I Just Want to Draw Comics Quietly


  Wang Yuan looked away from the ed in Chapter 7 of Puella Magi Madoka Magica on the computer screen. This is the third time he has watched this episode.

   Every time I look at it, I have a different feeling.

   Before he came into contact with Magical Girl Madoka Magica, Wang Yuan was also a fan of Magical Girl works.

   Don't ask him why a twenty-six-year-old man likes this kind of animation, it's because of love...

   If it wasn't because of love, how could he spend half of his monthly salary on buying anime products? How often do the female protagonists of various magical girl-themed animations of women's clothing cos go to the comic show? So much so that many of his friends in the house circle ridiculed him. In fact, under his handsome face, there is a girlish heart hidden.

Originally, before following Madoka Magica's work, Wang Yuan only thought that this work was just an ordinary work of this type, but with the attitude of not letting go, he followed this work all the way. Until now.

   But what I have to say is......Magic Girl Madoka's follow-up plot development exceeded his expectations, and also exceeded the expectations of everyone in the dragon country animation industry.

   Up to now, the sweet and sweet plot that everyone imagined has never appeared in the whole work. Some are just digging holes and filling pits to set up foreshadowings, and this depressing and **** depressive plot.

Speaking of it, since the death of the third episode, the atmosphere of this work has been heavier from episode to episode, but it is a gradual process, so the audience did not feel too intuitive, but after the seventh episode was broadcast .....

  Wang Yuan only felt that the depression accumulated in the hearts of the audience in front of this work broke out with Sayaka's mental breakdown during Sayaka's darkened battle in the last five minutes of this episode.

   Until now, fans of this work have deeply realized how heavy the word "magic girl" is in this work, and how sad the existence of "magic girl" is.

Everyone who appears in this work is good. There are no bad guys with facial makeup in other works. All the wishes made by those who become magical girls are kind and sincere, but in the end, these lovely girls are all alone. All ushered in a tragic life.

  Where is this magical girl? This is obviously the curse that Chobe put on these girls.

   That's right... Chobe!

  Wang Yuan thought of this guy with a cute look. In fact, he was trying to lure ignorant girls to become magical girls, and the cost of becoming a magical girl was not clear to others. He was simply a representative of a black-hearted businessman.

   Wang Yuan decisively opened the first episode of Puella Magi Madoka Magica's animation, wanting to send a bullet screen to remind those who are just entering the pit not to be obsessed with this innocent appearance but a **** inside.

Because the first episode has been broadcast for six weeks, the animation has accumulated enough barrage. When Wang Yuan fast-forwarded to this episode, the moment when Kewpie was chased by Xiao Miyan and then saved by Madoka. The entire barrage was swiped by a burst of strange words...

   Xiao Meiyan, go up and make up the knife, don't hesitate!

   Chobe is such a cute creature, why don't we take it to braise it!

   look at it, here is Chubby who has only heatstroke!

   Remove the head and the protein content is ten times that of beef!

  On Chobe's one hundred cooking methods.


   What is this?

  Wang Yuan looked at these bullet screens, a little bit funny, but immediately he realized that this work has accumulated so many fans now unknowingly?

It's no wonder that the day before episode 7 was broadcast, according to the data given on major websites, the average broadcast volume of Madoka Puella Magi's work has reached 4.4 million. This year's quality The explosive October animation market can also be ranked in the top five. Such results are not bad.

Although it is definitely not comparable to the brave who has fallen into the abyss, the position of the three works in front of Puella Magi Madoka is not so stable. If Madoka Puella Magi will continue this kind of **** development in the follow-up plot, maybe After the work is finished, the ranking may surge to the top three.

   Wang Yuan thought about it, and quit the video playback software.

   Although the plot is brutal, but inexplicably, Magical Girl Madoka has a strange attraction that makes Wang Yuan want to keep watching.

What will happen to Sayaka's fate in the follow-up plot? Will Madoka be tempted by Chobe to become a magical girl? What is Xiao Meiyan's real purpose? As the plot unfolds, these questions are bothering many Chuyu fans. .

   And quite a few of them are constantly pouring in with friends and online Amway's work. The popularity of Puella Magi Madoka Magica is still rising rapidly even now.

  Many animation websites are no longer purely graphic recommendations. Many websites see Madoka's popularity, and they simply come up with some programs to analyze why this work is so popular?

   After all, although Puella Magi-themed animations have always existed in the Dragon Kingdom, there are basically few such works that can eventually achieve Puella Magi Madoka's performance trend.

   In the magical girl-themed animation in the past six or seven years, Madoka's score is well-deserved first, and this score is still rising.

   At first, those who watched Shui Xin's jokes were also silent at this time, and they were a little speechless in their hearts.

   In the Dragon Kingdom animation industry, it is no longer normal for the works of celebrities to hit the street. Those who have the ability will eventually prove themselves, but the guy Shui Xin is too weird.

Every work has a bad start, breaks out in the middle stage, and super **** in the later stage. It is like a bait that makes them these anime critics hook and then slap their faces, especially those who directly spray Magical Girl Madoka in the early stage are garbage For this time, Shui Xin will lose to the few famous commentators of the Dragon Kingdom who have no underwear directly by Chu Yu's fans during this time.

   Anyway, everyone can tell now that this young man is very strange. When predicting the performance of his work in the future, he will keep a hand in advance and don't speak too loudly, otherwise he will be embarrassed when he says it wrong.

   And in the end, after episode 7 was broadcast, Puella Magi Madoka's grades have risen by a large amount as expected.

   and the ranking of the results has also risen by one place, temporarily ranking fourth with an average of 5.2 million broadcasts.

  The members of the animation production team who was squeezed by the magical girl Madoka's work Killing Forest were all speechless.

  Although, this possibility was also expected, but no one had expected that it would be so fast, and also did not expect that his own work would be smashed.

However, it's not just the animation production team of Killing Forest. The producers of the first two animations are also very panicked. The two to five works are not much different. This week, they barely managed to keep their position, but the next How about a week?

And the popularity of this work has also risen too fast~www.mtlnovel.com~ There is still a gap of hundreds of thousands of episodes in the last week. This is only a week, so many fans have skyrocketed, and Didn't see the producer of Puella Magi Madoka's work invest money in advertising, so with the spontaneous propaganda of fans, can they increase their followers?

   Many people are puzzled, but Xia Yin, who really has been paying attention to Chu Yu, is not surprised.

After all, there are so many fans of Mianwu and the Voice of Stars. Many people thought that Magical Girl Madoka was not good-looking and did not enter the pit, but the subsequent plot turn was so big, coupled with the publicity of the tap water, those fans of Chu Yu were naturally many Also come back to watch this animation.

And Xia Yin also knows very well that judging from the current momentum of Magical Girl Madoka, this is just the beginning. If the follow-up plot of this work is still so topical, it may not take a few weeks...Magic Girl Madoka can threaten her work.

   really deserves to be the man I fancy, he actually rushed all the way from the 20th place in the air to the present....

Ok? It seems that there is something wrong with the sentence in my mind just now.

   Xia Yin is also under pressure at this time, but it is more of a fighting spirit. After all, Madoka Magical Girl is more excited when she is the opponent of her work than the next three mediocre productions.