I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

  At night, Chu Yu once again invited Gu Yan to score points in a wave of games.

   Gu Yan today seems to be very worried...

   I always talked to him all night.

   But after winning the last game, Gu Yan finally spoke up.

   "Chu Yu..."

"what is the matter?"

   "Are you free in two weeks?"

   "What's wrong?" Chu Yu asked.

"Well.... At that time, there will be a grand comic exhibition in the center of the magic city. If I say, the company helped me pick up an event, which is to go to the comic exhibition site for a wave of publicity and improve it. Popularity......and by the way, I also have a few tickets for admission. I think you might be interested, so I want you to come and take a look..." Gu Yan said.

  Man exhibition?

Chu Yu thought for a while. It seemed that he was still a little interested. Before he got the system, he often went to the comic exhibition activities in Mingcheng, Luo Province, but he had less time after becoming a cartoonist, and the magic city was also here. I don't have any suitable friends...So I haven't participated in this kind of activity for a few years.

   Just...Go with Gu Yan.

   Chuyu suddenly hesitated.

The last time I went out with Gu Yan, I was shocked by her confession. Although half a year has passed, Chu Yu still maintains the relationship between the two normally, but who knows if Gu Yan will scare him again when he was invited over this time. .

   "What? Chu Yu, are you afraid that I might eat you?" Gu Yan said with a smile when he saw that Chu Yu had no response.

   "No problem, I will come then." Chu Yu said.

   Anyway, the relationship between the two has become like this, so what are you afraid of?

   If I shrink back, I really prove my guilty conscience, I am afraid I really like her.

"Then it's settled. I will give you the ticket then. If that day...I also have a job and may not be able to accompany you to go with you, so you should go to the show by yourself. Contact me after you get in!"

   "Oh, understand!" Chu Yu didn't take it seriously.

Man exhibition, it is nothing more than watching the excitement in the past. At most, it is not just to see if there is a **** cos sister. Chu Yu has participated in many man exhibitions in the past. Although he still has expectations for such activities, it is only That's it.


  The time has entered August. Although Initial D has been announced that it will end in a few months, this does not prevent fans of Initial D from being enthusiastic about this work.

   In the past two months, the plot of the initial D has entered a new stage.

  The imperial motorcades from other prefectures continue to challenge the drivers from all over Gunma Prefecture and have achieved results.

   But in the end, their goal was directly on the 86 of Akina Mountain.

   However, in the plot, the Emperor Racing Team was obviously a little careless. Instead of letting the team's strong-mouthed Kyoichi play, they let Kiyoji, who won Zhongli Yi, play.

  As fans imagined, Akina will not lose at home Akina Mountain.

   Even though the other party is driving lanevo, there are also various foreshadowings in the comics.

For example, it is obvious that Takumi, in the race against lanevo driven by Kiyoji, realized that there are some things that cannot be compensated by technology. Even if he has been running in Akina Mountain for so many years, every turn is perfect, but it is only Do your best to follow Lanevo's car.

Even in the final victory, the two modes of drainage running were used. With the addition of Kiyoji's carelessness, he did not follow Keiichi's suggestion to follow the 86 behind, and finally overtake the car, so in the end, the Emperor Racing Team was in Qiu Mingshan. Suffered the first defeat.

   Although many comic readers have enjoyed this plot, it is true.... It is just the second character of the Emperor Racing Team who has won so hard, so what should Kyichi do next?

   After all, it is obvious that Keiichi's head is stronger than Qingzhao.

   In addition, in the plot, it is obvious that Natsuki Mogi, a woman who has been very ambiguous with the protagonist Fujiwara Takumi from the first episode, actually wants to separate from her father and go chasing her own happiness with Fujiwara Takumi.

The plot like    made a lot of comic readers look dazed.

   Although you know that Shui Xin wants to finish this work quickly, you can't be so anxious!

   Could it be that you want to draw the story of Fujiwara Takumi's frustration after losing to Keiichi, and then falling with Natsuki Motegi in a broken jar?

   Although everyone calls Fujiwara Takumi nicknamed Prairie Takumi, but it's just ridicule.

   Everyone still doesn't want Fujiwara Takumi and Natsuki to be together. In comparison, there are higher calls for Fujiwara Takumi and the sand and snow of Uiberg Road to be together.

Under Suixin's Weibo, fans are asking Suixin not to be too rushed even if he wants to finish the initial D manga. Although there is no undefeated person in this world, fans don't want Fujiwara Takumi to be there. When Qiu Mingshan loses, I beg to polish the plot more, don't scribble and mess up a classic, otherwise everyone will feel uncomfortable.

   Chu Yu also ignored the fans' requests like this.

   Indeed, the foreshadowing in the previous comics is easy to understand. Everyone thinks that Shui Xin will let Fujiwara Takumi lose the game, and then the story of Akina's mountain bike **** will come to an end.

   But it is impossible for Chuyu to spoil the next comic plot with fans.

   Their guess is indeed correct.

   It's just that most people guessed the beginning but didn't guess the end. How could Fujiwara Takumi grow into the **** of Akina without experiencing a series of setbacks?


   After August, there are more and more news about Madoka Magica.

After all, this time Chu Yu and Huang Ming are co-producing a quarterly animation, so Huang Ming doesn't really have to produce all of this animation. All he needs is to sit down with the preliminary work and start broadcasting with the animation. Broadcasting production.

   In addition to the person design who released the work before, Huang Ming also released some animation clips.

   And the warm animation style in the release of the clip makes the last batch of people who are still holding on and thinking that the work of Shui Xin is definitely still an animation of depression.

   With this style of animation, can it really be worthy of the title of "Warrior of Love" that Shui Xin?

   But even those people who believe that the heart of water will only cause gloomy animations have doubts in their hearts. For ordinary people, Madoka Puella Magi's daily themed animations are already deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

   Under such circumstances, a short broadcast trailer about Madoka Puella Magi has also been decided by Huang Ming and will be officially published on the Internet in late August.

At this moment, although there is still more than a month before October, the major animation companies have already begun to promote their own broadcast animation ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and Huang Ming, although this time Chu Yu and his The cooperation has invested a lot of money, but it is still a lot worse than those real large-scale animations, so the publicity before the broadcast is not tepid.

   However, Huang Ming has become accustomed to this, at least much better than the embarrassment of the five centimeters per second and the sound of the stars.

   At this stage, in addition to Chuyu's own animation fans, other passerby animation fans are familiar with Puella Magi Madoka's work.

   Just like this, Huang Ming has spent a lot of money on a lot of publicity.

   Nowadays, Madoka Magica is gradually being looked down upon by major animation companies and audiences, and they feel that this work may be a failure of Shui Xin.

Of course, it is a failure compared with the speed of five centimeters per second. After all, thanks to the word water core, no agency predicts that Madoka Magical Girl's episodes will be played less than 3.5 million points. The results, in the eyes of general animation companies, are already very good results.

However, I look down on some of my colleagues... Huang Ming and everyone in the animation studio are a little uncomfortable, but everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the day when the animation is broadcast in October... ..