I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly

   At eight o'clock in the evening, many fans on major video sites opened the seventh chapter of Puella Magi Madokazu.

  As soon as the animation started, the plot went on to the next level, and Sayaka, with a tired face, returned home.

   The soul gems that looked like life were also thrown on the table at will. You must know that the soul gems now are herself. Throwing herself on the table so casually, you can imagine Sayaka's inner chaos at this time.

   In the following plot, Sayaka quarreled with Chobe about becoming a soul gem.

   In general, Chobe's answer said three things.

The magical girl's soul is jeweled to protect them. After all, the body is no longer a body. The injury to the body can be repaired with magic power. The pain can be closed to the lowest or even no pain, and the body will be strengthened, which can guarantee the witch to the greatest extent. Survival rate in battle.

   But Sayaka only pays attention to one question... Is she still a human being as a magical girl?

   And... With such a body, how will she face Kyosuke Kamijou?

   Seeing this, many people were silent.

   Sayaka became a magical girl because he liked Kyosuke Kamijou and promised to make his hand hurt better. Among them, there are many who want to make Kyosuke Kamijou appreciate her, watch her, and love her.

   This kind of thinking is understandable, but now that she has become a blue stone, is she still qualified to fall in love with others? If not... then what is the point of her becoming a magical girl and turning her soul into a stone?

   Replaced by ordinary people, should have long been unable to bear the collapse!

   But when Sayaka was lonely and lonely, unexpected people appeared.

   is the red-haired girl Kyoko Sakura...

   was carrying a bag of apples. He was the one who knew the truth about the magical girl only last night, but now he is eating apples as if nothing happened.

   To be honest, many viewers looked at this character, and their dislike for her inexplicably decreased. After all, they were just a girl who was deceived by Chobe. Although she acted more utilitarianly, where could it be so bad?

   She and Sayexiang were strolling on the street. Although the tone of voice was still so high, the content of the words unexpectedly comforted Sayexiang.

   But Sayaka didn't seem to appreciate it very much. Kyoko who came to an abandoned church kindly threw an apple to Sayaka to eat, but Sayaka threw it away.

   Kyoko immediately grabbed Sayaka's collar and wanted to attack, but in the end, she picked up the apple and ate it silently.

   Then, Kyoko and Sayaka told the story of becoming a magical girl.

   In order to help his father, who is a priest but rejected by everyone, to recruit believers, he made a wish to become a magical girl.

But this wish was also accompanied by a curse of equal weight. Knowing that the reason why his missionary activities would go so smoothly was because Kyoko's father who used magical power was frustrated, his self-esteem was frustrated and because he could not bear the result, he killed all his family members and committed suicide. , Only Kyoko is left.

   "Because I did not consider others and made a wish without authorization, everyone became unfortunate as a result!"

   "At that time, I vowed to myself that I would never use magic for the sake of others. This kind of power...I used it all for myself."

   "Miracles are not free. If you pray for hope...the same despair will radiate."

   Kyoko looked at Sayaka in front of her and said to her.

   "So...you just start again, just live for yourself freely!"

   This girl... is really good!

  Many anime fans suddenly had a big change in Sakura Kyoko.

I used to think that she was a person who used all means to achieve goals, but now it seems...she actually cared about her former enemy Sayaka inexplicably, and said so much to her just hoping that Sayaka's mind would calm down. Don't think too much.

   "Why do you care about me?" Sayaka asked suspiciously.

   "You and I both started from the same mistake..." Kyoko picked up the apple, still in that arrogant tone.

   The background music rang out, and the audience's inexplicable brain filled the orange atmosphere.

   "Although I have seen it through, you still make the same mistake and can't stand it anymore."

   But Sayaka didn't accept her opinion, but responded calmly.

   "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding of you before."

   "However, I did not regret making a wish for others. In order to prevent this feeling from turning into a lie, I decided not to regret it anymore..."

   "Forever...no regrets!"

   "Where is your apple? How did you get it? Have you paid for it?"

   "So...I can't eat that apple!"

   After speaking, Sayaka turned and left.

Kyoko behind    said angrily.

   "Idiot, we are magical girls, there is no other kind of like."

   "I will use my method to fight...If this gets in the way of you, then just kill me like the last time." Sayexiang's eyes were firm.

   "I will not lose, nor will I hate!"

   This is so standing!

   However, the prerequisite for not hating, regretting, despair is...Don't love it!

   But I have to say that this story was set up by Sayaka and Kyoko.

   There is nothing wrong with the concepts of the two of them... It's just that each has its own outlook on life.

   It's just that... Sayaka's way of living would be very tiring.

   But anyway, these two red-haired and blue-haired girls are so cute!

   is just a plot of less than ten minutes, which suddenly changed the audience's impression of Kyoko and Sayaka. Many fans are lamenting that Shui Xin has soared in his creative skills.

   But, soon, the audience felt the malice of the screenwriter Shui Xin.

Two minutes later, Sayaka and Madoka's common Jiyou green-haired girl Hitomi played again, and directly said to Sayaka that she also likes Kamijou Kyosuke, but Sayaka and Kamijou are childhood sweethearts, and things come first, so she Give Sayxiang a day to confess in advance, if Sayxiang fails to succeed, you can't blame her.

   Good friend Hitomi's words instantly defeated Sayaka's self-confident psychological defense.

   Indeed, she may not care about herself becoming a gem, or she may not care about the danger of her being born to death and fighting a witch.

   But she couldn't care less, her favorite Kyosuke Kamijou was snatched away by others.

   Hitomi gave her a day to decide whether to confess to Kamijou-kun, but what can she do? She is no longer a human being, but if she does nothing, good Jiyou will probably take away the people she likes...

So sad!

   Seeing this, many animation viewers feel uncomfortable, whether the plot is a bit too depressing.

   "I almost regretted it today!"

   "If I didn't save Renmei then..."

   Sayaka cried and told Madoka what she really thought in her heart.

   "Kyosuke is about to be snatched by Hitomi, but I can't help it...because I'm dead! I'm a zombie."

   "With this body I cannot say please hug me, nor can I say please kiss me."

   But even at the moment when his psychology was on the verge of collapse, Sayaka still did not forget to attack the witch.

   The following pictures can be said to make viewers who are already very uncomfortable at the moment feel a stronger healing.

  Magic Girl Madoka's work, Sayaka's exclusive bgm: "Fate" sounds.

   In the animation, in the enchantment of the witch, Sayaka's face and figure have only black outlines. This scene is like a black shadow play again.

   She faced the monster in front of her alone...the witch.

   She does not avoid the witch's attack, and allows the sharp tentacles of the monster in front to pierce her body, and then she also slashes the witch's tentacles with a sword.

   Injury for injury, life for life.

The throat, abdomen, chest, arms, neck, these deadly parts, she is not defensive, allowing the witch on the opposite side to attack, and then repair it with magic power. Only by attacking and attacking, it seems that free attack can overcome the sadness and discontent in her Vent it out.

   But this kind of her, as she said, is no longer a human being, but a very resilient zombie, an immortal monster.

   Regardless of the injury, regardless of the consumption of magic power, even the audience can see it...The last line of defense of her whole psychology has been defeated by the fact that she can no longer be with Kyosuke Kamijou.

Whether Hitomi and Kamijou Kyosuke can be together is no longer important, but Hitomi's words let Sayaka clearly understand that it is no longer possible for her to be with Kamijou Kyosuke, because she cannot bear such an inhuman monster and the favorite Kamijou. Kyusuke contacts.

   At this moment, Sayaka realized who he was.

   She made a wish for Shangjiao because she was selfish and wanted Shangjiao to be grateful to her and stay with her.

   But now, after she made a wish, she has become an inhuman being, but Kamijou-kun is going to be with other people. Then what is she, isn't it ridiculous?

   So she refused Sakura Kyoko's help and continued to fight the witch alone~www.mtlnovel.com~ Sayaka was laughing.

   "It's true, as long as I want, pain or something... can be completely eliminated."

  Magic Girl Madoka Magica's seventh chapter ended, and the dark ed sounded again.

   But the vast majority of the anime audience is still immersed in the blackened battle of Sayaka in the last five minutes of Chapter 7 of Puella Magi Madokazu.

   It is true that the pain in the body can be eliminated with the power of the magical girl, but what about the pain in the heart?

   In the first half of this episode, the screenwriter made the audience understand that Sayaka is a justice messenger who insists on fighting the witch even if he becomes an inhuman monster.

   But in the second half of Chapter 7, the screenwriter showed the audience that such a strong girl also has spiritual weakness.

  Fighting with the witch and Kyoko, the senpai died tragically, and she turned into a monster without breaking her, but her childhood friend Kyosuke Kamijo was her only weakness.

   At this time, the audience felt very depressed.

   Such a good girl is abused by your Shui Xin!

  Magic Girl Madoka Magical Girl Chapter 8 How can we bear to see it?