yet, I brought you something to eat...Go, go to my office."

   "Hey...no Xia Yin, I'm here recently..."

   Feeling Gu Yan's visibly weakened guard against herself dressed up as a woman, Xia Yin smiled.

   "I see, do you want to lose weight.... You have the strength to lose weight when you are full!"

   The staff of the T-Bone Animation Company watched Xia Yin take Gu Yan into the office intimately, completely messed up.

   Not right, isn't this Gu Yan's girlfriend of the great cartoonist Shui Xin?

   It seems that Shui Xin will come to Xia Yin every week to discuss animation production, but Gu Yan and Xia Yin are like this again...what is the relationship between these three?

   In the office, Gu Yan symbolically ate some breakfast that Xia Yin had brought.

   Just in time, since Xia Yin was there, Gu Yan also had something to ask her.

   "Xia Yin..."


   "I want to ask you a question."

   "You say it!" Xia Yin had a okay expression on her face.

"You said... if a person is not interested in something at all on weekdays, but suddenly shows interest in this thing under a special situation... .. Why do you say this?"

   Xia Yin felt weird, someone?

   Who else does Gu Yan care about? Either she herself or Chu Yu.

   If it's her, isn't this question very clear in her heart?

   So that person is Chu Yu!

   What would Gu Yan care about?

   It must be Chu Yu's views and feelings towards her.

What does    mean?

   Could it be that the wooden man from Chu Yu suddenly showed his interest in Gu Yan?

   No, I can't let Gu Yan understand this way.

   "That's not right... Gu Yan~www.mtlnovel.com~ you have to be vigilant."

"A person is definitely not interested in something for no reason. Since this emotion is exposed in a specific situation, it must be his focus on the specific situation, not on you... .."

   how could it get me?

   Gu Yan's eyes were puzzled, but after thinking about it, Xia Yin seemed to make sense.

   Chu Yu, who has not shown interest in girls for a long time, actually talks about the original paintings of female heroes when playing games.

   At least at that moment, Chu Yu seemed to have something in common with the normal men Gu Yan knew.

   But... I don't see him paying attention to people in reality when I walk on the street.

   So......is the specific situation the point?

   But how can I substitute for his specific situation?

   Gu Yan has doubts in his heart.

   But after thinking about it, the doubts dissipated, and Gu Yan seemed to open a door in his heart.

   "I'm so stupid, I understand!" Gu Yan suddenly smiled.

   "What do you understand?" Xia Yin asked suspiciously.

   "I understand what way to approach Chu Yu... Although I don't know if it's useful, it's worth a try."

   "Huh?" Xia Yin's expression was dull, and a bad feeling arose in her heart.