I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   Early in the morning, the first ray of eyes shone into the room.

   Xia Yin rubbed her wistful eyes and got up.

   At the computer next to the bed, she downloaded all the various video materials about Madoka Magica.

   This includes Chu Yu's remarks on this work on various occasions and Huang Ming's remarks on the show.

   Nowadays, there are still some people in the outside world who are still skeptical about what Shui Xin and Huang Ming said about the magical girl's follow-up plot will have a huge turn, thinking that this is just a marketing method.

   Perhaps the plot of the work itself is unremarkable, and then the author made these remarks just to attract the audience to the pit. After all, attracting a pit is an income. In the face of money, this kind of operation is also natural.

   But...During the broadcast of Puella Magi Madoka Magica, whenever Chu Yu came to the T-Bone Animation Company to get along with her, Xia Yin would ask for some information about this work.

   Thinking back to Chu Yu's calm expression when discussing related topics with her, Xia Yin always thought this guy was very hateful.

   Being calm is too annoying!

   It is clear that his works compete with his own at the same time, but you never see any tension in Chu Yu.

   When talking about Puella Magi Madoka Magica's work, there was a faint confidence in her tone, as if the best performance in the animation broadcast in October is Madoka Puella Magi.

   And... Xia Yin turned on her mobile phone and looked at Gu Yan, who had been set as her mobile phone wallpaper and lock screen.

   Gu Yan in the photo held a strawberry ice cream in his hand, raised his eyes, and looked towards the camera with a light smile.

   A trace of firmness flashed in Xia Yin's eyes.

  Whether it is from a personal point of view or to make herself a better career, she can't accept that she loses to Chu Yu.

In Xia Yin's opinion, Gu Yan would like Chu Yu's man with no sense of humor. He must have been fascinated by his talent in animation. If he squeezed that guy out in front of Gu Yan. At the altar, Gu Yan might have the same feelings for himself because of this...

Speaking of it, Xia Yin also felt that the progress of her relationship with Gu Yan was the same as that between Gu Yan and Chu Yu. After all, after several months of getting along, she and Gu Yan had progressed from a friendship to a girlfriend. , And beyond... Basically, there is no room for breakthrough.

  Since I chose to approach each other as a friend at the beginning, it will be difficult to turn this emotion into a love emotion in the future.

   Thinking of this, Xia Yin sighed.

   began to dress up, ready to go to work in the company.

  Opening the closet, Xia Yin is even more uncomfortable when she sees the rows of women's clothes she bought by herself.

Since establishing a good relationship with Gu Yan, she has sealed off her previous men's clothing to prevent Gu Yan from being wary of her, and began to dress herself up as a lovely girl every day, and continue to do so..... Xia Yin had the illusion that she was an ordinary girl.

   After combing her hair, putting on a black skirt and boots, Xia Yin picked up her bag and came to the company.

   Just as soon as she came to the company, she saw Gu Yan sitting on a chair in the public area, staring at the phone intently.

   came so early?

   "What are you looking at?" Xia Yin showed a smile on her face and walked over.

   "Xia Yin...you see, the evaluations on the Internet have all improved. Everyone is seriously discussing the plot, which is completely different from a few weeks ago." Gu Yan said with a smile.

   "Better? It seems that our "Brave into the Abyss" has always been well received on the Internet? "Xia Yin glanced at Gu Yan's phone, and suddenly her expression turned black.

   Gu Yan entered the discussion group of Madoka Puella Magi, and the work he said was Madoka Puella Magi.

   And with the switch of Gu Yan's penguin group, what water heart support group, water heart comic group discussion group, water heart animation discussion group... all came up.

   What a long time, did you come here early in the morning just to scan this information here?

   Xia Yin's heart started to have lemons.

   "Hey, Gu Yan, at any rate, we are also competitors with him. Shouldn't you be worried about the improvement of his animation performance?"

   "Worry? Why?"

"You think, the current October animation situation is very obvious. Basically, our brave is out there. The next three works are competing for the second, third and fourth place. If the October animation situation is maintained like this Going on, at least this animation of the brave can get the seat of the winter man aerodynamic champion, and even if the later results are better, with a performance of more than five centimeters per second, it is not impossible to win the title of this year's popular animation champion... ...."

"In the animation broadcast in October, I still don't understand the future of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's work. At this time, you should hope that Chu Yu's work will remain in a downturn in popularity. Don't It's a spoiler. In this case, the brave won the title of popular animation of the year, and you are also the voice of the protagonist of this work. With this kind of achievement, you will definitely be promoted to the ranks of Long Country's first-line seiyuu from now on...... For your own consideration, you should stand on the same front with me and hope that Magical Girl Madoka's work will hit the streets!"

   "Really?" Gu Yan thought for a while, nodded, "It seems so!"

   Then he lowered his head and started to scan the information about Magical Girl Madoka and Shui Xin on the Internet.

   Xia Yin raised her eyebrows.

  What's the reaction? Anyway, you are also an important core member of the hero animation production team that has fallen into the abyss. Are you so perfunctory in front of the producer?

   "Okay, don't watch it! It's working time soon, you must have not eaten breakfast yet, go downstairs and have breakfast!"

   Xia Yin looked upset, and pushed Gu Yan to have breakfast downstairs in the company.

   The two beauties have attracted the attention of many people along the way.

   In a pastry shop, Xia Yin began her painstaking admonition again.

   Let Gu Yan give up the unrealistic thoughts in his heart, don't hold any hope for the straight man, instead of hanging on a tree, it is better to look at the surrounding forest.

But this was another persuasion she had returned without success. After eating early, Gu Yan was reading all kinds of news about Shui Xin. Xia Yin could only look at her speechlessly, feeling a certain The hostility of the guy got deeper.

   Then, Chu Yu finally came to T-bone animation company.

   Gu Yan was still working in the dubbing room, but he didn't have time to come. Xia Yin picked up the storyboard and discussed various things with Chu Yu.

   At the end, when Chu Yu was about to leave, Xia Yin finally did not hold back the curiosity in her heart.

   "Hey, Chu Yu... I ask you a question."

   "Huh? Let's talk!" Chu Yu replied while wearing his coat.

   In the past few weeks, Xia Yin will ask him something about Madoka Magica after work discussions are over.

Chu Yu basically understands Xia Yin's thoughts. Now the fourth episode of the magical girl Madoka is aired, and the episode's average broadcast volume is only a little over three million, but she has been inquiring about Madoka. All kinds of information, it is obvious that she has been jealous of Madoka Magica, and she is worried that Madoka's final results will overwhelm her work...

However, in Chu Yu's opinion, this kind of incident should be a high probability event. After all, Madoka Magical Girl is also a benchmark in animation works in another world..... Put aside the small probability of dissatisfaction. Chu Yu felt that the final result of Madoka Magica's work should be better than five centimeters per second.

But after all, the other party is also an animator with initial D, so Xia Yin asks something about Madoka and he doesn't hide it. After all, he still likes this kind of benign competition~www.mtlnovel.com~I think I ask you...Do you really don't like Gu Yan at all? "Xia Yin looked at Chu Yu.

   "Cough, cough, cough..." Chu Yu didn't respond at once, and didn't come over in a breath.

   "What are you asking for?" Chu Yu looked strange.

   "Nothing, just curiosity!" Xia Yin said.

   "After all, I am also a good friend of Gu Yan, so I just care about this matter."

   Chuyu had heard that Gu Yan talked about the reason why her relationship with Xia Yin had progressed so fast, so she didn't doubt it.

   "My opinion of Gu Yan is just like your feelings for Gu Yan, it's just a pure friendship."

   "Really?" Xia Yin looked a little unnatural, and then looked at Chu Yu suspiciously.

   "Such a beautiful beauty, you didn't have a moment, and you had a feeling of heartbeat for her?"


  Chuyu subconsciously remembered the various female anime characters that Gu Yan had loved him in the past few weeks. He was always attracted to him. That shouldn't be considered a heartbeat, so he said firmly.
