I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   And the information Huang Ming revealed to a kind of animation audience is not only that, he also said very positively directly in the show.

   "Shui Xin said that this is a subversion of the magical girl theme animation, it is not deceiving, as long as you continue to follow it, you will understand the meaning of this sentence."

   In the past few days, Huang Ming's interviews revealed a lot of things.

   is not only the audience, the Dragon Kingdom animation industry is also paying attention to the future development of Madoka Puella Magi.

   And many impatient fans also gathered directly under Chu Yu Weibo to ask him what kind of development this work will look like next.

  Chuyu naturally couldn't be spoiled, he just posted a post after seeing more people asking about the plot of Madoka.

   "As a screenwriter, I naturally can't spoil the plot behind, but the theme of this animation throughout the whole text can tell you...that is the hope in endless despair!"

This is what Chuyu said.

Magical Girl Madoka's work has won numerous awards in the parallel world, although it was introduced later in China in that world, and the animation environment at the time was relatively poor, with a lot of piracy, so it had an influence in China. Slightly inferior, but on the island of Japan in the parallel world, this work has a huge influence.

In the parallel world of 2011, Madoka Magica was born. In the year when the masterpiece was blown out, she defeated fatezero, the crown of evil, the gate of Destiny, Unheard Flower Name, Future Diary, and other works of the year. Later, he won three awards in animation, and the sixth in BD sales history. Its influence will continue for a few years after the end of the work. It can be described as one of the pinnacle works in the animation industry.

   Similar to the experience in Long Country, this work was tepid when the first two episodes were broadcast in the parallel world, but it exploded directly after the three episodes.

   Because the plot after the third episode is too dark and desperate.

  The magical girl who clearly carries love and hope in the understanding of everyone, but its essence contains things that do not match this point......

The so-called road of magical girl, once you choose to set foot on it, it becomes a monster that is neither **** nor devil. It is a road of no return. At the end of this road...waiting for them There is only endless despair.

When Chu Yu watched this work, she couldn't bear to read it until she saw the last words. Even in the last words, Madoka found a way to break the magical girl's final destiny, but in the end, the ending came to Chu. Yu can only say ha ha...

   Madoka, she.....After all, she was alone in carrying everything...

   It won't take long anyway. It only takes a few months for him to let many animation fans of Long Country know the essence of this work.

   And Chu Yu's speech made the fans feel a little confused.

   Endless despair, this is too exaggerated. It's nothing more than that sister Bama Meimei died miserably. Although it is really uncomfortable for such a charming girl to receive lunch in this way, it has not reached the point of despair!

   But they also believe that Teacher Shui Xin will not aimlessly. If you look at it, you should know what this means!


  Because it is a quarterly animation, it is impossible for Huang Ming to spend too much time running to participate in these talk shows, otherwise no one on the animation production team will be responsible for coordinating the overall situation.

   In the much anticipated expectation, the fourth episode of Magical Girl Madoka also aired smoothly.

   And the title of Chapter 4 is somewhat inquisitive, "Miracle, magic exists!".

  Combined with what was said in the previous plot, becoming a magical girl can make a wish to Chobe...this wish is the so-called miracle, right?

  In other words...After experiencing the tragic death of Mami in the last episode, did Kamemaru and Sayaka still decide to become magical girls?

   The audience sitting in front of the computer had many doubts in their hearts.

   This is really courageous!

  The next plot is Sayexiang's memory.

   The childhood violin boy she admired, Kamijou-kun can only continue to be hospitalized because of the accident, and it seems that his music career will be ruined forever in the future.

   Even so, Sayaka stayed beside him all the time.

   In the anime, Sayaka's inner narration is also very confused. She is thinking if the wish she made after becoming a magical girl is to restore Kamijo Kyosuke, would he thank herself? Still say... he will have other feelings for himself.

   When she realized that she wanted to use the power of magic to obtain something that shouldn't be obtained in this way, Sayaka felt guilty in her heart...

   "I'm such a bad boy..."

   Many viewers who watched the animation can only sigh in their hearts, this guy is too simple!

   would be annoyed by this kind of things. If I like anyone to this level, I just wish to marry him and save the trouble of dating.

   In the next second, Sayaka's narration in the animation is to draw the attention of the animation audience.

   "In retrospect, I didn't know anything at that time......what it meant to pray for miracles."

   "And the price that needs to be paid for this...!"

   Some viewers of quite a flowery viewing age reacted immediately when they heard this narration.

   Isn't it that... the wish you made when you became a magical girl is not so simple? Making this wish.... Is there a price to pay?

   But I haven't heard Chobe mention this in the plot before!

   The story scene switched to Madoka's side.

   Because of Mami's death, Madoka received a huge shock in her heart.

   She doesn't want to be a magical girl anymore, but before Bamamei died, she agreed with Bamami to become a magical girl and become her companion.

   Now that Bamamei is dead, if she shrinks out of fear, wouldn't it be a betrayal of Bamamei.

   During the meeting with Sayaka on the rooftop, Madoka cried and said.

   "I also know this is very cunning, now I just want to protect myself..."

   "But, there is no way..."

   "I just can't breathe just thinking of that kind of death!"

   At this time, Chobe looked at the two of them in Tiantai Mountain with red eyes.

   Seeing this, coupled with the somewhat depressing and low background music, many viewers also felt a little depressed.

   It seems that the story has progressed to this point, indeed... the magical girl in this animation is not a good job.

Although becoming a magical girl can make a wish to Chobe, the soul gems obtained after becoming a magical girl will be filthy due to continuous use of magic, so magical girls must hunt witches to obtain the Seed of Lament to purify their soul gems .

   Look at it this way.... Isn't the so-called magical girl just using the price of a wish to let you face the dangerous monster of the witch for the rest of your life?

   Baba Mami is strong enough, but it's not that she died young, and she didn't even have a corpse after her death.

   But the cowardly Madoka and the impulsive Sayaka become a magical girl, how long can they continue to fight?

   Madoka in the animation has a retreat mentality at this time. The audience can also understand that they have to run away for them!

In the subsequent plot, Madoka ran to sister Ma Mei Mei's house alone and looked at the empty room. Only then did she deeply feel that B Mami is dead, and in this world, except for her, Sayaka and Outside of Xiaomeiyan, no one knows the final fate of Bamamei.

   Madoka who couldn't stand it decided to leave here, and finally met Akomi Homura outside Bamami's house.

   "The end of the magical girl...That's it!" Xiao Mi Homura said to Madoka.

   Along with the weird music, Akomi Homura and Madoka had a conversation.

  Anyone who has carefully watched the plot can find that Xiao Miyan has an extraordinary feeling for Madoka.

   But it is true that Xiao Miyan is a transfer student and she has never met Madoka before, but why does she attach so much importance to Madoka?

   When she stopped Madoka from becoming a magical girl from the beginning, everyone still thought she was a bit annoying.

   But looking at it now, she is indeed thinking about Madoka.

At the end of this episode, when a group of people suicide with a group of people because a good friend Renmi, the green-haired girl, was seduced by the witch, Madoka rescued them, but the same... Pulled into the enchantment, just when she was about to be killed by the witch.

   there...a man in a cloak, like a knight, appeared to rescue her.


   In the animation, Madoka looked at the figure, her eyes full of bewilderment.

   But Sayaka didn't have time to explain so much, but she solved the witch neatly.

   As expected... Did the blue-haired girl make a wish to become a magical girl?

   At the end of this episode, a red-haired magical girl also appears. Judging from her lines, she seems to be hostile to Sayaka.

   The fourth episode of the animation is over here.

   But many viewers are still very proud of it, because if you put aside the past inherent impression of the magical girl theme, look at ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Indeed, this setting is quite interesting.


   This is not enough.

   Although the plot of the fourth episode is not bad, not only does a new character appear, but also digs deep into the heart of Kagomaru, Sayaka's exchange for Xiao Miyan, making the characterization of these three more vivid.

   But this kind of plot is far from the subversive works and despair mentioned by Shui Xin.

  Many people who heard that the headless senpai came to make up the fan, felt a little disappointed in their hearts.

   It looks like the fourth episode, and it's a bit procrastinated, but many people can see that this episode should be a transitional plot, and there is no other way.

   In other words, whether this work is a masterpiece or just a short-lived work, it is enough to watch the plots of the fifth and sixth chapters.

   No matter how slow the work is, by the time the five or six chapters are more than half of the length of the work, any hidden plot will also appear.

   Hidden and tucked, then it is not slow heat, that is the screenwriter's brain damage.

  Which reader will be able to accept you for so long?

   Animation readers are not so patient.